Twice daily sessions of meditation and exploration
First daily session (2 hrs): IE & UK 09:30 | Europe CET 10:30 | India 14:00 | Australia AEDT 20.30 | New Zealand 22.30
Second daily session (1.5 hrs): USA PST 11:00 | México 13:00 | USA EST 14:00 | IE & UK 19:00 | Europe CET 20:00 | Australia AEDT 06.00 (next day) | New Zealand 08.00 (next day)
This online retreat tailored for home practice will offer an experiential approach to meditation, with an emphasis on the relationship between our bodies and our imagination.
We will draw on images and ideas within both the Buddhist tradition and those of the western alchemical tradition. In particular we will investigate how an imaginative engagement with our ‘hearts’ can support a rich and sustaining practice of meditation that draws us into intimacy both with ourselves and with the world. A chance to look on our own experience as the true ‘gold’ within reach at any moment.
Paramananda has been teaching meditation for over 35 years and is well known for his body-based, poetic approach. He has published a number of books on meditation including ‘Change Your Mind’ and, most recently, ‘The Myth of Meditation’.
Reserve your space: join us in the new year to renew the transformative magic of your own practice!