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Tag: Triratna Buddhist Order

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

A Context for Working on Oneself (Dharmabytes Podcast)

By Centre Team on Thu, 18 Apr, 2024 - 11:00

Mahamati  talks on actualizing the myth of the Order- symbolised in the 1000 armed Avalokiteshvara. Excerpted from the talk Actualizing the 1000 Armed Avalokiteshvara given on a Triratna Buddhist Order weekend at Padmaloka, 2010.


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Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.

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Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Returning from the Wilderness

By Centre Team on Wed, 9 Aug, 2023 - 09:45

In this episode of the Buddhist Voices podcast, we delve into the life of Dharmachari Jyotipala. Ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in the late 1970s, Jyotipala’s spiritual journey has taken in many different contexts within the Order, including a spell living in India wearing formal Buddhist robes. However, his spiritual life started much earlier than that. Raised a catholic he became inspired by Thomas Merton and joined a then new monastery in Utah, ‘Our Lady of the Holy Trinity’,...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Holding Diversity Within Ourselves

By Centre Team on Thu, 20 Jul, 2023 - 11:00

Saravantu talks about one of Triratna’s emphases - a unified Order - by looking inwards. If we turn away from elements of our own character, we will find ourselves turning away from others. A unified Order needs us to be able to turn towards all aspects of ourselves. This is a practical talk with helpful exercises to bring it down to earth.

Excerpted from the talk An Inclusive Order -Turning Away, Turning Towards, Meeting the Shadows In...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Order Approaches to Insight

By Zac on Sat, 27 May, 2023 - 06:00

Vijayamala addresses the 2022 UK & IE Triratna Buddhist Order convention, exploring what breaking through and seeing the nature of reality means for us as an Order. The Buddha went forth to seek an end to suffering, to go beyond what binds us to the samsaric world. The theme of this event also encompasses ‘going beyond’ and the ways in which we are approaching that as an Order.

Part of the series Going Forth,...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Order As Practice

By Zac on Sat, 29 Apr, 2023 - 06:00

Paradigms are the shared ideas in the minds of society, the deepest set of views and beliefs about how the world works. Dhammadinna draws on the teachings of Sangharakshita and applies her lived experience in the Triratna Buddhist Order to explore the first verse of the Dasadhamma Sutta - I am no longer living according to worldly aims and values.

This is the second talk in a series of six entitled: The Order as Practice: Shifting...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: A Degree of Commonality

By Zac on Thu, 27 Apr, 2023 - 06:00

Here, Subhuti speaks to the amount of effort to maintain unity across a growing spiritual community. Excerpted from the talk Adhisthana, Sanghakaya and Unity, the second talk in a series called Triratna Three Strands, Adhisthana, 2013. The three strands of Triratna are the Triratna Buddhist Order, the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Preceptors’ College.


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Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

Deepening Confidence in The Three Jewels

By Centre Team on Wed, 26 Apr, 2023 - 14:53

As part of the Fifty Years, Fifty Voices project, celebrating 50 years of the Triratna Buddhist Order; In this episode of the Buddhist Voices podcast, we hear from Manjuvajra, a member of the Order for over 45 years, who shares their experience of reassessing their relationship with the order after withdrawing from their previous institutional roles. Manjuvajra notes that the order they joined many years ago was very different from the current manifestation, making it harder to identify...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Convention in India

By Zac on Mon, 24 Apr, 2023 - 06:00

Subhadramati shares her experience traveling to India for the International Order Convention. Excerpted from the talk Ordination and the Unity of the Sangha giving at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre as part of a series on the Six Distinctive Emphasis of the Triratna Buddhist Community. A talk full of energy, insight and inspiration on Ordination within Triratna, given in 2016.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Bell, Book and Candle - Triratna Today and Tomorrow

By Zac on Sat, 22 Apr, 2023 - 06:00

In a London basement, fifty-one years ago a new Buddhist Movement was forged. Founded on the active principle behind an often empty ritual of ‘Going for Refuge to the Three Jewels’, this Movement has become a dynamic worldwide community of Buddhist practitioners. Just how did Sangharakshita, through the Triratna Community and Order, transform the recitation of the words ‘I go for Refuge…’ into a path of deeper meaning and purpose? Bodhidasa borrows symbols from Western Magickal traditions...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: Avalokitesvara's Tears

By Zac on Sat, 15 Apr, 2023 - 06:00

“Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.” In this talk, Viryadevi gives her take on what is asked of us when we commit to creating a buddhaland - a collective spiritual life together. Drawing on two of the myths that have shaped the life and imagination of the Order - the 1,000 Armed Alalokitesvara and Chapter 1 of the Vimalakirti Nirdesa - she asks whether things going wrong, either on an individual or personal level, have...
