prasadachitta's picture

Death and the only Beauty that lasts

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 15:09

Death and the only Beauty that lasts

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 15:09

An interview with Siddhisambhava during her visit to the San Francisco Buddhist Center. 

mokshini's picture

Warming up for BAM: Global Divestment Mobilisation: 5-13 May 2017

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 10:48

Warming up for BAM: Global Divestment Mobilisation: 5-13 May 2017

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 10:48

For those of us in Europe  - there is the Global Divestment Mobilisation: 5-13 May 2017 - there might be an event you can join in with near you; check it out on 

parami's picture

Ordinations in Mexico / Ordenaciones en Mexico

From Order Connection on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 05:00

Ordinations in Mexico / Ordenaciones en Mexico

From Order Connection on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 05:00

The following women received their public Ordination today in the Mexico City Buddhist Centre.

Hoy, en El Centro Budista de la Cuidad de México, las siguentes mujeres recibieron su ordenación pública:

Public preceptor / Preceptora pública Parami:

  • Gisela Peters becomes Moksasi (dot under the first ‘s’, long ‘a’ and long ‘i’), a Sanskrit name meaning She who holds the Sword of Freedom. 

    Un nombre Sánscrito que quiere decir La que sostiene la espada de la libertad.

    Westernised spelling / Forma gramatical para
  • ...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Story of a Foolish Person: My Life In Triratna

From Birmingham Buddhist Centre on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
Story of a foolish person: how i was given a precious jewel, lost it and then found it again. Join Ratnaguna for a fresh, humourous and soulful look at his life within Triratna. Given on Triratna's 50th anniversary. Ends with a series of reflections comparing how the movement was then, how it is now and what we can learn from these two perespectives.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Looking Ahead

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
As part of celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the founding of Triratna, Maitridaka - one of our youngest and recently ordained Order members - looks forward to the next 50 years.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Looking Back - Pictures of the Past

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
As part of celebrating 50 years of Triratna, Vessantara looks back to the early days of the movement.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Dr BR Amedkar, Urgyen Sangharakshita and Entering the Stream of the Dhamma

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 24 Apr, 2017 - 01:00
A talk from Mahamati, who is the President of Karuna Trust and Secretary to Sangharakshita, on 'the greatest Indian', Dr B.R. Ambedkar, as part of Ambedkar Day celebrations.
Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Ordinations Live From Mexico City!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 23 Apr, 2017 - 20:00

Ordinations Live From Mexico City!

From Buddhist Centre Features on Sun, 23 Apr, 2017 - 20:00

(Note: To hear the sound click unmute. If you can’t see the mute button please enter full screen mode first)

This Sunday, as part of marking a year of celebrating Triratna@50, we are in Mexico City to bring you live coverage of the first public ordinations of the next 50 years!

A group of women from Mexico will be taking this great step in their lives - and you can watch along above (click to play) or via this link on Facebook

mokshini's picture

The Triratna Order

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 23 Apr, 2017 - 06:52

The Triratna Order

From Exeter Triratna Group on Sun, 23 Apr, 2017 - 06:52

Here is Vidyamala, an order member who lives in Manchester, with her typically succinct and warm style, summing up why she likes being a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order. 

You may know Vidyamala as the founder of Breathworks and she has also written a couple of very well-received books on Mindfulness including ’Living Well with Pain and Illness’ 

Mark103's picture

Mark103 Special action for 2017 - #6: 'Climate Change for Beginners: a workshop'

From Buddhist Action on Sat, 22 Apr, 2017 - 12:52

Mark103 Special action for 2017 - #6: 'Climate Change for Beginners: a workshop'

From Buddhist Action on Sat, 22 Apr, 2017 - 12:52

I’ve made this video explaining why I think climate change is important for Buddhists, and giving some ideas on how what Buddhists can offer in facing up to this problem
