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Our sense of identity is deeply rooted in the real nature of things. This is the fullness of contentment. - Subhuti, Mind in Harmony
What is the antidote to deep feelings of separation? Of despair and loneliness? Without being able to control everything, how can we hope to gain any sense of security?
Connecting with deep identity means realising that we are nature, that we contain the six elements within us at the same time...
If you’d like to start a practice of meditation but aren’t sure where to start, or if you’ve been meditating for some time and would like to reinvigorate your practice, this week’s free eBook is for you. It’s Wildmind: A Step-by-Step Guide to Meditation by Bodhipaksa.
Last week’s free eBook, A Guide to the Bodhisattvas by Vessantara will remain free to download until Monday, 7th September.
We hope you enjoy what we’ve got to offer you this week: yet another free eBook – our 25th! – and four newly discounted paperbacks.
If you find value in what we have to offer, please consider making a donation when you check out. Every donation supports us in our mission to provide life-changing Dharma books. Thank you.
This week’s free eBook
If you’d like to start a practice of meditation but aren’t sure where to start, or if you’ve been meditating for some time and...
Did the Buddha actually say “all worldlings are mad”, “all descriptions of reality are temporary hypotheses” or “all things are perfect exactly as they are”? These are just some of the sayings that Bodhipaksa, author of Vegetarianism: A Buddhist View and of the Wildmind Buddhist Meditation site, investigates in his new book I Can’t Believe It’s Not Buddha!, an entertaining search for the truth amidst the haystack of ‘Buddha quotes.’
The book is Bodhipaksa’s response to encountering many dubious ‘quotes’ attributed to the Buddha...
By Centre Team on Thu, 4 Dec, 2014 - 15:01Wildmind is an online meditation center, a blog, an online meditation supplies store, and a publisher of guided meditation CDs.
These varied activities are run by a small team of three people working from an office in a former cotton mill on the Lamprey River in Newmarket, New Hampshire, just down the road from Aryaloka Buddhist Center.
As an online meditation center, Wildmind has a global, reach. In the past twelve...
By lokabandhu on Wed, 2 Oct, 2013 - 13:23Bodhipaksa writes from the States with news of another milestone in the slowly-growing Canadian Triratna Buddhist sangha, saying - “I’m leading a workshop in Toronto on Oct 19 which Harshaprabha and I are hoping to use to kick-start regular Triratna activities in the city. There’s a few people with Triratna backgrounds in Toronto, and others moving there later this year, but so far no Order Member to keep things going. We’re hoping that the two of us, and...
By lokabandhu on Wed, 17 Oct, 2012 - 22:47Bodhipaksa, a long-standing Order Member and founder of the Wildmind meditation teaching website, writes from his home in New England to say - “I gave a TEDx talk a few days ago – the first Order Member to do so, as far as I’m aware. It was titled, ‘The Surprising Secret to Unlocking Compassion’ and was part of a series called ‘Compassion and Education: The Spirit Within’. The raw footage of the entire event is...