Caroline I P's picture
Caroline I P

What is a Buddhist Community?

From Successful Community Living on Thu, 29 Jun, 2017 - 17:54

What is a Buddhist Community?

From Successful Community Living on Thu, 29 Jun, 2017 - 17:54

Catch a glimpse of life in ‘Sukhavati’, a men’s residential Buddhist community in the heart of east London that has been going for nearly 40 years.

Caroline I P's picture
Caroline I P

Triratna Resource Pack

From Successful Community Living on Thu, 29 Jun, 2017 - 16:41

This pack aims to offer a selection of useful resources to anyone in the Triratna Buddhist Community thinking to start a residential community, or already living in one.

It includes practical advice, inspirational material and Dharma resources; also ideas that may help in times of difficulty. It’s a collaborative effort between members of the Triratna Development team (Lokabandhu, Vajragupta, Jnanarakshita), and people from the Young Buddhists Sangha (Alice, Sally, Knut, and others). Thanks to all who’ve contributed.

This pack is part of a growing...

dharmamodini's picture

Four weeks on from Thursday 1st June

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 29 Jun, 2017 - 12:32

Four weeks on from Thursday 1st June

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 29 Jun, 2017 - 12:32

When BAM began, I made a commitment to do a weekly post on this site, to be a part of the wonderful sharing of all the creative activity happening in Triratna communities around the world. Here in Adelaide we are holding our finale event tomorrow night, rejoicing in everyone’s efforts to bring BAM to Adelaide for the first time. It happens also to be our birthday, four years on from when we began offering weekly sangha nights in this city. We...

Maitrimati's picture

Metta in Action

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 29 Jun, 2017 - 11:06

Metta in Action

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 29 Jun, 2017 - 11:06

As a community we had reflected on the theme of BAM and made 5 pledges each that we would do throughout June. A lot of the community went vegan, others picked up litter whenever they saw it, and some took on a reflective element bringing people to mind that they feel gratitude for.

After a month of cultivating this positive energy in the community, we wanted to do something to extend that out to the rest of the world. Sarah is...

akashadevi's picture

West London BAM Finale

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 22:10

West London BAM Finale

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 22:10

WLBC Shrine Queen Tarakarunya pulled out all the stops for our BAM Finale Sangha Night dedicated to Green Tara yesterday evening, creating an exquisite mini-indoor forest. We meditated, explored our attitudes to giving of our money, time and energy in the light of the Buddha’s teachings around generosity, then ended with a ritual and some chanting, which was a new experience for several people present. I hope some people will feel inspired to take up the ancient practice of tithing...

Prajnaketu's picture

Live and work at Taraloka!

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 16:15

Live and work at Taraloka!

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 16:15

Interested in living and working at Taraloka?

Taraloka offers a unique context for women to live a full-time Dharma life, for being of service to others and for personal and collective transformation. 

We’re looking for a new member of the Operations Team to start work in January 2018.  The Operations Team collectively hold responsibility for the practical running and...

Prajnaketu's picture

Street Meditation in Oxford, UK

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 11:21

Street Meditation in Oxford, UK

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 11:21

This week as part of BAM! our drop-in meditation took place at the foot of Carfax Tower in the heart of central Oxford. Though the weather was inclement, even by English summer standards, our spirits were not dampened (unlike our meditation gear…!) and there was quite a lot of interest - and photography - from the local population. Personally, I found it exhilarating to be...

Aryanisha's picture

Croydon Buddhist Centre, UK: Dedicating a new shrine room

From Triratna News on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 10:26

Croydon Buddhist Centre, UK: Dedicating a new shrine room

From Triratna News on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 10:26

This heartwarming Newsbyte video from Clear Vision trust documents a day held at Croydon Buddhist Centre, UK, to dedicate its beautiful shrine room. 

On Saturday 13th May, I joined Sanghadhara (Clear Vision) to cover the event. We were both struck by the sheer number of well-wishers there and the evident friendship they had with each other. Some had travelled from afar and others who could not make it had sent in messages of encouragement. Some were no longer based at the Centre,...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

One Sangha: Diversity and Unity

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 01:00
Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 2 June 2017. Buddhistisches Tor Berlin, Germany
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

One Sangha: Building the Buddhaland In 2017

From Triratna Young Buddhists on Wed, 28 Jun, 2017 - 01:00
Mainland Europe Young Buddhist Convention 3 June 2017. Buddhistisches Tor Berlin, Germany
