
Triratna@50 (project)

Created on Thu, 6 April, 2017 - 14:51

Click + follow above for regular updates throughout the year from Triratna@50

On the weekend of the 8th and 9th of April 2017 we will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Triratna Buddhist Community. While this is a very significant date, we also see it as the start of a great year-long project, where we can collectively share the best of Triratna. 

The team at the The Buddhist Centre Online will be working...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Subhuti's Triratna@50 Talk - Live Stream From London, Saturday 8th April

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 6 Apr, 2017 - 14:39

Subhuti's Triratna@50 Talk - Live Stream From London, Saturday 8th April

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 6 Apr, 2017 - 14:39

On Saturday we’ll be taking part in the London Buddhist Centre’s Facebook Live streamed talk by Subhuti:

Tune in here at 4pm UK / 11am EST / 8.30pm Mumbai

Subhuti: For the Welfare of the World
The fire of peace has been ignited in the world by the Buddha. It burns brightly today in the Triratna Order and movement, and inspired by Sangharakshita’s vision will burn well into the future – but

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Triratna@50 This Weekend...

From Triratna@50 on Thu, 6 Apr, 2017 - 14:15

Triratna@50 This Weekend...

From Triratna@50 on Thu, 6 Apr, 2017 - 14:15

Today, the 6th April 2017, marks the 50th birthday of Triratna! This weekend we kick off our year of celebration and gratitude for all that’s been achieved around the world since Sangharakshita and a small group of women and men first gathered to meditate together in a small room in London all those years ago…

+follow above for regular updates this weekend and throughout the year from Triratna@50 

We’ll be bringing you a flavour of just some of the international gatherings this weekend as our anniversary year...

Vajrashura's picture

Happy 50th Birthday Triratna!

From Dublin Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Apr, 2017 - 13:12

Happy 50th Birthday Triratna!

From Dublin Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Apr, 2017 - 13:12

This week is the 50th anniversary of the founding of our community, the Triratna Buddhist Community!

On the evening of April 6th, 1967, around 24 people gathered in a room in London where they recited a ceremony specially written by Sangharakshita to inaugurate this new Buddhist movement.

Now, all these years later, the Triratna Buddhist Community has grown into a worldwide community of men and women inspired by the Buddha-Dharma, including our own Sangha here in Dublin.

On Sunday 9th April, 10am - 5pm, we’ll be...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Rambles Around Reality - The Bodhicitta - Part Three

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
Subhuti unfolds his latest reflections on the Dharma - the final instalment.
Candradasa's picture

New Podcast: Maitreyi Interviews Subhuti on 'Women, Men And Angels'

From Buddhist Centre Features on Wed, 5 Apr, 2017 - 17:37

Following on from his statement of personal regret about the publication of ‘Women, Men And Angels’ and the views expressed in it, here is Subhuti in conversation with Maitreyi, going into detail around that regret, and sharing his thoughts on a very painful episode in Triratna history, including the story of how it all happened. What emerges in the course of the interview is an exemplary look by two good, old friends at how confusion can arise -...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Rambles Around Reality - The Bodhicitta - Part Two

From London Buddhist Centre on Wed, 5 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
Subhuti unfolds his latest reflections on the Dharma.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Reflections On the Bodhicitta and 6 Paramitas

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Wed, 5 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
Padmavajra shares some of his early sources of inspiration around the Bodhicitta and Bodhisattva Ideal and then proceeds to give a concise yet integral summary of the 6 paramitas. This talk was given as part of the Bodhisattva Ideal retreat at Padmaloka in April 2017, which was centred around studying selected sections from Gampopa's Jewel Ornament of Liberation.
