lokeshvara's picture

Reviewing the past OM

From Adhisthana Kula on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 22:06

Reviewing the past OM

From Adhisthana Kula on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 22:06

As part of a reconciliation process we recognised that we need to take a look back at past centres and projects. In our post ‘a reconciliation process’ on the Adhisthana kula blog in April, we proposed:

“2. A review of centres and projects where there has been disharmony

We propose to review projects or centres that we know have had serious difficulties to see what was done to address these at the time, and to ask ‘is there anything more that could...

Sadayasihi's picture

BAM in the Dublin Buddhist Centre - a short report

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 19:10

BAM in the Dublin Buddhist Centre - a short report

From Buddhist Action on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 19:10

It was a busy month in Dublin!

In addition to our BAM programme we asked our Sangha to sign up to one of three challenges: going vegan for the month, exploring how to divest from fossil fuels or taking the plastic challenge.  Quite a few people took up one (or even two!) of these challenges, with the plastic challenge being by far the most popular.  I look forward to hearing how people got on with their pledges for the month.

Here is a...

Vidyamala's picture

Breathworks – a modern take on old truths. With Vidyamala and Sona

Breathworks – a modern take on old truths. With Vidyamala and Sona

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 11:15

What the world needs, and has always needed, are people dedicated to helping both themselves and others to overcome suffering. This is the essence of the Bodhisattva Ideal. With the ever-increasing population in the world there is more and more suffering, so there is an urgent need for us to extend an even larger hand of friendship to all beings.

We have our wonderful urban Buddhist and Retreat centres that help people find ways to deal with the fundamental problem of dukkha...

Ratnagarbha's picture

Urthona Issue 33 launch event at WLBC 1st July

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 10:43

Urthona Issue 33 launch event at WLBC 1st July

From Urthona - A Journal of Buddhism and the Arts on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 10:43

Similar to last year’s excellent event at the West London Buddhist Centre (address below), on 1st July we have another issue launch of Urthona, the Buddhist Arts magazine. Introduced by its poetry editor, Dharmavadana. There will be readings from four poets featured in issue 33 - Caroline Maldonado, Cath Drake, Ian Marriott and Subhadassi – Satyadaka reading his brilliant new Rilke translations, editor Ratnagarbha with translations from Dante, plus music from the Bright Moments Duo: Jonathan Cohen (Piano), Francois Moreau (Double Bass) play...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Shraddha - Part 1

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Mon, 26 Jun, 2017 - 01:00
The first of three talks on shraddha, or faith, given by Saddharaja at Padmaloka as part of the 2017 Summer retreat 'Gateways to Enlightenment'. The talk serves as a clear, rich and engrossing introduction to what faith means in Buddhism.
arthakusalin's picture

Silent action in Ghent

From Buddhist Action on Sun, 25 Jun, 2017 - 22:32

Silent action in Ghent

From Buddhist Action on Sun, 25 Jun, 2017 - 22:32

We did some silent sittings in the city of Ghent to express the value of more stilness and silence in daily life. Several people were sympathetic, several others were not interested, we got one or two a bit more harsh reactions and two people joined us in silent sitting….We will probably do more silent sittings in autumn. It is quite challenging to meditate in the open, just sitting, very vulnerable and at the same time rather vigorous. It tastes like more….

Devamitra's picture

Can Can Cancer Dancer 2

Can Can Cancer Dancer 2

From Stories From the Past and Present (Looking to the Future) on Sun, 25 Jun, 2017 - 18:57

2 Chemo Limbo — Impact

In late 1968, Michael Geliot came to my college to direct the final production for the third-year students, one of whom was me. He had just resigned as artistic director of the Traverse Theatre Company in Edinburgh and was about to take over an equivalent position at the Welsh National Opera. He already had a reputation for being an exciting, though highly controversial, director.

            When we gathered with him for the first session,...

Prajnamati's picture

Bhante on Blake: Dakini as Sangha

From Shabda Articles on Sun, 25 Jun, 2017 - 11:56

This article is part of a project to explore the way Bhante has drawn on the writings of William Blake to teach the Dharma in the west. In this article, I’ve drawn together all the references Bhante has made to William Blake where he is drawing a very particular comparison of Blake’s Emanation to the vajrayana teaching of the Dakini as esoteric Sangha refuge. The overview contains a brief description of how Blake’s emanation mediates communication followed by a summary of...

mokshini's picture

Last few days to go of BAM 2017!

From Buddhist Action on Sat, 24 Jun, 2017 - 18:29

Last few days to go of BAM 2017!

From Buddhist Action on Sat, 24 Jun, 2017 - 18:29

There have been so many events on at our Triratna Buddhist Centres and Groups, and in other Buddhist traditions too - it has been most inspiring to read about the many different ways we have engaged, discussed and shared about some of the particular ethical issues  and dilemmas that face us in the 21st century. 

There are still some days to go - if you haven’t got round to writing about an action that took place at your Centre/Group, or want to...

mokshini's picture

Three main talks ....

Three main talks ....

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Sat, 24 Jun, 2017 - 17:34

Every morning on the Friday, Saturday and the Sunday of the International Gathering we will come together in the main shrine marquee and be invited to listen, explore, and be inspired by talks from on the theme of 

Our Future Dharma: What The World Needs Now

What have we got to offer the world for the next 50 years?!

Over 50 years  our Triratna Buddhist Community has developed into an international spiritual community with a distinctive vision and a wealth of experience of Dharma practice. At...
