Triratna News
Triratna News

European Buddhists gather at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:51

European Buddhists gather at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:51

The last weekend in September saw the annual gathering of the European Buddhist Union (EBU), this year hosted by Triratna at Adhisthana, followed as always by the annual meeting of the Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE).

For the EBU meeting, around 30 people from national Buddhist unions and individual Buddhist traditions across Europe, and including some young Buddhist guests, spent three days together, concentrating on two topics: 1) Young Buddhists and 2) preventing abuse in...

Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World

Buddhist Teachers in Europe at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:24

Buddhist Teachers in Europe at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 21:24

This year’s meeting of the Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE) was hosted by Triratna at Adhisthana at the very start of October. Following straight on from the European Buddhist Union meeting it was much smaller: eight to 10 people attended each day, including Sangharakshita. BTE is a chance for informal discussion on topics of current common interest, this year on the topic of ‘Buddhists in Dialogue with European Societies’, taken from the title of a conference held in Berlin in...

Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World

European Buddhist Union weekend at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:58

European Buddhist Union weekend at Adhisthana

By Munisha on Sat, 20 Oct, 2018 - 18:58

The last weekend in September saw the annual gathering of the European Buddhist Union (EBU), this year hosted by Triratna at Adhisthana. This was followed as always by the annual meeting of the group, Buddhist Teachers in Europe (BTE). Both were enormously successful meetings in terms of the working atmosphere and topics, and people’s enjoyment of each other and their surroundings. (I attend both each year, in my capacity as Triratna’s Liaison officer, looking after...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's Diary

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 17 Oct, 2018 - 17:43

Sangharakshita's Diary

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 17 Oct, 2018 - 17:43

Sthanashraddha is Bhante’s secretary. He writes from AdhisthanaUK:

August continued to blaze with sunshine and heat, though eventually it did break and the rains fell with a downpour here or there and rainy days mixed between sunny ones. Wonderful for slowly rejuvenating the very dry and crispy gardens, less attractive for Bhante’s morning walk and sit by the pond.

The wet weather was very noticeable during the Order weekend at the end of the month...

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

50 Years, 50 Voices: Amoghasiddhi (Highlights)

By Candradasa on Tue, 11 Sep, 2018 - 17:28

I don’t want to do any job anywhere. I just want to devote myself, a little money will do. And this is what I really want.

Amoghasiddhi’s Annals

In 1968 I was six years old studying in first standard in Nagpur.

In 1978 I was involved with the social organisation called Samata Sainik Dal, which was founded by Dr Ambedkar it means equality volunteers organisation.

In 1988 I came in contact with the Sangha. I started organising Dhamma talks and attending Dhamma classes. In the same year I started...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Journey to the North West: A Modern Pilgrimage

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 6 Sep, 2018 - 12:00

Journey to the North West: A Modern Pilgrimage

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 6 Sep, 2018 - 12:00

In late July, a GFR Mitra completed a 5 day ‘modern pilgrimage’, walking over 120 miles from Adhisthana to the Liverpool Buddhist Centre, in central Liverpool.  Along the way, David Tyfield carried four heavy texts from the newly published Complete Works of Sangharakshita, and signed by Bhante himself at Adhisthana the day before setting off.  Inspired by the great fabled pilgrimage of the 7th Century Chinese monk Xuanzang, mythologized in the Monkey Tales of...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Italian-speaking volunteers wanted for translation of Sangharakshita's work

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 4 Sep, 2018 - 12:08

Italian-speaking volunteers wanted for translation of Sangharakshita's work

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 4 Sep, 2018 - 12:08

Val Cartei is a mitra training for ordination in Brighton, UK. She’s a published author in both English and Italian, now working with Triratna’s Translations Board.  She is now looking for some volunteers to help her with translating some of Sangharakshita’s writings into Italian:-

She writes: “I am looking for Italian speaking volunteers with proofreading and editing skills to help me produce high-quality translations into Italian of Sangharakshita’s works. I have so far translated The Noble Eightfold Path, Who is the Buddha?...

Buddhist Voices
Buddhist Voices

50 Years, 50 Voices: Purna (Highlights)

By Satyalila on Tue, 14 Aug, 2018 - 16:02

I couldn’t have done it any other way, as hard as it was…

Purna’s Annals 

In 1968 I turned 20 and was in the second year of a Maths and Physics degree. Joined my brother for a yacht trip around the South Pacific for two months, sailing to Samoa, Tonga and Fiji. Hove to for three days surviving a tropical cyclone. Finished my degree and started travelling in South-East Asia and India to find a Buddhist meditation teacher.

In 1978, having been ordained by Bhante on...
