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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Opening Up

By Centre Team on Mon, 18 Dec, 2023 - 11:00

Paramananda explore the relevance of alchemical thinking to meditation practice. Excerpted from the talk Opening Up the Imagination, the eighth in a series called The Alchemical Heart given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2018.


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Bite-sized inspiration three times every week.

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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabyte: A Fundamentally Flawed Strategy

By Zac on Mon, 30 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

Adverse situations of our day to day lives can provide us with opportunities to transform. Pradaya explores the Seven Point Mind Training teaching of turning adverse conditions into the path of enlightenment.

From the talk Base Metal Into Gold, part of the series Mind Training - The Alchemy of The Emotions, given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Free Buddhist Audio
Free Buddhist Audio

Dharmabytes: Dharmas Are Dreamlike

By Zac on Thu, 26 Jan, 2023 - 06:00

Society is complicated and we have all sorts of stories about that. Satyajyoti explores how our ideas and our stories create their own realities. Whatever our views are about the world influences how we experience the world.

Excerpted from the talk Training In Wisdom, part of the series Mind Training - The Alchemy of The Emotions, given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Buddhist Centre Features
Buddhist Centre Features

The Alchemical Heart (The Dharma Toolkit Podcast, Episode 35)

By Centre Team on Sun, 3 Jan, 2021 - 19:42

In this first podcast of 2021 we turn to the magic of inner transformation, with a special episode to mark our forthcoming Home Retreat on meditation: ‘The Alchemical Heart’ with Paramananda.

Happy New Year! May 2021 prove a kinder, more hopeful year for all.

In this first podcast of the year we turn to the magic of inner transformation, with a special episode to mark our forthcoming Home Retreat: ‘The Alchemical Heart’ with Paramananda.

In our conversation around the work involved...

Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

Prasadacarin - Transforming World (Triratna International Gathering 2019)

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 25 Aug, 2019 - 15:10

In the third and final talk from the 2019 Triratna International Gathering, Prasadacarin explores the theme of ‘transforming world’. Taking ‘everything is burning with the three fires of greed, hatred and delusion’ as his starting point, he poses the question: what are the alternatives to these fires?

The three jewels of the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha are a framework that could transform the world and Prasadacarin draws out what each jewel or refuge can offer. 


Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

Sanghamani - Transforming Sangha (Triratna International Gathering 2019)

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sun, 25 Aug, 2019 - 00:31

Sanghamani with a great second talk from the 2019 Triratna International Gathering. Her theme on this Alchemy of the Dharma weekend is how we can transform ourselves in order to transform our communities. And she leads with fearlessness in discussing her own work and practice in this regard.

As a fundraiser at the cutting edge of the practice of connection – trying to forge a sense of mutually vital relationship with strangers (who are not necessarily pleased to find you at their...

Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma
Triratna International Gathering 2019: Alchemy of the Dharma

Ratnaguna - Transforming Self (Triratna International Gathering 2019)

By Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 24 Aug, 2019 - 00:22

A wonderful first talk of the 2019 International Gathering, whose theme is ‘Alchemy of the Dharma’. The utterly delightful Ratnaguna takes us through the true miracle of transforming ourselves via the magic of a practice in which we also learn to let ourselves change. 

This is a beautiful, reflective, funny take on the challenges of the Dharma life. Ratnaguna’s breadth of reference is itself a joy: taking in Greek philosophy, Hans Christian Andersen, and writings on the nearness of death to life...

Community Highlights
Free Buddhist Audio

Mind Training - The Alchemy of The Emotions: Highlighted Series

By Sadayasihi on Thu, 6 Jun, 2019 - 10:30

Mind Training can be likened to a form of spiritual alchemy: a magical transmutation of our ordinary lives into gold. These powerful talks from the Sheffield Buddhist Centre provide a series of practical slogans which turn the adverse situations of our day-to-day lives into ideal conditions for spiritual transformation of the mind and emotions. Going beyond concepts, mind training techniques are just as relevant in the crucible of everyday life as they were in 12th century Tibet.

