mokshini's picture

All you need is … to change your life!

All you need is … to change your life!

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Sat, 24 Jun, 2017 - 17:10

The latest offering at the International Gathering is a workshop led by Jinavamsa, with Priyadaka and Taradakini from and for the Abhayaratna Trust: they say about this workshop it will be “An inspiring blend of talk, reflection, meditation and music. Followed by refreshments and chat with the Abhayaratna Trust team”.

The workshop will be repeated, so you are welcome to come to either the Friday or the Saturday afternoon workshop! They might do a different offering on the Sunday …...

Vishangka's picture

BAM in Manchester, UK

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 23 Jun, 2017 - 15:51

BAM in Manchester, UK

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 23 Jun, 2017 - 15:51

Here in Manchester we’ve had several talks connected to Buddhist Action Month. As part of our regular ‘Triratna Night sangha gathering, we heard Arthaketu and Satyamuni describe the benefits and experience of living differently and working together on Buddhafield North retreats. 

The following week there was a Flashmob Meditation in the city centre, promoting the values of peace and connection with others. This felt particularly apt after  the recent bombing in Manchester.

Then Sthirajyoti and others talked about their experience of working in team...

mokshini's picture

BAM at Sydney Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 23 Jun, 2017 - 12:16

BAM at Sydney Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 23 Jun, 2017 - 12:16

Buddhist Action Month is also happening at the Sydney Buddhist Centre where there is an ongoing impressive engagement with environmental concerns and climate change matters  - part of their practice is helping to #StopAdani - the Australian government’s support for a coal mine at the expense of funding renewables. 

Read more about it here - sadhu!! 


saradarshini's picture

BAM on the Beach - Wellington Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 23 Jun, 2017 - 04:44

BAM on the Beach - Wellington Buddhist Centre

From Buddhist Action on Fri, 23 Jun, 2017 - 04:44

Last Sunday afternoon members of the WBC Sangha got together to pick up litter at Owhiro Bay, followed by a cup of tea at David’s.

mokshini's picture

The Divine Abodes - the upeksha bhavana

From Exeter Triratna Group on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 20:32

The Divine Abodes - the upeksha bhavana

From Exeter Triratna Group on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 20:32

We are continuing our exploration of the body of practices collectively known as the brahma viharas or the Four Immeasurables, and this last Wednesday we spent some time practicing and talking about the upekka bhavana   - the development of equanimity, ” when a mind imbued with metta applies itself to looking at the nature of existence”   - ” a loving and insightful responses based on applying pratitya samutpada [ the law of conditionality] so as to illuminate how...

Candradasa's picture

Refuge - A Film From 1972

From Triratna@50 on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 18:15

Refuge - A Film From 1972

From Triratna@50 on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 18:15

Something for anyone who enjoyed ‘Gyproc and Flares - Sukhavati in the 1970s’

“Refuge” is a film made by Victress Hitchcock and Steven Burckhardt. Locations in and around London: Keffolds, Pundarika, Aryatara.

Here’s what Kamalashila said about the film back in 2013:

“This is how it was - and in many ways, is still. 1972, the year I discovered Triratna. Beautifully made with fascinating clips of such luminaries as Subhuti, Dhammadinna, Graham Sowter, Nagabodhi, Vajradaka and...

Maitrimati's picture

Transforming self and world: street meditation in Shrewsbury

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 10:28

Transforming self and world: street meditation in Shrewsbury

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 10:28

‘We have far more in common than that which divides us’ (Jo Cox)

It was a sunny Saturday morning at Taraloka when Maitrisiddhi and I loaded up the community car to go to the street meditation in Shrewsbury.  When we arrived on Pride Hill we were met by enthusiastic members of the Shrewsbury Sangha, ready to help us unload and get started.  We set up meditation cushions and chairs in the heart of the pedestrianised shopping area, and waited for the band...

dharmamodini's picture

moving into the last week of June: from the ethics of eating to climate change

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 06:13

moving into the last week of June: from the ethics of eating to climate change

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 06:13

As I read about what everyone is doing, I think may Buddhist Action Month simply become Buddhist Action! This coming week in Adelaide we are asking ourselves some of the tough questions about the ethics of eating. Many ordinary foods consumed by millions of people everyday are produced by causing harm, distress and even death to numerous species. In turn the earth is harmed through environmental devastation and climate change. With pratitya-samutpada in heart and mind, we are hearing from folk who have...

akashadevi's picture

West London Buddhist Centre Week 3

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 21 Jun, 2017 - 21:58

West London Buddhist Centre Week 3

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 21 Jun, 2017 - 21:58

We spent yesterday evening’s Sangha night reflecting on our attitude to taking things in, on what holds genuine value for us, and on how to work towards a lifestyle of ‘elegant simplicity’. As home practice, we will experiment with challenging ourselves in terms of food intake this week: eating vegetarian (if not already doing so), vegan (if not already doing so) or trying to source as many seasonal foods as we can locally. We will also monitor how much waste we...

Centre Team's picture
Centre Team

Sangharakshita - The Poetry Interviews

From Buddhist Centre Features on Fri, 5 May, 2017 - 20:49

A series of ten personal interviews between Sangharakshita and Saddhanandi, reflecting on Sangharakshita’s own selections from his extensive body of poetry.

Each interview in this series begins with a lovely reading of the poem by Saddhanandi, and is followed by commentary from Sangharakshita on the verses - discussing his inspiration, the meanings behind the words, and what the poem has to say about spiritual life and his own personal history.

View the dedicated web space:...
