Dhammalata's picture

It's so practical ....

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 6 Mar, 2018 - 01:42

It's so practical ....

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 6 Mar, 2018 - 01:42

Actions have consequences is a very concise way of encapsulating Buddhist teaching. Every thought, every action, every word that we participate in has an effect. It is karma (action) and it has a consequence …..

So when I sit down and deliberately choose to respond to myself and others with kindness I am setting up conditions for future happiness and well being; it’s very practical!

It’s a powerful and challenging idea don’t you think, to really take...

Viryanaga's picture

Applying to FutureDharma for Funding

From FutureDharma on Mon, 5 Mar, 2018 - 17:24

Applying to FutureDharma for Funding

From FutureDharma on Mon, 5 Mar, 2018 - 17:24

If you are planning, or already run, a Triratna Dharma project then FutureDharma Fund might be able to help. We have three different funding routes depending on your project - Central projects, Major Projects and the Small Grant Fund (details of each round provided below). 

You may submit an expression of interest to us anytime, but Central and Major Projects applications may only be submitted when each funding round is open. The small grant programme is open for applications throughout the year. Please contact ...

Viryanaga's picture

FutureDharma Fund - Small Grants Programme

From FutureDharma on Mon, 5 Mar, 2018 - 16:25

FutureDharma Fund - Small Grants Programme

From FutureDharma on Mon, 5 Mar, 2018 - 16:25

FutureDharma is able to provide a number of small grants of up to £3,000 for inspirational Triratna Dharma projects and initiatives which have immediate funding needs or smaller local projects which are prevented from establishing themselves due to a lack of local funds.

Example of projects we supported with this fund in the 2017 include:

  • Flight costs for a Venezuelan mitra to attend a GFR retreat in Mexico.
  • Room rental costs for the Clacton-on-sea mitra group.
  • Matched funding for the new Colchester Buddhist Centre’s signage.
  • Travel costs for visiting
  • ...
Shantavira's picture

Shabda March 2018

From Order Connection on Thu, 1 Mar, 2018 - 12:20

Here is the latest edition of Shabda in five digital formats:

  • eBook Shabda .EPUB – read on most other eBook readers (eg Nook or Kobo, etc) and most eReader apps on tablets, smartphones etc.
  • eBook Shabda .MOBI – read on any Kindle, and some eReader apps on tablets, smartphones, etc.
  • PDF Shabda – read with any PDF reader
  • HTML Shabda (zip file) – unzip, and then read with any web browser
  • Print Shabda: Print your own (and your friends’) Shabdas. Save time and postage costs.

Terms and...

Sadayasihi's picture

5 Years of The Buddhist Centre Online: #2 Gathering Together in Large Numbers

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 28 Feb, 2018 - 16:37

5 Years of The Buddhist Centre Online: #2 Gathering Together in Large Numbers

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 28 Feb, 2018 - 16:37

The growth of the bhikkhus is to be expected, not their decline, bhikkhus, so long as they assemble frequently and in large numbers; meet and disperse peacefully and attend to the affairs of the Sangha in concord..

From the Maha-parinibbana Sutta

The Buddha elaborated on the conditions for the Sangha to prosper, one of which, as we see above, was for his disciples to gather in large numbers. Sangharakshita, the founder of the Triratna...

Amaradaya's picture

Dāna Cafe, Sheffield- NewsByte

From Clear Vision Trust on Fri, 23 Feb, 2018 - 15:14

Dāna Cafe, Sheffield- NewsByte

From Clear Vision Trust on Fri, 23 Feb, 2018 - 15:14

A few sangha members from Sheffield start up a new Buddhist run business in the city; a vegetarian cafe called Dāna. Clear Vision spends a day with them hard at work and we hear about the setting up of the project.

Sanghanistha's picture

Riding a Tiger - Padmasambhvava in the Life of the Order OM

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 20 Feb, 2018 - 15:31

Riding a Tiger - Padmasambhvava in the Life of the Order OM

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 20 Feb, 2018 - 15:31

Riding a Tiger – Padmasambhava in the life of the Order

Men’s UK & Ireland Area Order Weekend, Padmaloka, Friday 4th to Sunday 6th May

The May Area Order weekend will be devoted to the Rainbow-bodied One, the Greatly Precious Guru Padmasambhava.

Recently, Bhante reminded us how important Padmasambhava has been for him. He also reminded us that Padmasambhava continues to be very much alive in his own life, as well as in the life of the Order.

During the weekend we will be...

Suryaprabha's picture

Holy Lanka

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Mon, 19 Feb, 2018 - 21:21

Holy Lanka

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Mon, 19 Feb, 2018 - 21:21

My trip to Sri Lanka January 2017 was a chance for me to try shooting 4k with a Sony AX100 camera bought second hand just days before the flight from London. So an experiment. Edited, and even sound edited, on FCP X. Altogether a new and, um, interesting experience. More so than the holiday itself, perhaps, because I had noone to share the trip with, though I did enjoy a few days spent with Jinasena at his wonderful restaurant in...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Meditating In The Caves At Bhaja

From Triratna International Council on Mon, 19 Feb, 2018 - 17:24

Meditating In The Caves At Bhaja

From Triratna International Council on Mon, 19 Feb, 2018 - 17:24

We got up early today to meditate in the early Buddhist caves at Bhaja, which are over 2000 years old! 

For more pictures and stories from around Triratna, follow us on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Ratnakumar - The Lion's Roar for the Next 50 Years

Our first talk on the final day of the 2018 Triratna Buddhist Order International Convention at Bodhgaya in India. Ratnakumar from Orissa, India, gives a rousing call to Dhamma practice as an example we can set for the future and for those who follow in our footsteps on the path over the next 50 years.

Talk recorded at Bodhgaya, India, February 2018.

See all posts from the 2018 International Order Convention
