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Munisha's picture

Rejoicing in Pramodana

From Triratna News on Thu, 24 Oct, 2013 - 00:21

Rejoicing in Pramodana

From Triratna News on Thu, 24 Oct, 2013 - 00:21Aparajita writes:

As many of you know, Pramodana (Blackburn, UK) is terminally ill with cancer and has a prognosis of months. To help him share his experience with the Order, and for the Order to support him, a website/blog has been set up: www.pramodana.net.

Please visit the site for the latest news of his situation, and to share your memories and rejoicings. We are hoping it will grow into a rich resource that will reflect...
Candradasa's picture

Help Us Share Triratna Highlights!

From Triratna Resources on Wed, 23 Oct, 2013 - 18:25

Help Us Share Triratna Highlights!

From Triratna Resources on Wed, 23 Oct, 2013 - 18:25

Hi all, this is a request for your help!

We’re working hard to make sure everyone with an interest in the Dharma and in our community can find great content across The Buddhist Centre Online. That mainly involves engaging with a steadily increasing flow of posts, many of which come from you - the people who contribute from your own spaces and help shape the way Triratna presents itself to the world.


lokabandhu's picture

Grants announced for 2013 Triratna Growth Fund

From Triratna News on Wed, 23 Oct, 2013 - 06:06

Grants announced for 2013 Triratna Growth Fund

From Triratna News on Wed, 23 Oct, 2013 - 06:06Starting a new Buddhist group is never easy, and the Triratna Development Team have been looking at ways to make it easier for Triratna’s pioneers.

One initiative taken last summer was to re-establish the ‘Triratna Growth Fund’ and to invite applications from Triratna groups and teachers around the world. A total of £6,500 was made available by the Chairs Assembly - but over 40 applications were received totalling over £40,000: dramatic proof of the need for such a fund!...
Free Buddhist Audio's picture
Free Buddhist Audio

Meditacion Metta Andando

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Wed, 23 Oct, 2013 - 01:00
La meditación caminando es meditación en acción y es una excelente manera de extender nuestra atención consciente y metta en nuestra vida cotidiana

Cuando hacemos meditación caminando estamos usando nuestra experiencia física, mental y emocional de caminar como una base para crear mayor conciencia

Cuando andamos caminando podemos darnos cuenta de nuestro patrones mentales por ejemplo, nuestra tendencia a criticar lo que vamos encontrado a nuestro paso, la gente, las cosas.

Esta meditación es un valioso antídoto para salir de la mente critica y la cháchara mental y conectar con las cosas tal como son este momento, con una actitud receptiva y creativa.

En esta meditación podemos integrar todos los aspectos de nuestra experiencia. Conectar con tu cuerpo en movimiento y disfrutar de la riqueza de caminar y respirar sin buscar otros propósitos....este es un acto de celebración de la vida.

La meditación de metta caminando es especialmente adecuada para las personas que no pueden sentarse quietas durante mucho tiempo o para quienes están todo el día sentado delante de un ordenador y les gustaría moverse.

Te sugiero que antes de hacer esta meditación caminando hayas hecho al menos un par de veces la meditación mettabhavana que se encuentra al principio de este CD.

Proponte andar durante 10 minutos o más por cualquier lugar que te guste. Dedica este tiempo específicamente a cultivar, atención consciente, y la intención de conectar amablemente y con compasión hacia todos los seres que encuentras a tu paso.

Este material es parte del CD: Transformando flechas en flores, MCS, Mindfulness y compasión para la salud
Dhivan Thomas Jones's picture
Dhivan Thomas Jones

Brain-hacking and Mind-Upgrades: Buddhism of the Future?

From Western Buddhist Review on Thu, 17 Oct, 2013 - 17:37

Brain-hacking and Mind-Upgrades: Buddhism of the Future?

From Western Buddhist Review on Thu, 17 Oct, 2013 - 17:37Jay Michaelson, Evolving Dharma: Meditation, Buddhism, and the Next Generation of Enlightenment, North Atlantic Books, 2013, $17.95 pback, ebook

Review by David Welsh

Jay Michaelson’s Evolving Dharma is an engaging, lively, and personal reflection on some of the most important developments in contemporary western Buddhism. Part analysis and part spiritual autobiography, Michaelson’s book takes up several key themes which will be of interest and relevance to a great many practitioners of Buddhism in modern, western societies – the...
lokabandhu's picture


From Triratna Translations on Thu, 17 Oct, 2013 - 08:57

Esperanto (group)

From Triratna Translations on Thu, 17 Oct, 2013 - 08:57This space contains translations of some basic Triratna texts into Esperanto - one of many languages in the Triratna Translations space on this site. Many thanks to the translators for their work in creating them.

So far we have the Th​reefold Puja. we hope to add the Dedication Ceremony and the Refuges and Precepts soon.

If you’d like to stay in touch as more are added, please click the ‘+Join’ tab above - you’ll then be automatically notified...
Vimalasara's picture

Loving Kindness - A day long Meditation Retreat

Loving Kindness - A day long Meditation Retreat

From Eight Step Recovery - Using the Buddha's Teachings To Overcome Addiction on Wed, 16 Oct, 2013 - 05:29Vancouver Saturday November 16th 2013
Lovingkindness or Metta Bahvuna, is a powerful form of Buddhist meditation that reconnects us with our natural capcity to be open-hearted with ourselves and with others. One of four Brahma Viharas, or Sublime Attitudes, Lovingkindness uses phrases and visualizations to cultivate a sense of friendliness, kindness, and love, which is our birthright.

This daylong retreat might be a fit for both novice and relative newcomers to meditation and Buddhist practice. We intend to practice...
rodashruti's picture

Litcrawl 2013 at the SFBC: Falling. Apart.

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Tue, 15 Oct, 2013 - 17:21

Litcrawl 2013 at the SFBC: Falling. Apart.

From San Francisco Buddhist Center on Tue, 15 Oct, 2013 - 17:21Saturday, October 19, 8:30pm

Maybe that sense that you’re one person moving forward in time frays around the edges periodically, revealing glimpses of something more soluble than you’d understood. Is it disorienting? Is it fabulous? Is it horrific? Is it divine? Five points of view from states of tumble, collapse, fissure, freedom, and points in between.

SFBC Readers:

Nabil Arnaoot is interested in the bittersweet interactions of spirit and flesh; elegant representations of data; biohackers and...
