Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

The Magic of Meditation with Kamalashila (The Buddhist Centre Podcast, Episode 434)

By Centre Team on Fri, 9 Dec, 2022 - 22:22

Welcome to a new season of the podcast! ❤️

Since the 1970s Kamalashila has been exploring meditation and, as an author and teacher in the Triratna Buddhist Order, shaping our understanding of meditation in all its practical magic and mystery. 

These days he spends much of his time at home in rural England, leading in-depth meditation retreats online for members of the Order. Join us in his garden amongst the summer birds and wildflowers of Suffolk for a conversation about how sadhana – a...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

FBA Podcast: The Importance of Mindfulness

By Sadayasihi on Sat, 31 Jul, 2021 - 06:23

Kamalashila explores the centrality of mindfulness to the Buddhist path. He discusses the concept of intoxication, with reference to the 5th Precept and the Sutra of Golden Light. Kamalashila then considers the four foundations of mindfulness from the Satipatthana Sutta and concludes that mindfulness is the basis of metta and allows us to embrace the realm of truth and beauty.

This talk was given at Croydon Buddhist Centre, 1996. This talk was made available by the...

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 5: 'Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Practice' by Kamalashila

By Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 30 Dec, 2020 - 06:00

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 5: 'Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Practice' by Kamalashila

By Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 30 Dec, 2020 - 06:00

For the Fifth Day of our Twelve Days of FBA, Aryaketu enthuses about the impact of Free Buddhist Audio on his practice life in India. We invited him to recommend a recording that he feels has also played a significant role in the lives of many of our sangha and beyond in the birthplace of the Buddha.

Aryaketu’s offering is one of the most influential in our archive, The Mindfulness of Breathing meditation lead-through by Kamalashila based on his...

Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: There’s A Lot of Potential Within Us

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 24 Dec, 2020 - 06:00

Kamalashila takes us into the world of the Abhidharma to investigate how positive mind states emerge. He describes the types of Shraddha (confidence, faith or esteem), and their place in Buddhist practice.

Excerpted from the talk entitled Shraddha given for Sangha Night at the West London Buddhist Centre, 2016.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every week! (Apple Podcasts)

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: Exploring the Movement of the Mind as Wind

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 20 Aug, 2020 - 14:00

Kamalashila explores the nature of wind as energies moving around in the body as well as outside the body.

Kamalashila has spent a lot of his adult life exploring meditation - and this talk is a lovely little foray into the whole subject as a crucial aspect in life and practice, with special consideration given to reflection on the six elements.

From the talk entitled Simplicity given at Triratna (FWBO) Day, 2004.

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College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Rejoicing in Kamalashila – Satyaraja

By satyaraja on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 15:14

Rejoicing in Kamalashila – Satyaraja

By satyaraja on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 15:14

During the March Area College gathering for the UK, Ireland and Europe, Kamalashila attended for an evening to have a farewell following his retirement from the Preceptors’ College at the end of last year. He was able to share some of his current threads of practice and inspiration, and a number of those present rejoiced in him. Here we share two of those contributions from Sanghadevi and Satyaraja.

I first met Kamalashila in the early part of 1980 at...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Rejoicing in Kamalashila – Sanghadevi

By sanghadevi on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 15:09

Rejoicing in Kamalashila – Sanghadevi

By sanghadevi on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 15:09

During the March Area College gathering for the UK, Ireland and Europe, Kamalashila attended for an evening to have a farewell following his retirement from the Preceptors’ College at the end of last year. He was able to share some of his current threads of practice and inspiration, and a number of those present rejoiced in him. Here we share two of those contributions from Sanghadevi and Satyaraja.

I have been with Kamalasila in meetings of the College and originally of the College...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Total Immersion - it's not about swimming

By Munisha on Wed, 24 Aug, 2016 - 08:21

Total Immersion - it's not about swimming

By Munisha on Wed, 24 Aug, 2016 - 08:21

Vajrapriya reports from this summer’s 28-day Buddhafield ‘Total Immersion’ retreat 2016 which took place in England in May and June, led by him and Kamalashila.

“’A world-class event!’ declared an Order member reporting out. Looking round the cluster of comrades gathered in the home-made dome, in a slightly boggy Devon field, it was easy to underestimate the extraordinariness of this event.

‘Total immersion’ doesn’t just refer to the intensity of meditation, but also to immersion in the elements....

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Satyaraja and Kamalashila talk about meditation

By Saccanama on Wed, 16 Mar, 2016 - 13:27

In the last of our audio interviews from the March 2016 Preceptors’ College meeting, Satyaraja and Kamalashila share some reflections about their personal practice of meditation. It’s a lovely discussion between two people who are dedicated to meditation as a key way to work with the mind and discover more deeply the nature of it. We hear particularly about the devotional aspects of meditation, which is another way into the idea of insight itself. And about meditation retreats - solitary and...
