Abhayamani's picture

Bam at Cardiff Centre

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 16:31

Bam at Cardiff Centre

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 16:31

Hiya everyone,

Sorry it’s taken me until now to contribute . All I can say is we have been so busy organising things at the centre I have not had the time to spend on this. But here I am now. We seem to have lots going on in Cardiff for Buddhist Action Month and have plenty more things lined up for the next two weeks. Maybe some of them will so successful they will carry on for the rest of the...

shraddhavani's picture

This Sunday: Summer & the Good Life

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 16:14

This Sunday: Summer & the Good Life

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 16:14

This Sunday, June 18, 10AM - 12:30 PM, we will conclude our May-June topic, What is the Good Life? Seeing Past Materialism, Inequality & the Cult of Fashion. This has been a meditation-focused  program exploring the Brahma Viharas - four powerful meditation practices that help us cultivate kindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. We will meditate together, as always, and then look at how the efforts and the fruits of meditation really do help us bring key aspects of a good...

dharmamodini's picture

Journeying through June...and lifetimes

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:59

Journeying through June...and lifetimes

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:59

At this mid-way time through BAM, I am already reflecting on what a journey it has proven to be and what a rich and profound time it has been connecting with others. I have been well aware of the plight of ‘boat people’ fleeing persecution in their homelands and trying to make their way to safety in Australia - only to be held in detention here and treated like criminals - but for the first time today I met with someone who has endured these experiences and...

Momtaz's picture

Learning to ride a bike at 40!

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:24

Learning to ride a bike at 40!

From Buddhist Action on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:24

Written by Momtaz

Nearly everyone assumes that I would know how to ride a bike.  I probably would, if I had grown up with bikes, but I have never had one - although I must admit as I child I did want a bike and I did want to learn how to ride one.  However, as an adult it has never been an essential and I have been perfectly happy to walk whenever I can.  Even after I got my first car...

Momtaz's picture


From Buddhist Action on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:13


From Buddhist Action on Thu, 15 Jun, 2017 - 12:13

Its a common misconception that eggs are central when baking cakes, and that vegan cakes are dry and tasteless. But this isn’t true! You can make delicious cakes that are totally vegan without compromising on taste and texture. For the recent Taraloka open afternoon Momtaz and I spent the day baking vegan cakes, to show visitors how wonderful vegan cakes can be.

Momtaz baked a ‘Luscious Lemon and Poppy Seed’ cake; ingredients were vegan margarine, brown sugar, lemons, soya milk, flour, baking powder and...

mokshini's picture

A bit more on 'The Divine Abodes'

From Exeter Triratna Group on Wed, 14 Jun, 2017 - 16:05

A bit more on 'The Divine Abodes'

From Exeter Triratna Group on Wed, 14 Jun, 2017 - 16:05

Last night at Exeter Sangha Night we continued our theme of the ‘Divine Abodes’ - AKA the brahmaviharas, or the Four Immeasurables. We are exploring this theme as part of Triratna’s Buddhist Action Month 2017

Our topic this week was to practice the skill of being joyful at other’s good fortune and rejoicing in their merits. We talked about taking every opportunity to express our appreciation for others (or in fact to ourselves too!) and noticing the effect that...

mokshini's picture

Dharma Drama - with Liz Armour

Dharma Drama - with Liz Armour

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Wed, 14 Jun, 2017 - 12:57

One of my personal highlights of past International Gatherings is the daily dharma drama; the time of storytelling and enactment by children and adults alike in the evening before the puja: All are welcome to take part!

This year we are again lucky enough to have the multi-talented musician and children’s play worker Liz Armour at the International gathering. Everyone is invited,   young and old alike, to take part in the afternoon dharma drama session. We’ll first listen to...

mokshini's picture

Mindful Communication with Jayaraja

Mindful Communication with Jayaraja

From Triratna International Gathering 2017 - What The World Needs Now on Wed, 14 Jun, 2017 - 12:33

Jayaraja, chair of Buddhafield, is offering an experiential workshop on this year’s International Gathering. It will be about sharing communication skills, on how to speak from the heart, with honesty and with compassion. How to listen and understand the inner world of another to build connection and trust. He will be drawing from the work of Marshall Rosenberg, (NVC), Dan Siegel (Interpersonal Neurobiology), and the Buddha’s teaching on skilful speech.

Sanghadarsini's picture

BAM at Adhisthana

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 14 Jun, 2017 - 12:09

BAM at Adhisthana

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 14 Jun, 2017 - 12:09

BAM at Adhisthana

What’s been happening on the ecological front in Adhisthana this month? 

For a long time, we were not able to recycle our tetra paks. Adhisthana is using a lot of soya milk so there can be a lot of soya or oat milk tetra paks that we are using. After some investigation, we have now found a possibility of recycling our tetra paks, using council bins for the tetra paks and commercial recycling containers for all the other recycling materials. 

During our...

mokshini's picture

BAM questionnaire

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 14 Jun, 2017 - 07:45

BAM questionnaire

From Buddhist Action on Wed, 14 Jun, 2017 - 07:45

The Network of Buddhist Organisations (NBO) in the UK has commissioned a research and design project in order to support those engaging in BAM and to help the idea to flourish. Part of that project is a questionnaire - here is the link: 


Your participation would be greatly appreciated - thank you! 
