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lokabandhu's picture

Dhammapada chanting from India

From Triratna News on Sun, 11 Aug, 2013 - 05:46

Dhammapada chanting from India

From Triratna News on Sun, 11 Aug, 2013 - 05:46We’re delighted to introduce Triratna News readers to a beautiful new CD of Buddhist chanting by Kamalvir, an Indian Order Member living in Ahmednagar. Using the Raag Yaman and Bhopali styles - the Ragaas of Love and Devotion - he’s recorded all 26 Vaggas of the Dhammapada in the original Pali, with parallel Hindi translation of each Gatha narrated by Rajesh Chandra. These give a total duration of almost 3hrs 15min - but there’s a...
lokabandhu's picture

Metta Vihara celebrates family retreat

From Triratna News on Fri, 9 Aug, 2013 - 05:23

Metta Vihara celebrates family retreat

From Triratna News on Fri, 9 Aug, 2013 - 05:23

Jan Deckers writes from Metta Vihara, Triratna’s new and beautiful retreat centre in the Dutch countryside. He says - “We had a wonderful working retreat at Metta Vihara, one where we learned again that Buddhism teaches us that everything is subject to change - including our retreats…! What had initially been announced as a youth retreat eventually turned into a working family retreat, and as many as 30 people (aged between one and seventy!) came over to Metta...

Andrea@Karuna's picture

Windows on India: Karuna photography exhibition

From Triratna News on Wed, 7 Aug, 2013 - 09:54

Windows on India: Karuna photography exhibition

From Triratna News on Wed, 7 Aug, 2013 - 09:54Karuna is delighted to be co-hosting an exhibition of photographs of India. The exhibition will highlight images by Padmadhara, Dhammarati and Ben Martin.

Padmadhara’s and Dhammarati’s photos bear witness to the hope and humanity of the many people whose lives Karuna has touched. These photos are complemented by the photography of Ben Martin, who spent some of the happiest times in his tragically short but accomplished life whilst volunteering for Karuna, both in our London office and India.

lokabandhu's picture

Triple dedication ceremonies for Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Aug, 2013 - 13:47

Triple dedication ceremonies for Adhisthana

From Triratna News on Tue, 6 Aug, 2013 - 13:47Last weekend saw the formal dedication of Triratna’s newest retreat centre - Adhisthana. In fact the community there had arranged a triple ceremony, welcoming local people and others on Friday, the Order on Saturday, and the wider Triratna Buddhist Community sangha on Sunday.

Adhisthana is a very important addition to Triratna’s worldwide ‘mandala’ of Buddhist centres, being Sangharakshita’s new home (and intended as his final resting place). It will house his library of books and artefacts,...
lokabandhu's picture

Adhisthana interviews...

From Community Highlights on Sat, 3 Aug, 2013 - 18:07
Here’s two very different interviews with Order Members attending Adhisthana’s Dedication Ceremony today - Vimalasara, from Canada, seeing it for the first time, and Ajjavin the mastermind behind the building project…

Munisha's picture

Into the Tiger's Cave

From Triratna News on Thu, 1 Aug, 2013 - 02:01

Into the Tiger's Cave

From Triratna News on Thu, 1 Aug, 2013 - 02:01Prajnagita writes:

On Friday 2nd August, a small group of us at Dublin Buddhist Centre, Ireland, will be meditating all night (7pm-7am) as to raise money for the Centre. Will you sponsor us?

The Centre is very vibrant at the moment and with so many people coming through the doors the demands on resources are high. We now have a four-person team (Prajnagita is the latest addition) to help meet the needs of people...
Munisha's picture

Adhisthana: new video and dedication weekend

From Triratna News on Tue, 30 Jul, 2013 - 12:03

Adhisthana: new video and dedication weekend

From Triratna News on Tue, 30 Jul, 2013 - 12:03Adhisthana, Triratna’s newest retreat centre and home to our founder, Sangharakshita, opens this weekend in Herefordshire, UK, with a two-day dedication weekend. The Buddhist Centre Online will be reporting and we hope to see lots of you there!

You can follow events online via our spaces on Highlights, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, and Google +

To whet your appetite, the Clear...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Triratna Emphases - Going For Refuge

From London Buddhist Centre on Tue, 30 Jul, 2013 - 01:00
Talk given at the LBC's Dharma Night Monday July 29th 2013
