mokshini's picture

For UK BAM champs - 'The Great Get Together' - street party anyone?

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 12 Apr, 2017 - 15:47

For UK BAM champs - 'The Great Get Together' - street party anyone?

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 12 Apr, 2017 - 15:47

I admit I love the title of the event - “The Great Get Together” - who wouldn’t want to join in! - Especially as it is in honour of Jo Cox this year, who, as it says below, “believed that we have more in common than divides us” - well that sums us up too, I should think. Here is the info from the website:  

UK Refugee Week (19-25 June ) is supporting the Great...

vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the poetic truth of the imagination

From Tiratanaloka on Tue, 11 Apr, 2017 - 22:08

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the poetic truth of the imagination

From Tiratanaloka on Tue, 11 Apr, 2017 - 22:08

It’s 60 years since the publication of ‘The Survey’.  To celebrate, here is today’s quote:

As so often happens in the Mahāyāna sūtras, we find ourselves in this passage in a purely spiritual world which transcends thought and speech.  Words are used not conceptually but symbolically, and their truth is not the scientific truth of the intellect, but the poetic truth of the imagination.  We are in the realm of the spiritually positive, a world glowing with colour and flashing with light.  Ch1.9


mokshini's picture

triratna @ 50: For the Welfare of the World - a talk by Subhuti

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 11 Apr, 2017 - 09:15

triratna @ 50: For the Welfare of the World - a talk by Subhuti

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 11 Apr, 2017 - 09:15

Subhuti is one of Sangharakshita’s closest disciples and a long- standing order member. Here is a link to a talk he gave at the London Buddhist Centre as part of their celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the Triratna Buddhist Community 

mokshini's picture

Exeter Sangha outing to the Bristol Buddhist Centre to celebrate Triratna's 50th

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 11 Apr, 2017 - 09:11

Exeter Sangha outing to the Bristol Buddhist Centre to celebrate Triratna's 50th

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 11 Apr, 2017 - 09:11

A group of us from Exeter and Devon travelled up to the Bristol Buddhist Centre on Saturday 8th April to join in with their celebrations. It was a lovely day and I personally really enjoyed being warmly welcomed by a larger sangha

As part of the day we listened to four short talks on one of Sangharakshita’s poems, Four Gifts: 

I come to you with four gifts. 

The first gift is a lotus flower. 

Do you understand?

My second gift is a golden net. 

Can you recognise it? 

My third gift is a shepherd’s round dance. 

Do your...

vajratara's picture

Extra quote from 'The Survey'! Latent in every sphere of consciousness...

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 22:16

Extra quote from 'The Survey'! Latent in every sphere of consciousness...

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 22:16

By popular (well, it’s Padmavavyuha’s favourite!) request, I’m giving an extra quote today, this time from Lama Govinda.

The quality of enlightenment is inherent in the universe, or more correctly, latent in every sphere of consciousness, and therefore must come to maturity, according to universal law, whenever the conditions are favourable. Ch1.5

Read more about this project… 

Nandavajra's picture

Full time vacancy for IT Manager at Karuna Trust

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 17:12

Full time vacancy for IT Manager

Inspired by Buddhist values, Karuna exists to end caste-based discrimination, poverty and inequality in India and Nepal. Our work with individuals focuses on education, dignified livelihoods and gender equality, transforming communities and changing society.

Karuna is currently recruiting for an I T Manager. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining IT systems to enable our fundraising, programmes and finance teams to carry out their work as effectively as possible.

We offer a generous and flexible support package...

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Karuna Trust vacancy1.19 MB
Rijupatha's picture

Aryaloka Kids Celebrate #Triratna50!

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 16:41

Aryaloka Kids Celebrate #Triratna50!

From Triratna Buddhist Families on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 16:41

Children’s activity decorating the hands of Avalokitesvara at Aryaloka Buddhist Center, posted for #Triratna50.

vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the heartbeat of Buddhism

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 16:26

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the heartbeat of Buddhism

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 16:26

It’s 60 years since the publication of ‘The Survey’.  To celebrate, here is today’s quote: 

Be the traditional Buddhist cosmology a sober statement of scientifically verifiable fact, or a delirious flight of poetic imagination, it reflects on its own level a law whose operation is as the heartbeat of Buddhism, the law that when the conditions for the production of phenomenon - from the falling of a leaf to the birth of a Buddha - are present, the effect will inevitably follow. Ch1.5


sanghadhara's picture

Triratna50 In The North!

From Triratna@50 on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 15:40

Sanghadhara at the UK Northern region event in Sheffield to mark the 50th anniversary of Triratna as a Buddhist community. Talking to Dharmamayi and Moksatara (Padmasagara couldn’t make it!). Catching up on highlights from the day, and reflecting on what it’s like as younger Order members to hear stories from “the old days”.

Subscribe to The Buddhist Centre Online podcast (iTunes) | Subscribe to the podcast (other services) 

Ratnagarbha's picture

New Issue about to be published

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 12:34

New Issue about to be published

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 12:34


Urthona issue 33 – THE FRIENDSHIP ISSUE – will be in bookshops next month. Subscribe now to be sure of your copy.

Highlights include:

The Grey is Silver untransformed…. Haunting art photograph by new rising star, Brighton based Buddhist photographer Sahajatara.

Why is it not wonderful? Maitreyabandhu on his poetic mentorship with poet Mimi Khalvati.

New poetry from Subhadassi, Manjusura, Ian Marriott, Pam Cooper, John Danvers, Cath Drake, Lynn Hoffman and many others

Ed Piercy on friendships between children on screen. He also touches on the...
