vajratara's picture

Thinking of asking for ordination?

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 11:23

Thinking of asking for ordination?

From Tiratanaloka on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 11:23

Are you a woman thinking of asking for ordination and would like to find out more?  Come to a weekend at Tiratanaloka to explore what ordination means, mythically and practically.

29 September - 1 October 2017

Saccanama's picture

Ordinations in Mexico City 23rd April 2017

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 10:35

Ordinations in Mexico City 23rd April 2017

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 10:35

The following women received their public Ordination in the Mexico City Buddhist Centre.

En El Centro Budista de la Cuidad de México, las siguentes mujeres recibieron su ordenación pública:

Public preceptor / Preceptora pública Parami:

Gisela Peters becomes Moksasi (dot under the first ‘s’, long ‘a’ and long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning She who holds the Sword of Freedom. ...

Saccanama's picture

Malini appointed as a public preceptor

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 10:19

Malini appointed as a public preceptor

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 1 May, 2017 - 10:19

Malini introduces herself:

‘I connected with the Western Buddhist Sangha (as it was then named), in 1967. Bhante did everything and it never occurred to me that that would change. I got ordained in 1969 by Urgyen Sangharakshita and still I assumed he would do everything for ever! About a year after ordination I moved to Cornwall to see what it would be like to live alone. I planned to be there 6...

mokshini's picture

International Gathering 2017 - the programme

International Gathering 2017 - the programme

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Sun, 30 Apr, 2017 - 15:39

Click +follow above to receive regular updates on programme additions. 

The overall theme for the gathering is Our Future Dharma — What the World Needs Now

On the Friday, Saturday and Sunday morning of the event we will listen to talks by Prajnaketu (European Young Buddhists Coordinator), Dhammamegha (International Council Secretary) and Arthakusalin (Chair of Ghent Buddhist Centre) - they will explore the Three Jewels as gifts we have to give the world.

Each afternoon will be taken up by a range of workshops which...

mokshini's picture

Booking for the International Gathering

Booking for the International Gathering

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Sun, 30 Apr, 2017 - 15:17

Booking for the International Gathering is now open! 

If you are planning to come to the event, do book early as numbers are limited and it also really helps the organising team with their preparation. You can find booking information on where you’ll also find information about the gathering in different European languages

There are three prices for the event, and these include all facilities, meals, teaching etc.£165 for those on a wage
£125 for those on Triratna support or a...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Breaking Through to Buddhahood

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 30 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
In this talk Suddhaka explores how we can use Buddhist practice to transform our conditioning into the beautiful qualities of wisdom and compassion. Suddhaka uses his own experiences of what holds us back from enlightenment in a very personal journey through our everyday life. He discusses how Samatha and Vipassana processes can help us to find freedom in the present moment by reducing our sense of self. This talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre in April 2017 as part of the regular Saturday morning sangha class. There is some traffic noise on the recording.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Breaking Through to Buddhahood

From Croydon Buddhist Centre on Sun, 30 Apr, 2017 - 00:00
In this talk Suddhaka explores how we can use Buddhist practice to transform our conditioning into the beautiful qualities of wisdom and compassion. Suddhaka uses his own experiences of what holds us back from enlightenment in a very personal journey through our everyday life. He discusses how Samatha and Vipassana processes can help us to find freedom in the present moment by reducing our sense of self. This talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre in April 2017 as part of the regular Saturday morning sangha class. There is some traffic noise on the recording.
vajratara's picture

An opportunity to join India Dhamma Trust

An opportunity to join India Dhamma Trust

From India Dhamma Trust: "At the heart of a peaceful Dhamma Revolution" on Sat, 29 Apr, 2017 - 13:32

We have a new opportunity to support Dhamma work in India by joining the India Dhamma Trust team as a trustee treasurer. A third of our Order and roughly half of the Movement is in India with a fraction of the resources we have in the UK.  There are an estimated 10 million people who have embraced Buddhism, but who need guidance from a committed Sangha on how to deepen their practice.  Would you like to make a significant...

Buddhadasa's picture

On Conflict within the Sangha

From Shabda Articles on Sat, 29 Apr, 2017 - 00:42

On Conflict within the Sangha.

To help process and understand a period of prolonged personal conflict during the formative years of the Melbourne Buddhist Centre I wrote of my experience in what became A Short Manual Towards Understanding Conflict Within the Order, completed in 1999. Accepting the present movement-wide ‘issue’ - as it’s referred to in India – with the resulting conflicts and contentions afflicting many individual Order members and mitras, it may help if we placed what is happening within the Order...

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Conflict Manual (PDF)100.45 KB
Akasati's picture

What to rely on in our Dharma lives?

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 28 Apr, 2017 - 19:07

What to rely on in our Dharma lives?

From Shabda Articles on Fri, 28 Apr, 2017 - 19:07

In this article is based on a talk I was invited to give at the Eastern Region Triratna Day 49th / 50th year celebration of Triratna in Cambridge. I include some relevant aspects of my own experiences of some 35 years as part of the FWBO / Triratna.  I offer these thoughts as areas for reflection which I hope may be useful.

After having written it, I have become aware that a key theme is our changing relationship with Sangharakshita, whose formal...
