Aryanisha's picture

Team-based Right Livelihood opportunity with New View in Cambridge, UK

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 Jul, 2017 - 13:32

Team-based Right Livelihood opportunity with New View in Cambridge, UK

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 Jul, 2017 - 13:32

New View Residential is looking for a new team member to join a dynamic and professional Team-Based Right Livelihood in Cambridge. 

Team-based Right Livelihood’s offer fantastic opportunities to deepen our practice with other Buddhists, integrate our values into our every day lives more fully, and contribute our energy and skills to projects that have a positive impact on the world. 

New View Residential is one such organisation, and is now advertising a new position for a man or woman to join it. 

Watch this great short video...

Aryanisha's picture

Looking back on Buddhist Action Month 2017

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 Jul, 2017 - 13:20

Looking back on Buddhist Action Month 2017

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 Jul, 2017 - 13:20

This June saw another successful Buddhist Action Month (BAM) unfold. We take a look at what it was all about and how the Triratna Buddhist Community around the world took part.

So what is BAM?

Mokshini writes

“At the heart of Triratna is the Bodhisattva Ideal – the aspiration and heartfelt wish to benefit others and the commitment to act in ways that help all beings to thrive. Buddhist Action Month is an opportunity to reach out and engage with friends or local communities in ways that...

Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Power of Love

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Tue, 4 Jul, 2017 - 00:00
A talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre's Triratna Night on 3rd July 2017, exploring the practical application of metta in our Buddhist practice.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Power of Love

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Tue, 4 Jul, 2017 - 00:00
A talk given at Manchester Buddhist Centre's Triratna Night on 3rd July 2017, exploring the practical application of metta in our Buddhist practice.
karunavaca's picture

UK Women MidWest Region

From Order Connection on Mon, 3 Jul, 2017 - 16:20

UK Women MidWest Region (group)

From Order Connection on Mon, 3 Jul, 2017 - 16:20

Coming soon…

Saccanama's picture

Four Women ordained at Adhisthana 2nd July 2017

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 3 Jul, 2017 - 11:47

Four Women ordained at Adhisthana 2nd July 2017

From College of Public Preceptors on Mon, 3 Jul, 2017 - 11:47

We are delighted to let you know that the following women received their public ordination at Adhisthana this afternoon (2nd July 2017).

Public Preceptor Parami:

Bec Remigio becomes Amaladipa
(long ‘i’, long final ‘a’)
Westernised spelling: Amaladipa
Sanskrit name meaning: She who is a Light or Lamp of Purity
Private Preceptor: Mokshini

Emma Bulley...

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Free Buddhist Audio

Only Connect

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Jul, 2017 - 01:00
From communist to Buddhist.... Vimalavajri talks of her personal involvement in the spheres of politics, feminism and Buddhism.  Using Indra's net as a classic Buddhist image of interconnectedness, the talk explores what the dharma might have to say about social or political action, and asks what helps when we feel overwhelmed or stuck in ill-will.  If we really see Indra's net, we will connect more deeply with life at all levels and our action will be more joyful and wholehearted.
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha's Conversations with Kings

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Jul, 2017 - 01:00
The Buddha spoke to everybody, from homeless wanderers to kings. So when King Ajatassattu wants to go to war against the Vajjian people, he asks the Buddha's advice! In this engaging talk, Vajratara unpacks the Buddha's reply, as he explains the 'seven things' which should be in place in order for a society to prosper and not decline. How might this teaching be interpreted in modern day terms, and what can it tell us about how we can help the dharma spread through society as a whole?
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Free Buddhist Audio


From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Jul, 2017 - 01:00
In the latest in the series of talks for Sangha Night on Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, Vessantara gives an engaging talk on the female Bodhisattva of wisdom - Prajnaparamita.
arthakusalin's picture

Silent action in Ghent

From Buddhist Action on Sun, 25 Jun, 2017 - 22:32

Silent action in Ghent

From Buddhist Action on Sun, 25 Jun, 2017 - 22:32

We did some silent sittings in the city of Ghent to express the value of more stilness and silence in daily life. Several people were sympathetic, several others were not interested, we got one or two a bit more harsh reactions and two people joined us in silent sitting….We will probably do more silent sittings in autumn. It is quite challenging to meditate in the open, just sitting, very vulnerable and at the same time rather vigorous. It tastes like more….
