Triratna News
Triratna News

Buddhist Action Month is coming!

By Munisha on Wed, 22 May, 2013 - 14:06

Buddhist Action Month is coming!

By Munisha on Wed, 22 May, 2013 - 14:06July sees the UK’s second annual Buddhist Action Month, with the environmental theme Earthkind.

Earthkind is a great opportunity for Buddhists of all traditions to get together and volunteer for the good of their local communit

Centred on the festival of Dharma Day, BAM:Earthkind promotes local actions on environmental themes: organise a talk, a neighbourhood litter-pick, a tree planting, a nature walk or whatever else you can think of!

How about...
Dharmagiri Retreatcenter
Dharmagiri Retreatcenter

Retreat med Maitreyabandhu

By Viryabodhi on Sun, 12 May, 2013 - 20:22

Retreat med Maitreyabandhu

By Viryabodhi on Sun, 12 May, 2013 - 20:22Under en fyradagars retreat i maj 2013 Dharmagiri, gav Maitreyabandhu fyra seminarier om ”De fem stadierna i det andliga livet” så som dom förstås och utövas inom Triratna. Han hämtar inspiration till stor del från den undervisning som Sangharakshita och Subhuti givit under senare år. Maitreyabandhu bidrar själv med en otroligt levande framställning och konkretiserar temana på ett sätt som blev mycket uppskattat på retreaten, och säkert kommer att uppskattas av många fler. Här är länkar till seminerierna i den...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Public ordination in the Netherlands

By Munisha on Tue, 7 May, 2013 - 12:04

Public ordination in the Netherlands

By Munisha on Tue, 7 May, 2013 - 12:04Announcing a new Dharmacharini in mainland Europe:

Ioana Ciontea of Gent, Belgium had her public ordination on the afternoon of 4th May at Metta Vihara retreat centre in the Netherlands. She becomes Dharmamani (long last “i”), “Jewel of the Dharma”.

Her public preceptor was Vajragita and her private preceptor was Sobhanandi.

Sadhu, sadhu, sadhu!
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

The Making of Seven Papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Fri, 12 Apr, 2013 - 22:27

The Making of Seven Papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita

By Candradasa on Fri, 12 Apr, 2013 - 22:27If you haven’t seen it yet you can now get hold of a definitive collection of seven papers by Subhuti with Sangharakshita, outlining and reaffirming the approach to the Dharma that underpins the Triratna Buddhist Community. It’s a rather magisterial undertaking, even by Subhuti’s standards, and worth celebrating as both an important source text for Triratna and as a spur to conversation and debate within the community at large.

Quite apart from all the sustained work that...
Triratna News
Triratna News

'A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me': the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Stream of the Dharma

By Candradasa on Mon, 24 Dec, 2012 - 23:30

'A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me': the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Stream of the Dharma

By Candradasa on Mon, 24 Dec, 2012 - 23:30Subhuti has just published the final instalment of his round of articles based on discussions with Sangharakshita, clarifying and exploring further aspects of Sangharakshita’s teaching, which is the foundation of the Triratna Buddhist Community’s system of practice.

Read it online now or download along with the rest of the series

Sangharakshita himself writes:
I am glad to see that Subhuti has now completed ‘A Supra-Personal Force: The Triratna...
Dharmagiri Retreatcenter
Dharmagiri Retreatcenter

The Art of Reflection retreat 4-7 oktober 2012

By Viryabodhi on Sun, 7 Oct, 2012 - 19:54

The Art of Reflection retreat 4-7 oktober 2012

By Viryabodhi on Sun, 7 Oct, 2012 - 19:54Under helgen som gick hade vi en härlig retreat på Dharmagiri då vi tog emot en grundad och väldigt klar undervisning från Ratnaguna, och utforskade olika sätt att reflektera på: på egen hand, i par och i en midre grupp. Kanske någon annan som var med vill skriva en liten “intrycksrapport”…?

Här kommer två inspelade body scan från retreaten, som Ratnaguna ledde och Anita spelade in på sin mobil, och jag konverterade till mp3.

body scan 1 (20...
Triratna News
Triratna News

European Chairs Assembly Summer Gathering - a report

By lokabandhu on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 05:31

European Chairs Assembly Summer Gathering - a report

By lokabandhu on Wed, 19 Sep, 2012 - 05:31Lokabandhu writes with a report from the recent Triratna European Chairs Assembly, saying “From late July to early August around 50 Triratna Chairmen and women gathered at Vajrasana, the London Buddhist Centre’s Suffolk retreat centre, for the twice-yearly meeting of the Triratna Buddhist Community’s European Chairs Assembly. Here’s a short report on what transpired…

The Assembly (colloquially known as the ECA) plays an important part in Triratna’s overall organisation, thanks mostly to its twenty-year history, the...
Stockholms buddhistcenter
Stockholms buddhistcenter

Mitra ceremonier 10 sept 2012

By Viryabodhi on Tue, 11 Sep, 2012 - 10:36

Mitra ceremonier 10 sept 2012

By Viryabodhi on Tue, 11 Sep, 2012 - 10:36

Igår kväll hade vi mitraceremonier för tre nya mitror: Marianne Bengtsson, Jessica och Tomas Lindblom. Det var en härlig kväll, ledd av Hridayacandra och Viryabodhi, och ca. 28 personer var närvarande, varav vänner, mamma, man, partner och son till de tre fanns med. Hridayacandra pratade om vad det innebär att bli mitra i Triratna, och introducerade sedan Marianne och Jessica (som sedan fick säga några ord), och sedan introducerade Viryabodhi Tomas (som också sa några ord). Själva ceremonin ägde rum i...

Triratna News
Triratna News

A Buddhist Manifesto

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:31

A Buddhist Manifesto

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:31News of an important new booklet by Subhuti, ‘A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community’. You can read it online, download the free eBook, or order an inexpensive printed copy today.

For the past couple of years, Subhuti has been re-exploring and re-clarifying with Sangharakshita the core principles of Buddhist practice as exemplified in the teaching and collective life of the Triratna...
Triratna Resources
Triratna Resources

Tip No. 5: Getting the most out of your spaces

By Candradasa on Fri, 13 Jul, 2012 - 23:45

Tip No. 5: Getting the most out of your spaces

By Candradasa on Fri, 13 Jul, 2012 - 23:45

We’ve been up and running for a month or so properly now and our To Do list is already as long as all our arms laid end to end! It’s amazing hearing feedback and people’s excitements and frustrations at what they can and can’t (yet) do on our new platform. We’re committed to developing the site in line with how it’s actually being used, and while we can’t match Facebook quite yet, there’s still a lot...
