Adhisthana is a very important addition to Triratna’s worldwide ‘mandala’ of Buddhist centres, being Sangharakshita’s new home (and intended as his final resting place). It will house his library of books and artefacts, welcome visitors and pilgrims, be home to two communities plus some long-term students and guests, and host a busy programme of retreats and other gatherings - the first of which begins next week! All this while finishing a major programme of renovation and remodelling…
The ceremonies all went extremely well, and were extensively covered over on Triratna Highlights - check out their space for the details... Hundreds of people attended and the general reaction was, in a word… WOW! Adhisthana is large, in beautiful surroundings, with endless potential, and is up and running! As the weekend progressed the shine - initially consisting simply of a simple beautiful stone Buddha atop a pile of raw bricks - became home to more and more and more Buddhas from all around the world, each of which had made their way there by all sorts of interesting routes.
The video shows just a few clips from a great weekend. SADHU to the whole Adhisthana team for such a great job - and to the property search team which found it after a long hard search…