Community Highlights
Community Highlights

Islam and the Buddha - New Writing from Sangharakshita

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 4 Sep, 2018 - 11:53

Islam and the Buddha - New Writing from Sangharakshita

By Sadayasihi on Tue, 4 Sep, 2018 - 11:53

Following on from his previous piece, Buddhism and Islam, Sangharakshita discusses Shah-Kazemi’s Common Ground Between Islam and Buddhism, with special reference to an article of his own published sixty or more years ago, Religion as Revelation and Discovery.

This piece is open to all and can be read on Sangharakshita’s website: Islam and the Buddha along with other articles he has written.

Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

5 Years Of The Buddhist Centre Online: #6 Engaged Buddhism

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 18 Jul, 2018 - 17:38

5 Years Of The Buddhist Centre Online: #6 Engaged Buddhism

By Sadayasihi on Wed, 18 Jul, 2018 - 17:38

It is not enough to be compassionate. You must act. There are two aspects to action. One is to overcome the distortions and afflictions of your own mind, that is, in terms of calming and eventually dispelling anger. This is action out of compassion. The other is more social, more public. When something needs to be done in the world to rectify the wrongs, if one is really concerned with benefiting others, one needs to be engaged, involved.” - The Dalai Lama


Triratna News
Triratna News

The Suffering of the Rohingya People Continues

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 18 Jun, 2018 - 15:15

The Suffering of the Rohingya People Continues

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 18 Jun, 2018 - 15:15

The Rohingya people need your money, urgently.

A new Buddhist global project has been set up to help the Rohingya people, a million of whom are living in the world’s biggest refugee camp, Bangladesh, as a result of Buddhist-led violence in Myanmar/Burma. After fleeing their burning villages, many of them now find themselves living in very difficult conditions facing monsoon rains.

Late in 2017 a number of senior Order members published strongly-worded statement pointing out...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Vishvapani on the BBC

By Munisha on Thu, 9 Nov, 2017 - 15:09

Vishvapani on the BBC

By Munisha on Thu, 9 Nov, 2017 - 15:09

For a number of years, Vishvapani has been the regular Buddhist contributor to Thought for the Day on BBC Radio Four’s morning news programme, Today.

Here are his recent broadcasts, accessible anywhere in the world. His views on violence against the Rohingya Muslims in Burma/Myanmar may be of particular interest.

11th May 2017 Is Buddhism still relevant? (Buddha Day)
18th May 2017 Eating in moderation 
1st June 2017 If technology served Buddhist goals

Triratna in the Buddhist World
Triratna in the Buddhist World

European Buddhist Union weekend 2017

By Munisha on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 11:14

European Buddhist Union weekend 2017

By Munisha on Tue, 17 Oct, 2017 - 11:14

As the ‘Liaison Officer’ for Triratna’s European Chairs’ Assembly, I’m the person who looks after Triratna’s co-operation with other Buddhist traditions on matters of common interest. As part of this work, each September I attend the AGM weekend of the European Buddhist Union  (EBU) and the meeting of the Buddhist Teachers in Europe. This year both took place at the Benchen Katsang Retreat Centre just west of Warsaw, Poland. Next year will see them...

Espace Sangha de Paris
Espace Sangha de Paris

Déclaration contre la violence bouddhiste en Birmanie

By Ujumani on Thu, 5 Oct, 2017 - 19:52

Déclaration contre la violence bouddhiste en Birmanie

By Ujumani on Thu, 5 Oct, 2017 - 19:52

Sangharakshita, le fondateur de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna, ont récemment fait la déclaration traduite ci-dessous, condamnant la violence perpétrée par des bouddhistes en Birmanie (Myanmar) contre les Rohingyas.

Tous les membres de l’Ordre bouddhiste Triratna qui animent le Centre bouddhiste Triratna de Paris ou qui y enseignent soutiennent entièrement cette déclaration et s’y associent.

Déclaration au sujet des violences menées par des bouddhistes contre la population musulmane en Birmanie (Myanmar), 2017

En tant que bouddhiste, je m’oppose totalement aux encouragements à la violence et...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Statement Against Buddhist Violence in Burma/Myanmar

By Munisha on Tue, 12 Sep, 2017 - 12:04

Today on Triratna News:

1) A statement against Buddhist violence against the mostly Muslim Rohingya people in Burma/Myanmar, signed individually and personally by senior members of the Triratna Buddhist Order including Sangharakshita. The statement simply says that violence cannot be justified by Buddhist teachings.

2) Vishvapani’s broadcast this morning on BBC Radio Four’s Thought for the Day: ‘Burmese atrocities: the problem with a Buddhist state”. (Text and audio)

We first published a statement on this topic in 2013. In view of the even...

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Burma statement 201787.67 KB
Triratna News
Triratna News

Urge your government to counter Buddhist violence against Muslims in Burma

By Munisha on Fri, 30 Oct, 2015 - 12:44

Urge your government to counter Buddhist violence against Muslims in Burma

By Munisha on Fri, 30 Oct, 2015 - 12:44

Please join Buddhists around the world speaking out in defence of ethnic Muslim minorities displaced by ethnic Buddhist violence in southeast Asia, especially the Rohingya people of Burma (Myanmar).

A report published by Queen Mary University, London, says the Rohingya are facing the final stages of genocide”.

Richard Reoch of the Shambhala Buddhist tradition in the USA, writes:
“Please speak up for the tens of thousands of displaced people in southeast Asia...

Triratna News
Triratna News

Triratna Translations Project celebrates 30th language

By Munisha on Wed, 29 Jul, 2015 - 16:16

Triratna Translations Project celebrates 30th language

By Munisha on Wed, 29 Jul, 2015 - 16:16

The Triratna Translations Project aims to translate the main texts and ceremonies used in the Triratna Buddhist Community into as many of the world’s languages as possible. With the translation of the Threefold Puja into Burmese it’s reached its 30th language. (This short puja was written by Bhante long ago, for the Finnish sangha, who found the Sevenfold Puja too elaborate.

It’s an ambitious project, but Lokabandhu, the project’s online co-ordinator says “We’re a worldwide community and between us...


Short Puja in English and Myanmar

By lokabandhu on Sat, 27 Jun, 2015 - 23:55

Here’s a translation of Triratna’s ‘Short Puja’ (also known as the ‘Threefold Puja’), translated into Myanmar by EfECT Group B at Monywar Education College in May 2015.  Many thanks to Pabodhana for facilitating this.
