Tag: Buddhist Action Month

Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

Buddhist Action Month 2015 in Bristol

By Kamalamani on Thu, 21 May, 2015 - 12:44

Here in Bristol the sangha night theme through the late winter and spring has been ‘Building the Buddhaland’, setting the scene well for Buddhist Action Month in June. The flyer attached gives full details of the different events through the month, or there’s a quick overview below. Look forward to seeing you many of you at one or many of these events!

SANGHA NIGHT: THE BURNING HOUSE with Kamalamani, Tuesday 2nd June, 7.30pm


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Triratna News
Triratna News

Donations flood in for Nepal

By Munisha on Sat, 2 May, 2015 - 17:05

Donations flood in for Nepal

By Munisha on Sat, 2 May, 2015 - 17:05

Donations to Green Tara Trust in Nepal are now well over GBP13,000 - not including the GBP5,000 donated by Karuna Trust. 

It’s not too late to give. Make a Buddha Day donation!

While Nepal’s government reports today that almost none of the aid pledged by foreign governments has arrived yet, it’s good to hear from Green Tara Trust that your money is already there and working.

Local worker Ram writes “First funds from donations are coming through, that will be used mainly for...

Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

Street Meditation in Dublin

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 23:09

Street Meditation in Dublin

By Sadayasihi on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 23:09

Inspired by the principles behind BAM and a growing sense that our Buddhist practice has the potential to transform the world around us, the sustainability group linked to the Dublin Buddhist Centre (known as ‘Green Dharma Dublin’) decided to participate in the Global Day of Action on Military Spending.  This annual event is organised by the International Peace Bureau and takes place in mid April with the aim of raising awareness about the obscene amounts of money spent on the military each year ($1.8...

Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

Who runs BAM?

By Munisha on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 16:38

Who runs BAM?

By Munisha on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 16:38

You do!

But, more helpfully…

BAM is an initiative of the Network of Buddhist Organisations UK (NBO), who have asked a small team of young Buddhists to provide central information online via the NBO website and a central BAM Facebook page. 

But the great thing about BAM is that it’s largely self-organising, and any Buddhist tradition can get involved, using whatever approach fits the emphases and ethos of that particular tradition.

Around Triratna Centres in the ...

Buddhist Action Month 2015
Buddhist Action Month 2015

Be a Shambhala warrior

By Munisha on Mon, 20 Apr, 2015 - 13:25

“Firmly establish your intention to live your life for the healing of the world. Be conscious of it, honour it, nurture it every day…”

These are the opening words of the inspiring text attached below, written by Triratna Order member Akuppa in 2005.

“…Do not set your heart on particular results. Enjoy positive action for its own sake and rest confident that it will bear fruit.”

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Triratna News
Triratna News

Buddhist Action Month 2015: coming soon

By Munisha on Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 - 00:34

Buddhist Action Month 2015: coming soon

By Munisha on Fri, 17 Apr, 2015 - 00:34

June is Buddhist Action Month in the UK - and, increasingly, beyond. Buddhist Action Month (BAM) is a festival of Buddhist social action of many kinds. 

Many Triratna sanghas enaged enthusiastically with BAM last year, and are gearing up for another inspiring month this year.

To read all about Triratna’s BAM activities, sign up for regular updates and see how to get involved, +follow the BAM space on The Buddhist Centre Online....

Triratna News
Triratna News

UK Buddhist projects win awards for service to society

By Munisha on Sat, 29 Nov, 2014 - 00:57

UK Buddhist projects win awards for service to society

By Munisha on Sat, 29 Nov, 2014 - 00:57Congratulations to the Manchester Buddhist Centre’s Engaged Buddhist Kula, awarded a Together in Service Award on 19th November for service to society, along with the UK’s Buddhist Healthcare Chaplaincy Group (BCHG).

Watch a video (4.5 mins) about the Engaged Buddhist Kula, part of Clear Vision’s recent video news round up, NewsByte 2.

Over the last two years, amongst other things – some as part of ...
Buddhist Action Month 2014
Buddhist Action Month 2014

Meditation flashmob in Manchester on Thursday

By Munisha on Sun, 15 Jun, 2014 - 17:40

Meditation flashmob in Manchester on Thursday

By Munisha on Sun, 15 Jun, 2014 - 17:40Manchester’s Engaged Buddhist Kula is holding a Flashmob meditation (also known as a Medmob) in the city centre this Thursday.

More details here.
Buddhist Action Month 2014
Buddhist Action Month 2014

Radical ethics at Manchester Buddhist Centre

By Munisha on Tue, 10 Jun, 2014 - 18:01

Radical ethics at Manchester Buddhist Centre

By Munisha on Tue, 10 Jun, 2014 - 18:01Buddhist Action Month kicked off in Manchester with last Sunday’s Radical Ethics event at the Manchester Buddhist Centre. Amitasuri was there and reports:

“Seventeen of us, aged from 20s to 60s, gathered for an afternoon run by the Centre’s Manchester Engaged Buddhist Kula.

First the Kula members talked about how they practise the precepts and the challenges they face doing this. In particular, Simon Bradley gave the example of imagining that his carbon footprint was quite...
