Triratna Young Buddhists
Triratna Young Buddhists

Sub25s retreat - an Opportunity to Awaken 1st-3rd July

By Prajnaketu on Thu, 23 Jun, 2016 - 16:31

Sub25s retreat - an Opportunity to Awaken 1st-3rd July

By Prajnaketu on Thu, 23 Jun, 2016 - 16:31

Adhisthana, Herefordshire UK

A weekend open to all aged under 25, newcomers and regulars, exploring what it means to live a meaningful life as young people, what we can offer the world and how we can move forward together.

Book now -

£70/50 with bursary places available

Exeter Triratna Group
Exeter Triratna Group

Day Retreat to celebrate Buddha Day

By Nandavajra on Sun, 15 May, 2016 - 17:55

Day Retreat to celebrate Buddha Day

By Nandavajra on Sun, 15 May, 2016 - 17:55

Day Retreat to celebrate Buddha Day - ‘The Buddha’s Victory’

Sunday 22nd May, 10.30 until 4.30 (arriving from 10.00)   by donation

at Bothenhampton Village Hall, BRIDPORT

A day celebrating the Buddha’s Awakening through Meditation, Reflection, shared lunch and more…….Buddha Day is one of the most important festival days in the Buddhist calendar, and forms part of Wesak. We’ll have readings from sutras, meditation, talk & discussion, together with a puja.
bring a veggie lunch item to share

Postcode DT6 4BJ for...

London Buddhist Centre
London Buddhist Centre

Beautiful New Video Portrait of Life on Retreat at Adhisthana

By Singhamanas on Wed, 11 May, 2016 - 10:30

Beautiful New Video Portrait of Life on Retreat at Adhisthana

By Singhamanas on Wed, 11 May, 2016 - 10:30

Everything is going to be alright

Filmed during the ten-day winter retreat at Adhisthana, Herefordshire, UK. Featuring ‘The Dawn Chorus’ by Derek Mahon. With thanks to Poppie Skold, the London Buddhist Centre and to all those who appear in the film.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Dhammarati on Sabbatical, Solitary Retreat, and the International Council

By dhammamegha on Wed, 23 Mar, 2016 - 20:44

Dhammarati - in conversation here with Dhammamegha - is one of the most experienced members of the Triratna College of Public Preceptors having chaired it for over ten years. Here he talks about his long sabbatical after leaving that job - a rich, deep time that encompassed post-Impressionist galleries in New York and lengthy solitary retreats in California and in Wales.

We hear about his personal study and his practical exploration of the Triratna system of practice and...

Triratna International Council
Triratna International Council

Dhammarati on sabbatical, solitary and the International Council

By dhammamegha on Tue, 22 Mar, 2016 - 14:15

Dhammarati came back a few months ago from sabbatical and a three month solitary in North Wales.

In this interview he talks to Dhammamegha about being on retreat and shares his thoughts about the future of the International Council. From the beginning of 2016 he is convening the Council.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Buddhafield 2016!

By Candradasa on Tue, 19 Jan, 2016 - 18:15

Buddhafield 2016!

By Candradasa on Tue, 19 Jan, 2016 - 18:15

Satydarshin over at Buddhafield has provided this most excellent graphic overview of the events planned so far in 2016.

Download and keep! 

Further information

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Adhisthana Programme 2016

Adhisthana Programme 2016

By akasajoti on Fri, 8 Jan, 2016 - 15:46

Here’s the updated Adhisthana programme for 2016.

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Maitreyabandhu - Poetry and Receptivity

By Candradasa on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 18:47

Maitreyabandhu - Poetry and Receptivity

By Candradasa on Tue, 24 Nov, 2015 - 18:47

It’s not too late to join the Urban Retreat! 

A lovely short talk by Maitreyabandhu, illuminating why poetry is itself an act of receptivity and requires that of us as readers and, in the context of an Urban Retreat, Buddhist practitioners. Taking as his source Kay Ryan’s poem ‘The Niagara River’ we get a simple but encouraging close reading of how poetry can help us slow down, take things in, and really...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Buddhist Voices - Saddhajoti On Co-Creating Chintamani Retreat Centre in Mexico

By viriyalila on Fri, 30 Oct, 2015 - 00:25

Viriyalila in conversation with the wonderful Saddhajoti, whose vision of a Buddhist retreat centre rising out of barren sugar cane plantation land has been fully realized here at Chintamani, near Cuernavaca in Mexico. 

It’s a truly extraordinary achievement, and the great beauty and elegance of the place has been hugely enjoyed by all lucky enough to be attending the Triratna Buddhist Order’s 2015 Pan-American Convention. 

We hear how Chintamani - named after the mythical wish-fulfilling jewel which is a symbol for the Dharma offered...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Parami's Perspectives No. 3 - South Pacific Retreat

By parami on Mon, 5 Oct, 2015 - 23:19

Parami chats with Kate and Cynthia at the end of the ordination training retreat at Vijayaloka Retreat Centre in Australia. Great to hear inspiring tales from the outback as women deepen their friendships and Buddhist practice together… 

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