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This is the first article in a series of articles on translation within Triratna, by Viryabodhi, coordinator of the International Triratna Translations Board (ITTB). The next article, which will go more into the challenges, will be published within the next month or so.
Where you can find and buy translated Dharma books within Triratna. Let us know if something is missing or faulty, se bottom of page!
Wo Sie übersetzte Dharma-Bücher in Triratna finden und kaufen können. Lassen Sie uns wissen, wenn etwas fehlt oder fehlerhaft ist, siehe unten auf der Seite!
Dónde encontrar y comprar libros de Dharma traducidos dentro de Triratna. Háganos saber si falta algo o está defectuoso, véase al final de la página.
Où vous pouvez trouver et acheter des livres de...
We celebrated our 50th birthday in Essen with about 170 people; who came from Paris, Brussels, Gent, Amsterdam, Arnhem, Metta Vihara, Groningen, Berlin, Freiburg, Tübingen, Wiesbaden, Gelnhausen, Arnsberg, Osnabrück, Düsseldorf, Duisburg, Dortmund and Essen.
This recording is of the dedication ceremony for the next 50 years - first in English, then the first and last verse in French, Dutch and German respectively.
Depuis que nous avons publié le livre Poèmes de Sangharakshita, il y a quelques années, je n’étais pas retourné à la traduction de ses poèmes, parfois avec un peu de regret, mais dans le tournbillon de ma vie je n’en ai pas pris le temps. Le Mois d’Action Bouddhiste qui s’achève vient de m’en donner l’occasion, et je copie ci-dessous ma traduction de son poème An Apology (Une Excuse), écrit en 2009.
By lokabandhu on Wed, 23 Jan, 2013 - 16:37Vassika introduit l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna. Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site
By lokabandhu on Fri, 7 Dec, 2012 - 06:35Ujumani writes from Triratna’s Paris centre with news of the publication of their third book: Un guide sur la voie bouddhique (1ère partie) – i.e. A Guide to the Buddhist Path (Vol. 1).
The Paris Centre has published these books itself as it has not yet been possible to find a mainstream publisher for Sangharakshita’s works in France. Contrary to the situation in Anglophone countries, Sangharakshita is little known in France and the Triratna Buddhist...
By Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 3 Jun, 2012 - 15:36
A deliciously spacious Sevenfold Puja with all the trimmings, including two beautiful Shakyamuni Mantras, recorded live on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat at Taraloka.
Including verses from the Dhammapada read in Danish and the Heart Sutra in French.