Triratna News
Triratna News

Bhante's health: an update

By Munisha on Thu, 29 Dec, 2016 - 15:24

Bhante's health: an update

By Munisha on Thu, 29 Dec, 2016 - 15:24

Parami writes:

“Dear brothers and sisters,

Bhante saw the consultant today who says that the pneumonia infection seems to be clear and that he may get home in the next couple of days, which is great news.

Again, thanks for the metta and good wishes - please do keep sending your metta to Bhante and those caring for him.

The next update will be when Bhante is home.

With metta,

Triratna News
Triratna News

A Note About Sangharakshita's Health

By parami on Fri, 23 Dec, 2016 - 15:25

A Note About Sangharakshita's Health

By parami on Fri, 23 Dec, 2016 - 15:25

Updated Dec 29:
Parami writes:

“Dear brothers and sisters, Bhante saw the consultant today who says that the pneumonia infection seems to be clear and that he may get home in the next couple of days, which is great news.

Again, thanks for the metta and good wishes - please do keep sending your metta to Bhante and those caring for him.

The next update will be when Bhante is home.

Updated Dec 24:
Bhante is still...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

Dr Ambedkar anniversary and the launch of The Complete Works of Sangharakshita

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 12 Sep, 2016 - 16:13

Dr Ambedkar anniversary and the launch of The Complete Works of Sangharakshita

By Windhorse Publi... on Mon, 12 Sep, 2016 - 16:13

Sangharakshita turned 91 on 26 August this year. This greatly respected teacher has left a legacy of wise and clearly written (and spoken) work introducing and going deeper into the Dharma. His books include such classics as The Bodhisattva Ideal, A Guide to the Buddhist Path and The Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path. His writings go far to clarify the practices for the Buddhist order he founded, the Triratna Order, which is worldwide, and adaptable to very different countries, as seen...

Earth Metta Sangha
Earth Metta Sangha

A Buddhist View of Current World Problems @ Earth Metta Sangha (Wed. 5 Oct)

By Christine on Thu, 8 Sep, 2016 - 14:54

A Buddhist View of Current World Problems @ Earth Metta Sangha (Wed. 5 Oct)

By Christine on Thu, 8 Sep, 2016 - 14:54

Some of Sangharakshita’s introductory words on sustainability, activism and Buddhism can be found articulated in the final chapter of What is the Sangha? (Chapter 20: A Buddhist View of Current World Problems):

“…there is still… the question of what an individual Buddhist can have to say that is truly relevant to world problems. All I can say for myself is that the work I have engaged in as a Buddhist has arisen…out of the view I take on current world problems. This topic is not of...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

The Buddha of Infinite Light

By akasajoti on Fri, 26 Aug, 2016 - 16:01

The Buddha of Infinite Light

By akasajoti on Fri, 26 Aug, 2016 - 16:01

Today on the Women’s Convention we have been with the Buddha of Infinite Light, Amitabha. This morning we celebrated Bhante’s birthday, and passed on gifts and cards to Suvajra, singing Happy Birthday in three languages - Dutch, English and Hindi! Then Satyajyoti and Padmabodhini invoked Amitabha’s presence with two very personal, and tender talks about their bonds with him and Maitrimala led us in the Amitabha Sadhana. We heard a reading of Bhante’s vision of Amitabha holding up...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Wed, 15 Jun, 2016 - 23:42

Sangharakshita's diary

By Munisha on Wed, 15 Jun, 2016 - 23:42

Sthanashraddha is Sangharakshita’s secretary. He writes:

“Looking out of the window here in the annexe and seeing the trees now in full leaf it’s hard to imagine they were so bare and stark but a couple of months ago. Our late spring is rushing headlong into summer and the great field has had two or three cuts now, in almost as many weeks. Plants and flowers are emerging everywhere and while the cuckoo was heard here last month, now morning walks and tea breaks are accompanied...

European Chairs' Assembly
European Chairs' Assembly

Ratnaguna - Three Talks On The Pureland

By Centre Team on Wed, 13 Jan, 2016 - 00:09

Ratnaguna - Three Talks On The Pureland

By Centre Team on Wed, 13 Jan, 2016 - 00:09

A new three-part series from Ratnaguna introduces the Pureland texts as a practice in themselves, and discusses their relationship to Sangharakshita’s core teachings. 

In the first talk Ratnaguna takes us on an excellent exploration of imagination itself, essential for understanding the sutras on their own terms. The second talk discusses how the texts hint at what Sangharakshita calls the supra-personal force of the Bodhichitta. The third talk is on the importance of sangha in the sutras and its relevance...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 1: Sangharakshita Speaks Online

By Rijupatha on Sat, 26 Dec, 2015 - 06:00

Twelve Days of FBA - Day 1: Sangharakshita Speaks Online

By Rijupatha on Sat, 26 Dec, 2015 - 06:00

Dharmachakra - the Triratna web team that brings you Free Buddhist Audio and The Buddhist Centre Online - would like to thank you for your support this year by offering a little look back at some Dharma highlights from 2015.

From the 26th of December to the 6th of January we’ll be bringing you Twelve Days of FBA over at our space on The Buddhist Centre Online. We’ll be posting something special each day: an inspiring talk here, a moving story or two there. As well as some...
