Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Make a difference in Buddhist Publishing!

By dhammamegha on Wed, 30 Oct, 2024 - 16:07

Would you like to lead Windhorse Publications through the changing world of independent publishing and the growth of Triratna? It is an exciting and varied role for an Order Member interested in communicating the Dharma through books, and with the skills to lead a small, dynamic and creative business.

The job includes elements of leadership, management, fundraising and creative work in communication, as well as commissioning new work and undertaking a wide range of editorial activities. A fuller Job Description...

private group for ECA Chairs
ECA Chairs group

Triratna + The Buddhist Centre Online: Consultation Paper

By Candradasa on Mon, 29 Jul, 2024 - 11:31

Hi everyone,

I’ve been meaning to upload and send details of Dharmachakra’s consultation paper around the proposed addition of a standalone website for Triratna at - as presented at the recent meeting. You can download the PDF version here - or read and add comments on Google Workspace:

Triratna + The Buddhist Centre Online (Google Workspace)

Look forward to exploring further with you all and at the International Council in the new year!

Jobs, Volunteering & Communities
Jobs, Volunteering & Communities

Are you FutureDharma's next Fundraising and Communications Director?

By Amalavajra on Sat, 8 Oct, 2022 - 09:00

Are you an inspired and engaged Order Member or TFO Mitra with the fundraising, sales or marketing experience to lead our income-generation?

Do you want to use your skills and experience to help spread the Dharma around the world and help Triratna sanghas to develop?

You’ll manage a very effective fundraising and communications team, develop major donor relationships, and contribute to Triratna’s international strategy as a member of our Directors’ Team. You’ll also participate in a rich context for spiritual development through the...

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Application Form703.07 KB
Job Description137.91 KB
Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Safeguarding for Groups

By aparajita on Thu, 16 Jan, 2020 - 15:21

Here is some general guidance and advice about safeguarding in Triratna groups.

For any more general advice contact Munisha [at]

and to report/discuss using confidential email safeguarding [at]

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Aryajaya - Sangharakshita’s First Connection with His Teachers and Receiving Practices (Triratna International Council 2019)

By Free Buddhist Audio on Tue, 3 Sep, 2019 - 23:36

The second in a series of talks from the 2019 Triratna International Council. This year’s theme is major elements from the Dharma biography of Sangharakshita, Triratna’s founder, which are of wider relevance to anyone endeavouring to lead a Buddhist life. 

Aryajaya explores Sangharakshita’s relationship to his teachers, who form the lineage for the Triratna Buddhist Order. A lovely exploration of the experience of relationship to the Bodhisattvas of Buddhist tradition via meditations passed from teacher to disciple, evoking a wide open sense...

Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

Celebrating Internationality – Latin America (Triratna International Gathering 2019)

By Centre Team on Sat, 31 Aug, 2019 - 17:50

And now… Celebrating Internationality in Triratna: Latin America edition!

Vanaraji in conversation with Gleysa from Venezuela and Salvador from Mexico, on how the Dharma has changed their lives as young Buddhists in the Triratna community.

Recorded at Adhisthana, August 2019.

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More from Alchemy of the Dharma

Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

Celebrating Internationality – India (Triratna International Gathering 2019)

By Centre Team on Sat, 31 Aug, 2019 - 17:34

A conversation with two of the most experienced members of the Order in India, the pioneering Amoghasiddhi And Amritasiddhi from Nagpur. Mahamati explores with them the history of Triratna in India - and how a new generation of Indian Buddhists adopted a radical Dharma life in the name of freedom from oppression and liberation for all.

Recorded at Adhisthana in August 2019.

The Buddhist Centre  |  Instagram  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Tumblr 


Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

International Puja - Triratna International Gathering 2019

By Centre Team on Sat, 31 Aug, 2019 - 16:23

A sevenfold puja with all the trimmings, including an extended reading of Pingiya’s Praises of the Way to the Beyond. We also have the ethical precepts and the Heart Sutra recited in many languages, a gorgeous violin introduction and some lovely mantra chanting to stir the heart to practice.

Recorded at Adhisthana, August 2019.

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More from Alchemy of the Dharma

Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

Shakyamuni Mantra - First Evening, Triratna International Gathering 2019

By Candradasa on Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 - 08:37

The chanting of the Shakyamuni mantra, associated with the historical Buddha on the first evening of the 2019 Triratna International Gathering.

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More from Alchemy of the Dharma

Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

What are you going to go to at the International Gathering?

By Development Team on Tue, 30 Jul, 2019 - 15:30

The programme is now finalised (see pdf below).

We have a wonderful line-up of events such as …

- Bhante as alchemist: Maitreyabandhu and friends
- Guerrilla Haiku workshop
- Three classical concerts by professional musicians

And much more! See the full list

Indoor bookings available now on a first come first served basis.
Please book here

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