Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Two Celebrations - One Sangha!

By Candradasa on Fri, 15 Jul, 2016 - 03:22

Two Celebrations - One Sangha!

By Candradasa on Fri, 15 Jul, 2016 - 03:22

Wherever you live on the Seacoast, we’re excited to invite you to join us at Portsmouth Buddhist Center each of the next two Sundays  – 10am-12pm – for some great community celebrations…

Dharma Day (July 17th)
Every year, on or near the full moon in July, Triratna Buddhists around the world come together to connect and reflect together on the unbroken lineage of the Buddha’s teaching – the Dharma – as it’s come down to us, person...

Portsmouth Buddhist Center
Portsmouth Buddhist Center

Dharma Day Celebration

By viriyalila on Wed, 25 Jun, 2014 - 17:03

Dharma Day Celebration

By viriyalila on Wed, 25 Jun, 2014 - 17:03On July 13th, we’ll be celebrating Dharma Day, marking the Buddha’s first teaching, 10 am - 1pm.

Soon after his Enlightenment the Buddha rose from where he had been sitting, went to find his former disciples and shared his experience with them. This event, which happened at a place called Sarnath in northern India, might be called the start of the Buddhist religion and it is this that Dharma Day celebrates. On Dharma Day there are often readings from...
Stockholms buddhistcenter
Stockholms buddhistcenter

Sanghadagen 17 november

By Viryabodhi on Wed, 13 Nov, 2013 - 08:05

Sanghadagen 17 november

By Viryabodhi on Wed, 13 Nov, 2013 - 08:05Hela 6 personer …

Sanghadagen 17 november

Alla är varmt välkomna till Sanghadagen, den buddhistiska högtid då vi firar och gläds åt den andliga gemenskapen.

Denna gång är temat “Sanghans pionjärer – då och nu”. Det blir personliga berättelser om hur sanghan vuxit, från Triratnas begynnelse i Sverige på 80-talet fram till idag. Vi kommer också rikta blicken framåt, mot ett ’nytt center’ i Stockholm.


09.30 – 11.30 Den vanliga söndagsmeditationen (med något extra)
Triratna News
Triratna News

Mitra Ceremony celebrations at Triratna’s Brixton centre

By lokabandhu on Thu, 11 Apr, 2013 - 11:34

Mitra Ceremony celebrations at Triratna’s Brixton centre

By lokabandhu on Thu, 11 Apr, 2013 - 11:34Ratnachuda writes from Triratna’s small but buzzing centre in Brixton Buddhist Centre, South London, where they’ve been celebrating their first Mitra Ceremonies into the wider Triratna Buddhist Community. He says - “Last month saw us here in Brixton celebrating four new mitras, all publicly making their commitment to the Triratna Sangha - plus a traditional ‘reaffirmation ceremony’ by Steve Hughes.

The evening was beautifully led by Amarapuspa, women’s mitra convenor for Triratna’s Brixton and Croydon...
Stockholms buddhistcenter
Stockholms buddhistcenter

Sangha Day celebration at Stockholms Buddhistcenter

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 26 Nov, 2012 - 05:57

Sangha Day celebration at Stockholms Buddhistcenter

By Viryabodhi on Mon, 26 Nov, 2012 - 05:57On Sunday we had our celebration of Sangha Day, like so many other Triratna centres all over the world. During the day we had a particular focus on the plans and ideas of moving towards a New Buddhist centre. The ‘New centre team’ gave short presentations.
Viryabodhi talked about the significance of Sangha Day and the Bodhisattva ideal (including the 4 sangrahavastus). Satyaprabha talked and showed projected images of Sangharakshita Land project (to keep the sangha informed of developments there),...
Bristol Buddhist Centre
Bristol Buddhist Centre

Women's Order/Mitra day

By jvalamalini on Sun, 3 Jun, 2012 - 21:55

Women's Order/Mitra day

By jvalamalini on Sun, 3 Jun, 2012 - 21:55Sunday 24 June
This being, that becomes, from the arising of this, that arises.

Come and explore this core teaching of the Buddha in company with friends in the good life. A day for women mitras and dharmacharinis in the Bristol, Cardiff and West Wales sanghas - with Satyalila, Khemajoti and friends.9.30 for prompt 10 start - finish around 4.30pm

Bring veggie lunch to share

Suggested donation £15. Please book so we know numbers
