Suryaprabha's picture

The Life of the Order

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Mon, 23 Apr, 2018 - 10:09

The Life of the Order

From Lights In The Sky - living dharma on Mon, 23 Apr, 2018 - 10:09

Lights in the Sky film commissioned to celebrate 50 years since the founding of the Triratna Buddhist Order in London, 7 April 1968. It’s a 45 minute compilation of the main themes of the four-part History of the FWBO series

Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Searching for the Sublime

From Western Buddhist Review on Sun, 22 Apr, 2018 - 19:46

Searching for the Sublime

From Western Buddhist Review on Sun, 22 Apr, 2018 - 19:46

Here is a review by Ben Atmer of Vajragupta’s new book from Windhorse Publications:

VajraguptaWild Awake: Alone, Offline & Aware in Nature

Windhorse, Cambridge, 2018, £10 pb

review by Ben Atmer

Vajragupta, a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order and writer, has had published a new book based on his long and deep immersion in the practice of solitary retreat. He attempts, for the most part remarkably successfully, to convey his sense of intimacy with the natural world, and tries to suggest just what it...

Candradasa's picture

First Release From 50 Years, 50 Voices

From Community Highlights on Wed, 18 Apr, 2018 - 23:27

50 Years, 50 Voices is our beautiful new online project to document 50 years of people’s commitment and practice within the Triratna Buddhist Order around the world.

This week we are delighted to release the first extracts from the recordings commissioned. And most fittingly these are by Ananda, one of the very first batch of Order members ordained in 1968. Here he is talking delightfully about his first meeting with Sangharakshita and his own quest for an exotic, magical way...

Satyalila's picture

50 Years, 50 Voices: Ananda (Highlights)

From Buddhist Voices on Wed, 18 Apr, 2018 - 22:55

So my impression of Bhante was that he was a magician who had some secrets that I wanted to get…

Listen to the whole conversation with Ananda—and subscribe to the Buddhist Voices podcast for more full-length recordings from Fifty Years, Fifty Voices.


Ananda’s Annals 
In 1968 I was a 24 year old hippy living in a Buddhist commune in Purley.  I was also a sound engineer working at the BBC.  I was ordained into the Western Buddhist Order in April 1968.

In 1978 I...

Prajnaketu's picture

Saddhanandi on Responsibility Q&A

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 16 Apr, 2018 - 15:19

Saddhanandi on Responsibility Q&A

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 16 Apr, 2018 - 15:19

In this Q&A session with the young facilitators, Saddhanandi explores with great depth and humour the topic of responsibility - How do we learn from mistakes? How do we measure success? When do we act as individuals and when as group members? How does spiritual growth manifest in action? And so many more pithy teachings!

Filmed at the March 2018 Young Facilitators weekend at Adhisthana - thanks to Sanghadhara for posting this!

Prajnaketu's picture

Saddhanandi interviewed by Kusaladevi

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 16 Apr, 2018 - 15:16

Saddhanandi interviewed by Kusaladevi

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Mon, 16 Apr, 2018 - 15:16

‘Responsibility is the ability to respond’

Saddhanandi evokes the spirit of Dharmic responsibility in this wonderfully personal interview with Kusaladevi.

Filmed at the March 2018 Young Facilitators weekend at Adhisthana - thanks to Sanghadhara for posting this!

sanghadhara's picture

Sangharakshita - Celebrating 50 years of The Triratna Buddhist Order (Interview by Saddhandi)

From Clear Vision Trust on Mon, 16 Apr, 2018 - 11:17

Sangharakshita - Celebrating 50 years of The Triratna Buddhist Order (Interview by Saddhandi)

From Clear Vision Trust on Mon, 16 Apr, 2018 - 11:17

Saddhanandi Interviews Sangharakshita during the Celebrations of the 50th Anniversary of The Triratna Buddhist Order at Adhisthana, UK - 7 April 2018

RCheesley's picture

A Women's Day with Parami

From Ipswich Buddhist Centre on Fri, 13 Apr, 2018 - 14:10

A Women's Day with Parami

From Ipswich Buddhist Centre on Fri, 13 Apr, 2018 - 14:10

Open to all women of the Triratna Buddhist Community sangha.

A fantastic opportunity to spend the day with Parami, public preceptor and a very experienced order member.

Join us at Ipswich Buddhist Centre from 10am-4pm on Sunday, 22nd April.

Places are limited so early booking advised - you can book online via Eventbrite here.

Please bring a veggie lunch to share if you are able.

If the cost of the ticket is a difficulty please contact us before booking your space by emailing enquiries [at] (subject: Parami%20Day%20Enquiry)

Dhammalata's picture

Changing to Tuesdays ...

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 10 Apr, 2018 - 01:13

Changing to Tuesdays ...

From Coogee Buddhist Group on Tue, 10 Apr, 2018 - 01:13

Starting from this week (TODAY!!) our weekly evening meditation is changing to Tuesday evenings

6.30 - 7.30 pm

There will be a delicious cup of tea and cake / biscuits from 6 pm and this will be a regular fixture from now on.

So if you haven’t been along for awhile why not come along and say coo-ee and check in with yourself and others to experience some kindly spaciousness …………


Satyalila's picture

50 Years, 50 Voices - The Trailer!

From Buddhist Voices on Sun, 8 Apr, 2018 - 17:55

50 Years, 50 Voices - The Trailer!

From Buddhist Voices on Sun, 8 Apr, 2018 - 17:55

Our beautiful new online project to document 50 years of people’s commitment and practice within the Triratna Buddhist Order around the world.

The Triratna Buddhist Order turns 50 on the 7th of April 2018. The Dharma is alive amongst our 2,000+ Order Members across the globe, in many forms.

Triratna is founded on a radically traditional vision – what does that mean in practice? What does that really look like, feel like, ‘taste like’? This fiftieth birthday is an ideal time to bring together a...
