Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature - New Book by Vajragupta

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 12 Mar, 2018 - 11:47

Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature - New Book by Vajragupta

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 12 Mar, 2018 - 11:47

Windhorse Publications have announced the public release of Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature which is now available as a paperback or an eBook.

Wild Awake will soon be found in UK-based and European Triratna centre bookshops. The book will take a bit longer to emerge in bookshops outside the UK and Europe,  as the book distributors’ release in the US and the Americas is in June.

In Wild Awake, Vajragupta draws on twenty-five years of experience going into nature alone. He recounts how these...

Windhorse Publications
Windhorse Publications

New Book by Vajragupta – Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature

By Windhorse Publi... on Tue, 6 Mar, 2018 - 10:57

New Book by Vajragupta – Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature

By Windhorse Publi... on Tue, 6 Mar, 2018 - 10:57

We now announce the public release! Wild Awake: Alone, Offline and Aware in Nature is available for worldwide purchase from our website as paperback or eBook.

Wild Awake will soon be found in UK-based and European Triratna centre bookshops. Note our book distributors’ release in the US and the Americas is in June, so books will take a bit longer to emerge in bookshops outside the UK and Europe.  

In Wild Awake, Vajragupta draws on twenty-five years of...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Sangharakshita's diary

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 5 Feb, 2018 - 12:55

Sangharakshita's diary

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 5 Feb, 2018 - 12:55

Sthanashraddha is Bhante’s secretary. He writes from AdhisthanaUK:

December is an unusual month here at Adhisthana, it becomes fairly quiet in the communities and quite a few people go away, either to see family or attend retreats. At the same time the centre swells and fills to capacity as the London Buddhist Centre holds its annual beginners winter retreat here. Bhante’s December largely followed a similar rhythm, being very quite with a slowing down...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

New Retreat Series from Taraloka: A Path to Insight

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 5 Feb, 2018 - 11:30

Prasadavati gives clear, engaging and impassioned talks taking us through the Satipatthana Sutta. In this full exploration of how to apply mindfulness practice in meditation and our lives, her depth of lived experience and love of Satipatthana shines through. Talks given on an intensive meditation retreat for women who have asked for ordination in 2017 in Taraloka.

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Spiritual Receptivity Retreat With Vessantara (Adhisthana 2017) - Complete Retreat Recordings

By akasajoti on Mon, 30 Oct, 2017 - 14:21

In August 2017 at Adhisthana, Vessantara continued his exploration of our mandala of spiritual practice with a second, deeper look at Spiritual Receptivity. This retreat focused on Just Sitting, a practice in which we’re open to the whole of our experience which forms a vital balance to structured practice, and is also the centre of the meditative mandala, where everything culminates in an experience which Sangharakshita describes as ‘existential relaxation’.

In this series of sessions, Vessantara weaves input around guided...


Refuge - A Film From 1972

By Candradasa on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 18:15

Refuge - A Film From 1972

By Candradasa on Thu, 22 Jun, 2017 - 18:15

Something for anyone who enjoyed ‘Gyproc and Flares - Sukhavati in the 1970s’

“Refuge” is a film made by Victress Hitchcock and Steven Burckhardt. Locations in and around London: Keffolds, Pundarika, Aryatara.

Here’s what Kamalashila said about the film back in 2013:

“This is how it was - and in many ways, is still. 1972, the year I discovered Triratna. Beautifully made with fascinating clips of such luminaries as Subhuti, Dhammadinna, Graham Sowter, Nagabodhi, Vajradaka and...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Using The Internet On Retreat - What's The Problem?

By Mokshini on Fri, 2 Sep, 2016 - 22:32

Maitreyi raises the point that it seems that more and more retreatants don’t heed the request not not to use their mobile phones on retreat.  But what are we in danger of losing when we crave continual connection to friends and family or reach for our phone the moment boredom or aloneness sets in? She suggests that it is only when we allow ourselves to experience a sense of aloneness, and truly give ourselves a chance to be with our experience...

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

2016 Summer European Chairs Assembly

By Mokshini on Wed, 31 Aug, 2016 - 09:44

At the start of the summer meeting of the European chairs of Triratna Buddhist Centres, Mokshini talks to Parina about what happens at these meetings, and why and whether Parina values coming to them. Parina is the chair of Metta Vihara, the Triratna Retreat Centre in the Lowlands (that’s the Netherlands and Belgium).

See all posts from the ECA 2016

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Clear Vision Trust
Clear Vision Trust

The New Vajrasana Retreat Centre

By Amaradaya on Wed, 6 Jul, 2016 - 13:50

The New Vajrasana Retreat Centre

By Amaradaya on Wed, 6 Jul, 2016 - 13:50

The London Buddhist Centre launches its new improved retreat Centre in Suffolk 
