Hi all, this is a request for your help!
We're working hard to make sure everyone with an interest in the Dharma and in our community can find great content across The Buddhist Centre Online. That mainly involves engaging with a steadily increasing flow of posts, many of which come from you - the people who contribute from your own spaces and help shape the way Triratna presents itself to the world.
For the past couple of months we've also been sending out our new Triratna Highlights newsletter to around 3000 people a month. The newsletter draws together the best from the site and other Triratna web spaces online, so we're asking you all to try and share it with people!
- If you have an email list of your own (at your Centre or Triratna project), please consider sharing the email itself. Many of you will have received it yourself and you can simply forward it on.
- If you haven't got the email to forward, then please simply share a link to the web version of it (click to view).
- You can also help us spread the word about the best of Triratna by including our details in any of your own email signatures whenever you write to folk on behalf of your own local sangha or project. Here are two versions (short and long!):
The short version:
The Buddhist Centre Online
+ follow our three new community spaces:
News: thebuddhistcentre.com/news
Great, thoughtful reporting from our team on what's happening around the Triratna Buddhist Community internationally.
Community Highlights: thebuddhistcentre.com/highlights
The best of what people in our community around the world post to the web about their own situations and Buddhist practice.
Features: thebuddhistcentre.com/features
Headline stories and original Buddhist media content, including live, in-depth web coverage of major Triratna events.
The full version:
The Buddhist Centre Online
+ follow our three new community spaces:
News: thebuddhistcentre.com/news
Great, thoughtful reporting from our team on what's happening around the Triratna Buddhist Community internationally.
Community Highlights: thebuddhistcentre.com/highlights
The best of what people in our community around the world post to the web about their own situations and Buddhist practice.
Features: thebuddhistcentre.com/features
Headline stories and original Buddhist media content, including live, in-depth web coverage of major Triratna events.
And find us in these spaces:
Twitter (@buddhistcentre) Facebook page Facebook Group
Tumblr Pinterest Google+
iTunes Podcast Soundcloud
Instagram Flickr
YouTube Vimeo
Issuu (texts & articles)