Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

Mindfulness of Death

By Candradasa on Fri, 14 Jun, 2024 - 22:09

Mindfulness of Death

By Candradasa on Fri, 14 Jun, 2024 - 22:09

A beautiful 20 minute gently guided reflection on how our bodies and our consciousness (parsed by Kamalashila as “manifesting a world”) might, in time, come into relationship with our own dying and death.

Listen to a conversation with Kamalashila about Buddhist practice in the face of terminal cancer

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 5: 'Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Practice' by Kamalashila

By Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 30 Dec, 2020 - 06:00

The Twelve Days of FBA (2020) - Day 5: 'Guided Mindfulness of Breathing Practice' by Kamalashila

By Free Buddhist Audio on Wed, 30 Dec, 2020 - 06:00

For the Fifth Day of our Twelve Days of FBA, Aryaketu enthuses about the impact of Free Buddhist Audio on his practice life in India. We invited him to recommend a recording that he feels has also played a significant role in the lives of many of our sangha and beyond in the birthplace of the Buddha.

Aryaketu’s offering is one of the most influential in our archive, The Mindfulness of Breathing meditation lead-through by Kamalashila based on his...

Order Dharma (test space)
Order Dharma (test space)

The Context for Insight in Triratna

By Kamalashila on Mon, 7 Jul, 2014 - 19:10

The Context for Insight in Triratna

By Kamalashila on Mon, 7 Jul, 2014 - 19:10My talk by given on the Order UK and Ireland Men’s Order Weekend at Padmaloka on 3 May 2014.

The theme of the weekend was ‘Insight and the Order’.