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Free Buddhist Audio

Triratna@50 - For the Welfare of the World

From London Buddhist Centre on Mon, 10 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
The fire of peace has been ignited in the world by the Buddha. It burns brightly today in the Triratna Order and movement, and inspired by Sangharakshita’s vision will burn well into the future – but how do we fan the flames so that the heat of practice transforms the world?
vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the attainment of Enlightenment

From Tiratanaloka on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 21:49

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the attainment of Enlightenment

From Tiratanaloka on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 21:49

Not only is it the 50th anniversary of the Triratna Buddhist Community, it is also the 60th anniversary of the first publication of ‘A Survey of Buddhism’, Sangharakshita’s seminal introduction (a rather weighty one) to Buddhism: ‘its doctrines and methods through the ages’.  This book is studied by those training for ordination on ‘The Transcendental Principle’ retreat.  Tiratanaloka are running that retreat right now, and to celebrate both anniversaries we will be giving you a quote each day.  So for...

Vajracaksu's picture

Special action for #5: a course called 'Saving the Earth'

From Buddhist Action on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 19:12

For the second year running for BAM I’ll be offering a free meditation & Buddhism course in Istanbul called, “Saving the Earth” based on Akuppa’s book. I’ve designed a 6 week course for regulars that can be used for English speaking Triratna centres and groups. The book is now 8-9 years old but I also include more up to date material written last year by Tejopala. There are just a few copies of the book left by e-books are available. If...

sanghadhara's picture

The Beating heart - Dharmamayi

From Triratna@50 on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 12:21

The Beating heart - Dharmamayi

From Triratna@50 on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 12:21

Dharmamayi’s talk at the Triratna 50th Anniversary celebrations. Sheffield Buddhist Centre. 8 April 2017

sanghadhara's picture

The Fragrance of the Perfect Life - Sanghadhara

From Triratna@50 on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 12:16

The Fragrance of the Perfect Life - Sanghadhara

From Triratna@50 on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 12:16

Saṅghadhara’s talk at the Triratna 50th Anniversary celebrations at the Sheffield Buddhist Centre. 8 April 2017

sanghadhara's picture

Dharma on the doorstep - Moksatara

From Triratna@50 on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 12:15

Dharma on the doorstep - Moksatara

From Triratna@50 on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 12:15

Moksatara’s talk at the Triratna 50th Anniversary celebrations. Sheffield Buddhist Centre. 8 April 2017

sanghadhara's picture

The Golden Net - Padmasagara

From Triratna@50 on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 12:14

The Golden Net - Padmasagara

From Triratna@50 on Sun, 9 Apr, 2017 - 12:14

Padmasagara’s talk at the Triratna 50th Anniversary celebrations. Sheffield Buddhist Centre. 8 April 2017

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Subhuti - For the Welfare of the World (Audio)

From Community Highlights on Sat, 8 Apr, 2017 - 23:01

A great talk by Subhuti, live streamed around the world from London at the time, to mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Triratna Buddhist Community. 

The fire of peace has been ignited in the world by the Buddha. It burns brightly today in the Triratna Order and movement, and inspired by Sangharakshita’s vision will burn well into the future – but how do we fan the flames so that the heat of practice transforms the world?

Chaired by Subhadramati....

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Gyproc & Flares: Sukhavati in the 1970s

From Community Highlights on Sat, 8 Apr, 2017 - 23:46

Gyproc & Flares: Sukhavati in the 1970s

From Community Highlights on Sat, 8 Apr, 2017 - 23:46

Siddhiratna sent this amazing short archive film of the very early days of the FWBO (former name for Triratna) in London in the 1970s as the new community there were preparing to build what would become the London Buddhist Centre in an old fire station…

“The videos were shot on Standard 8 film in what I think would be the mid ’70s, maybe ‘76, ‘77. The corrugated iron still up on the windows and Subhuti, Ratnaguna, Dharmapriya (?) and others are...

gunaketu's picture

What Is The Sangha? (Norwegian Edition)

From Triratna@50 on Sat, 8 Apr, 2017 - 23:39

What Is The Sangha? (Norwegian Edition)

From Triratna@50 on Sat, 8 Apr, 2017 - 23:39

A cool wee video from Gunaketu and the Norwegian Triratna community saying what the word ‘sangha’ (spiritual community in a Buddhist context) means to them as part of the Triratna@50 celebrations…

Gratulerer med dagen!
