Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Unfortunately, I have a new plan for the summer

By kamalashila on Sat, 4 May, 2024 - 11:59

Unfortunately, I have a new plan for the summer

By kamalashila on Sat, 4 May, 2024 - 11:59

I’m writing to everyone interested in the new weekly series of Anapanasati and Brahmaviharas practice sessions. Many of you won’t have heard about what’s happened, so I’m sorry, this will be a shock, please pause and take a breath. Over the last month I have discovered that I have cancer, that it is incurable, and that I am estimated to have just a few months to live. Yes, I’m afraid it’s true. See my ‘journey into the unknown’ blog on ...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Rejoicing in Kamalashila – Satyaraja

By satyaraja on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 15:14

Rejoicing in Kamalashila – Satyaraja

By satyaraja on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 15:14

During the March Area College gathering for the UK, Ireland and Europe, Kamalashila attended for an evening to have a farewell following his retirement from the Preceptors’ College at the end of last year. He was able to share some of his current threads of practice and inspiration, and a number of those present rejoiced in him. Here we share two of those contributions from Sanghadevi and Satyaraja.

I first met Kamalashila in the early part of 1980 at...

College of Public Preceptors
College of Public Preceptors

Rejoicing in Kamalashila – Sanghadevi

By sanghadevi on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 15:09

Rejoicing in Kamalashila – Sanghadevi

By sanghadevi on Thu, 21 May, 2020 - 15:09

During the March Area College gathering for the UK, Ireland and Europe, Kamalashila attended for an evening to have a farewell following his retirement from the Preceptors’ College at the end of last year. He was able to share some of his current threads of practice and inspiration, and a number of those present rejoiced in him. Here we share two of those contributions from Sanghadevi and Satyaraja.

I have been with Kamalasila in meetings of the College and originally of the College...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Total Immersion - it's not about swimming

By Munisha on Wed, 24 Aug, 2016 - 08:21

Total Immersion - it's not about swimming

By Munisha on Wed, 24 Aug, 2016 - 08:21

Vajrapriya reports from this summer’s 28-day Buddhafield ‘Total Immersion’ retreat 2016 which took place in England in May and June, led by him and Kamalashila.

“’A world-class event!’ declared an Order member reporting out. Looking round the cluster of comrades gathered in the home-made dome, in a slightly boggy Devon field, it was easy to underestimate the extraordinariness of this event.

‘Total immersion’ doesn’t just refer to the intensity of meditation, but also to immersion in the elements....

Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

BAM Online Meditations!

By Centre Team on Mon, 8 Jun, 2015 - 16:54

BAM Online Meditations!

By Centre Team on Mon, 8 Jun, 2015 - 16:54

For the rest of this month we’ll be conducting our usual weekly online meditation on BAM’s central themes of sustainability and caring for others. And who better to get us started than Kamalashila! :)

If you don’t know our online meditation space and schedule, head on over to Online Meditators and connect with us there.

Kamalashila is one of our most experienced meditation practitioners and teachers. Author of Buddhist Meditation: Tranquillity, Imagination & Insight, we’re very fortunate to have...

Online Meditators
Online Meditators

Meditation Tuesday for Buddhist Action Month - With Kamalashila

By Candradasa on Mon, 8 Jun, 2015 - 16:33

Meditation Tuesday for Buddhist Action Month - With Kamalashila

By Candradasa on Mon, 8 Jun, 2015 - 16:33

Kamalashila is one of our most experienced meditation practitioners and teachers. Author of Buddhist Meditation: Tranquillity, Imagination & Insight, we’re very fortunate to have him join us to lead Meditation Tuesday this week! 

For the rest of this month, we’ll be exploring themes related to Buddhist Action Month (BAM!) and its central themes of sustainability and caring for others. Kamalashila will help us get started and has generously agreed to a longer session to take any...

Triratna News
Triratna News

A new future for Vajrakuta?

By Munisha on Sat, 30 Aug, 2014 - 18:30

A new future for Vajrakuta?

By Munisha on Sat, 30 Aug, 2014 - 18:30Once the FWBO’s main study centre, Vajrakuta is a short walk through woods and fields from Vajraloka Meditation Centre, near Corwen, North Wales (UK). It’s been a meditation and study community for the FWBO/Triratna since the 1980s, and Prakasha and Srisambhava led retreats there more recently. Now they plan to sell it and move to a cottage nearby.

Kamalashila wants to buy it for Triratna and find some men to form a monastic community. He’s looking...
Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Into New Year With The Buddhist Centre Online

By Rijupatha on Mon, 30 Dec, 2013 - 15:15

Into New Year With The Buddhist Centre Online

By Rijupatha on Mon, 30 Dec, 2013 - 15:15

The latest issue of the Triratna Highlights newsletter, taking us into the new year, is fresh off the digital presses! If you’re signed up to receive it via email, it should be in your inbox now. If you’re not signed up, you can find the web version here, or go to ‘my profile’ (top right of any page when you are logged in), choose ‘edit’ and check the ‘Newsletter sign up’ box.

The newsletter gathers together some of the best...

Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Follow Kamalashila's Quarterly!

By Candradasa on Wed, 4 Dec, 2013 - 17:33

Follow Kamalashila's Quarterly!

By Candradasa on Wed, 4 Dec, 2013 - 17:33Over on our new Features space for original digital Dharma content we’ve just posted our first episode from what we hope will be a quarterly series with the wonderful Kamalashila

Listen to Kamlashila’s Quarterly No. 1

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