Here in Manchester we've had several talks connected to Buddhist Action Month. As part of our regular 'Triratna Night sangha gathering, we heard Arthaketu and Satyamuni describe the benefits and experience of living differently and working together on Buddhafield North retreats.
The following week there was a Flashmob Meditation in the city centre, promoting the values of peace and connection with others. This felt particularly apt after the recent bombing in Manchester.
Then Sthirajyoti and others talked about their experience of working in team based right livelihoods, with the idea of helping inspire others to explore work as a Buddhist practice.
Paramabandhu is also coming to launch his new book on MIndful Emotion.
Also throughout June we've been doing one of our regular collections of food and toiletries for a homeless charity. Sangha members have been writing their action pledges for the month and adding them to our pledge board. And two sangha members have started an art project called 'Turning Hatred into Compassion'. Robin describes the project -
During the recent Election I was distressed by some of the hatred that was perpetuated by some parts of the press. I was so troubled by this that I bought a large number of newspapers that promulgated this hatred, to take them out of circulation. Initially my intention had been to simply put them in the recycling bin. However I felt uncomfortable about this as I wanted to find a more ecological means to use the newspapers as trees had been felled to create the paper. I then had an idea of how to creatively transform them to something beautiful and compassionate by making a paper-mache Amitabha. I shared the idea with others and now we are set to do this as part a Buddhist Action Month.