jvalamalini's picture

Triratna50 in Bristol playlist

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 17 Apr, 2017 - 16:56

Triratna50 in Bristol playlist

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 17 Apr, 2017 - 16:56

Four short talks on Sangharakshita’s poem ‘The Four Gifts’ - plus general video of the day.

Four Gifts
I come to you with four gifts.
The first gift is a lotus-flower.
Do you understand?
My second gift is a golden net.
Can you recognize it?
My third gift is a shepherds’ round-dance.
Do your feet know how to dance?
My fourth gift is a garden planted in a wilderness.
Could you work there?

vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the secret of bondage is the secret of liberation

From Tiratanaloka on Sun, 16 Apr, 2017 - 19:22

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the secret of bondage is the secret of liberation

From Tiratanaloka on Sun, 16 Apr, 2017 - 19:22

To celebrate 60 years since the publication of ‘The Survey of Buddhism’, here is today’s quote:

Far from being due to fate or chance or the fiat of the creator-god, human bondage to phenomenal existence is the product of human volitional action.. The secret of bondage is also the secret of liberation.  By exerting a force strong than that of hate, stronger than desire, stronger even than ignorance, the Wheel of Becoming can be made to revolve in the opposite direction… Ch1.13

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Gift of Shepherds' Round-Dance

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 16 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
The third of a symposium of talks on Sangharakshita's poem The Four Gifts,for a celebration of the Triratna Buddhist Community's 50th anniversary, at Bristol Buddhist Centre, April 2017. I come to you with four gifts. The first gift is a lotus-flower. Do you understand? My second gift is a golden net. Can you recognize it? My third gift is a shepherds’ round-dance. Do your feet know how to dance?
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Gift of a Garden In a Wilderness

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 16 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
The fourth of a symposium of talks on Sangharakshita's poem The Four Gifts,for a celebration of the Triratna Buddhist Community's 50th anniversary, at Bristol Buddhist Centre, April 2017. I come to you with four gifts. The first gift is a lotus-flower. Do you understand? My second gift is a golden net. Can you recognize it? My third gift is a shepherds’ round-dance. Do your feet know how to dance? My fourth gift is a garden planted in a wilderness. Could you work there? I come to you with four gifts. Dare you accept them?
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Gift of a Lotus-Flower

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 16 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
The first of a symposium of talks on Sangharakshita's poem The Four Gifts,for a celebration of the Triratna Buddhist Community's 50th anniversary, at Bristol Buddhist Centre, April 2017. I come to you with four gifts. The first gift is a lotus-flower. Do you understand?
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Gift of a Golden Net

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Sun, 16 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
The second of a symposium of talks on Sangharakshita's poem The Four Gifts,for a celebration of the Triratna Buddhist Community's 50th anniversary, at Bristol Buddhist Centre, April 2017. I come to you with four gifts. The first gift is a lotus-flower. Do you understand? My second gift is a golden net. Can you recognize it?
vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the flame of desire

From Tiratanaloka on Sat, 15 Apr, 2017 - 20:26

Daily quote from 'The Survey': the flame of desire

From Tiratanaloka on Sat, 15 Apr, 2017 - 20:26

To celebrate 60 years since the publication of ‘The Survey of Buddhism’, here is your daily quote:

Dependent upon karma-resultant vedanā (feeling) arises trsnā / tanhā, hunger and thirst, or craving for excitement; the fever of unsatisfying longing.  It is the flame of desire that burns unsatisfied from birth to birth until once and for all extinguished in the cool waters of Nirvāna… The interval between these two nidānas is the battlefield of the spiritual life and to experience feelings yet check

Maniraja's picture

Upcoming Ordinations at Guhyaloka

From Order Connection on Sat, 15 Apr, 2017 - 20:23

Upcoming Ordinations at Guhyaloka

From Order Connection on Sat, 15 Apr, 2017 - 20:23

Dear Order Members,

The Spring 2017 Ordination retreat here at Guhyaloka is going well.

I am delighted to tell you all the men who were invited will be ordained. The Private Ordinations begin on Saturday 22nd April over four nights.

The Public Ordinations will take place at 12pm local time (12pm CET) which is (11am BST) on Monday May 1st.

The men getting ordained are:

David Ford
Dave Cooke

vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': ideas and empires

From Tiratanaloka on Fri, 14 Apr, 2017 - 19:47

Daily quote from 'The Survey': ideas and empires

From Tiratanaloka on Fri, 14 Apr, 2017 - 19:47

To celebrate 60 years since the publication of ‘The Survey of Buddhism’, here is today’s quote:

The double method of analysis and synthesis is in Buddhism applied not only to the external phenomena of nature but to the internal phenomena of mind, and that a thought no less than a thing, an idea equally with an empire, is resolved into a complex of infinitely extensive relations between infinitesimally small parts.  Ch1.12

Read more about this project 
