Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's new home - Adhisthana

By lokabandhu on Mon, 4 Mar, 2013 - 12:34

Sangharakshita's new home - Adhisthana

By lokabandhu on Mon, 4 Mar, 2013 - 12:34Last week Triratna News hosted a series of five short videos introducing the new home for Sangharakshita and the wider community and project around him, leading up to the announcement of the new name on the last day of Triratna’s International Order Convention, then in full swing at Bodh Gaya, place of the Buddha’s Enlightenment.

We’re delighted to bring you news that it is… ADHISTHANA.

Not only that, Sangharakshita has taken up residence...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's Diary, February 2013

By lokabandhu on Sun, 24 Feb, 2013 - 05:58

Sangharakshita's Diary, February 2013

By lokabandhu on Sun, 24 Feb, 2013 - 05:58Vidyaruchi writes with his usual monthly roundup of Sangharakshita’s news - this month sadly blighted by insomnia. He says - “I regret having to be the bearer of the tidings that for Bhante the last month has been dominated by the experience of insomnia and the effects of insomnia. Though not yet reaching the extent of the worst times during his annus horribilis of 2003 (as described in the third of the ‘Reveries and Reminiscences’ - available on...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's Diary, January 2013

By lokabandhu on Tue, 22 Jan, 2013 - 13:00

Sangharakshita's Diary, January 2013

By lokabandhu on Tue, 22 Jan, 2013 - 13:00Vidyaruchi, Sangharakshita’s secretary, writes with some of his latest news, saying - ” In my last update of Bhante’s activities, written all of two months ago, I reported a return of his arch-nemesis - namely insomnia. Unfortunately the insomnia worsened in December, so that he was tired much of the time, and all but stopped receiving visitors. He managed to make a few exceptions, including for Subhuti and Mokshapriya, the latter in connection with the arrangements for Bhante’s accommodation at...
Triratna News
Triratna News

'A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me': the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Stream of the Dharma

By Candradasa on Mon, 24 Dec, 2012 - 23:30

'A Supra-personal Force or Energy Working Through Me': the Triratna Buddhist Community and the Stream of the Dharma

By Candradasa on Mon, 24 Dec, 2012 - 23:30Subhuti has just published the final instalment of his round of articles based on discussions with Sangharakshita, clarifying and exploring further aspects of Sangharakshita’s teaching, which is the foundation of the Triratna Buddhist Community’s system of practice.

Read it online now or download along with the rest of the series

Sangharakshita himself writes:
I am glad to see that Subhuti has now completed ‘A Supra-Personal Force: The Triratna...
Triratna News
Triratna News

New book by Sangharakshita - The Purpose and Practice of Buddhist Meditation

By lokabandhu on Thu, 6 Dec, 2012 - 09:40

New book by Sangharakshita - The Purpose and Practice of Buddhist Meditation

By lokabandhu on Thu, 6 Dec, 2012 - 09:40A major new book by Sangharakshita has just been published, bringing together many of his most significant teachings on meditation. The Purpose and Practice of Buddhist Meditation is a substantial compilation of teachings on meditation and suggestions for its successful practice – some drawn from previously published works, and many extracted from previously unpublished seminar transcripts. They reveal how Sangharakshita learned the practices on which his system of meditation – ‘an organic, living system’ – is based, and...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita’s Diary, November 2012

By lokabandhu on Sat, 24 Nov, 2012 - 07:05

Sangharakshita’s Diary, November 2012

By lokabandhu on Sat, 24 Nov, 2012 - 07:05Vidyaruchi writes with his regular roundup of Sangharakshita’s news for the past month, saying - “At the end of October, I returned to Bhante’s service after a six-week break, during which time Singhamanas, who will succeed me permanently in March, stepped into the secretarial saddle. The changeover went smoothly, and I am hopeful that in Singhamanas Bhante has found a secretary who will have most of my virtues and few of my failings. (Fortunately, Bhante has never had cause to...
Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's diary, October 2012

By lokabandhu on Thu, 25 Oct, 2012 - 06:01

Sangharakshita's diary, October 2012

By lokabandhu on Thu, 25 Oct, 2012 - 06:01Change is very much the colour of the season here at Madhyamaloka and for Sangharakshita especially. He has both been adapting to a new secretary, and preparing concertedly for his imminent move to Herefordshire and Coddington Court (shown in the photographs opposite), which Bhante visited for the first time on 25th September. The historic occasion was caught on film; if you would care to see some images from this, please navigate to the recent news article. Sangharakshita was...
Triratna News
Triratna News

The Sangharakshita Land Project has a home!

By lokabandhu on Sat, 22 Sep, 2012 - 11:28

The Sangharakshita Land Project has a home!

By lokabandhu on Sat, 22 Sep, 2012 - 11:28Mokshapriya writes from Birmingham, UK with major news from the Sangharakshita Land Project: they’ve bought somewhere! Triratna now has a major new retreat centre, and Sangharakshita has a new home. He says - “At five o’clock on Friday 21st September, after three years of talking and planning and searching and travelling and head-scratching, contracts have been signed, cheques cashed and keys handed over. We have bought a property: the Sangharakshita Land Project has a home.

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Today's Dharmabyte podcast: "Neither God nor Man" by Sangharakshita

By Rijupatha on Thu, 2 Aug, 2012 - 14:50

Today's Dharmabyte podcast: "Neither God nor Man" by Sangharakshita

By Rijupatha on Thu, 2 Aug, 2012 - 14:50Today’s FBA Dharmabyte, “Neither God Nor Man” is brought to us by Sangharakshita, founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order and Community. After an account of the Buddha’s life, Sangharakshita asks how, if at all, such a man can be defined or categorised. The full talk, “Who is the Buddha?” is part of the series Introducing the “Three Jewels of Buddhism” given in 1968.
Triratna News
Triratna News

A Buddhist Manifesto

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:31

A Buddhist Manifesto

By Candradasa on Mon, 30 Jul, 2012 - 12:31News of an important new booklet by Subhuti, ‘A Buddhist Manifesto: The Principles of the Triratna Buddhist Community’. You can read it online, download the free eBook, or order an inexpensive printed copy today.

For the past couple of years, Subhuti has been re-exploring and re-clarifying with Sangharakshita the core principles of Buddhist practice as exemplified in the teaching and collective life of the Triratna...
