13th - 27th February, 2022
Our sense of identity is deeply rooted in the real nature of things. This is the fullness of contentment.
- Subhuti, Mind in Harmony
What is the antidote to deep feelings of separation? Of despair and loneliness? Without being able to control everything, how can we hope to gain any sense of security?
Connecting with deep identity means realising that we are nature, that we contain the six elements within us at the same time as witnessing them in our environment. With conscious awareness of this knowledge, we can go out into the world – whatever it looks like – with skill, profound confidence, discernment and compassion.
Join us for a fortnight of practice that centres and cultivates a relationship with the Six Elements – earth, water, fire, air, space and consciousness. Although we will meet online, the emphasis for this event will be awareness of the world around you from the microscopic to the universal.
Content includes:
- daily meditation sessions
- movement sessions
- dharma talks
- workshops
- a sprinkling of other delights such as music and entertainment
- regular emails with beautiful, inspiring content to keep you going throughout the event.
The full programme will be released in the new year. Leaders already confirmed include:
- Maitridevi
- Ratnadeva
- Amaragita
- Singhashri
- Dayajoti
- Bodhipaksa
Click here for more information about how it all works and to book your place.