Sangharakshita's picture

A message from Urgyen Sangharakshita: a Postscript to ‘What is the Western Buddhist Order?’

From Order Connection on Wed, 12 Apr, 2017 - 19:17

A message from Urgyen Sangharakshita: a Postscript to ‘What is the Western Buddhist Order?’

From Order Connection on Wed, 12 Apr, 2017 - 19:17

A Note on ‘Disciple’: a Postscript to ‘What is the Western Buddhist Order?’

In the period since this interview was conducted in 2009, my use of the term ‘disciple’ as a description of a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order has given rise to considerable discussion.

The starting point for my reflections on this topic has been my understanding of the nature of Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels. This derives from my understanding of the Dharma and is connected, in turn,...

Candradasa's picture

Buddhist Voices From Mexico - Upeksamati On How To Start A Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Centre Features on Thu, 20 Apr, 2017 - 16:52

Continuing our series of in-depth conversations with Buddhists in Mexico, here is the irrepressible Upeksamati: Dharma pioneer in his homeland and founder of the Mexico City Buddhist Center. 

We hear of his own Buddhist training in England in the 1980s and ’90s and how that influenced his approach to bringing what he learned back home again. We get, in effect, a crash course in the essentials of starting a new Buddhist Center - at scale, and with ambition!

Always engaging, always in love with...

Prajnaketu's picture

Women's sub 35 retreat at Vajrasana 9-11th of June

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 20 Apr, 2017 - 11:22

Women's sub 35 retreat at Vajrasana 9-11th of June

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Thu, 20 Apr, 2017 - 11:22

Danayutta writes:

Dharma practice is a vigorous and courageous engagement with life, the world and reality. On this retreat, we will be exploring meditation and Buddhist practices that will help us strengthen and embody the fearless wisdom and compassion that transforms ourselves and the world.

Suitable for women who regularly practice the mindfulness of breathing and metta bhavana.

9-11th of June, Vajrasana, £180/£140

Booking essential

vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': transcending opposites

From Tiratanaloka on Wed, 19 Apr, 2017 - 22:00

Daily quote from 'The Survey': transcending opposites

From Tiratanaloka on Wed, 19 Apr, 2017 - 22:00

To celebrate 60 years since the publication of ‘The Survey of Buddhism’, here is today’s quote:

At every stage of the spiritual life we are faced by the necessity of making a choice between either of two opposites, on the one hand, and the mean which reconciles the opposition by transcending it, on the other’.  Ch1.16

Read more about this project 

dayasara's picture

Are you ready for BAM?

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 19 Apr, 2017 - 21:09

Are you ready for BAM?

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 19 Apr, 2017 - 21:09

  In the middle of BAM Elton John is playing a concert at Portman Road, which is 300 metres from the Ipswich Buddhist Centre. I hope his business people will be OK that I’ve put new words to one of his songs, usually rendered as “Are You Ready for Love?”. The chorus works well, but I’ve only managed one verse and even that is work in progress, so all suggestions for further development are welcome.


vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': simply for its own irresistible sake

From Tiratanaloka on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 19:34

Daily quote from 'The Survey': simply for its own irresistible sake

From Tiratanaloka on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 19:34

To celebrate 60 years since the publication of ‘The Survey of Buddhism’, here is today’s quote:

Not for our own sake, not even for the sake of others, should we seek to attain the Divine, but simply and solely for its own irresistible sake. Ch1.15

Read more about this project 

parami's picture

Forthcoming ordinations in Mexico

From Order Connection on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 17:29

Forthcoming ordinations in Mexico

From Order Connection on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 17:29

Dear Order Members,

We are delighted to inform you that the following women will be ordained here in Mexico. The private ordinations will take place in Chintamani retreat centre through the day on Wednesday 19th April. The public ceremony will take place at the México City Buddhist Centre on Sunday 23rd April at 2.00pm local time (GMT- 5). 

Nos alegramos informarles que las siguientes mujeres se van a ordenar aquí en México.  Las ceremonias privadas...

mokshini's picture

What is mindfulness?

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 14:36

What is mindfulness?

From Exeter Triratna Group on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 14:36

Last week Vidyadasi led the class and explored what we mean by ‘Mindfulness’ - what qualities are we looking for? In addition to a guided practice and discussion there was time to reflect on some notes & points on the theme of mindfulness: 

Mindfulness is not the same as thinking about something.   It is more like ‘awareness’.

In mindfulness, we are just ‘being’, not ‘doing’.

These things are ‘doing’: planning, worrying, remembering, replaying, ruminating, comparing, going over, wondering, imagining.

Turn off the autopilot.

‘Mindfulness is the awareness that emerges through paying...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Anapanasati Retreat - Padmaloka 2017

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 18 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
The Anapanasati meditation practice and Four Foundations of Mindfulness are woven into a system of practice which when developed and cultivated is of great fruit and great benefit. Based on the Buddha's principal discourse on the subject found in the Anapanasati sutta of the Pali Canon, we explore our human experience rooted in the six senses; from the perspective of body, feeling and mind in the context of mindfulness with breathing. This series of talks was given by Guhyavajra during the 2017 Anapanasati meditation retreat at Padmaloka.
vajratara's picture

Daily quote from 'The Survey': cessation is not the last word

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 17 Apr, 2017 - 19:48

Daily quote from 'The Survey': cessation is not the last word

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 17 Apr, 2017 - 19:48

To celebrate 60 years since the publication of ‘The Survey of Buddhism’, here is today’s quote:

Cessation is, however, far from being the last word of Buddhism.  Though indicated mainly by negative expressions, Nirvāna, the goal of the disciple’s career, is not in itself a state of mere non-existence… What the disciple achieves with the breaking of the last link of the chain binding him to phenomenal existence can be described not only as the cessation of ignorance, but also, more positively, as

