Urgyen Sangharakshita 1925-2018

With great sadness we inform you of the passing away of Urgyen Sangharakshita, today, 30th October 2018, at approximately 10 am in Hereford Hospital. He had been diagnosed with pneumonia and this morning the consultant said that he also had sepsis, from which recovery was not possible. 

Please join with us as we direct our metta towards Bhante, recollecting his wonderful qualities and remembering with gratitude all that he has given to so many of us. Local Centres around the world may be holding daily meditations and pujas and you may wish to arrange additional activities in your communities and homes.

Bhante asked that the following mantras be chanted at the time of his death: Shakyamuni, Green Tara, Manjushri, Amitabha and Padmasambhava.

After a few days Bhante’s body will be laid out at Adhisthana where the funeral and burial will also take place. 

All details of the arrangements for sitting with Bhante's body, online coverage of the rituals that will be taking place there, and the funeral arrangements, will be announced on the dedicated public space on The Buddhist Centre Online. Here, too, you may read an obituary, contribute an online post to the Remembrances section, and contribute to the Book of Gratitude if you wish, in any language.

+Follow the dedicated space on The Buddhist Centre Online.