Coming to the end of the ‘Transforming Arrows into Flowers’ Home retreat, it is always useful to dwell on any benefits you have received from the week. Perhaps you would like to make a few changes to your life – such as less time checking your emails; or ‘doing nothing’ for ten minutes each day. You may wish to write these down and keep them by your bed or on your fridge as a reminder. Telling other people can also...
During the March Area College gathering for the UK, Ireland and Europe, Kamalashila attended for an evening to have a farewell following his retirement from the Preceptors’ College at the end of last year. He was able to share some of his current threads of practice and inspiration, and a number of those present rejoiced in him. Here we share two of those contributions from Sanghadevi and Satyaraja.
I first met Kamalashila in the early part of 1980 at...
During the March Area College gathering for the UK, Ireland and Europe, Kamalashila attended for an evening to have a farewell following his retirement from the Preceptors’ College at the end of last year. He was able to share some of his current threads of practice and inspiration, and a number of those present rejoiced in him. Here we share two of those contributions from Sanghadevi and Satyaraja.
I have been with Kamalasila in meetings of the College and originally of the College...
Upekkha is a fire in the heart that is steady and constant. Dayajoti gives us a beautiful description of the wisdom aspect of metta, that being upekkha, equanimity.
We’ve come to the end of our week together looking at training the mind to greater happiness using new ways of engaging with our experience in the world. To gather the threads of the practice together Yashobodhi reflects on some key, pithy lojong reminders that capture the great efficacy and delight of this work – and which we can carry with us well beyond these days with confidence.
“Set your goal – make use of every day and night to achieve it!”
During this home retreat we have been exploring the bodhicitta - the deep, heartfelt desire for all beings to be free from suffering and to be happy and free. Remembering that we can dedicate our practice to all living beings you may wish to finish your day with a ritual of Transference of Merit and Self-Surrender (the last section in the Sevenfold Puja).
En snabb visit till Dharmagiri med Harri. Lite fix och trix. Tyvärr fastnade inte Ratnasara på bild denna gång, men vi kan rapportera att hon stortrivs och har ett jämt flöde av besökare, som hjälper till med allehanda ting.
Here’s a delightful conversation between friends: Akasajoti, based in London, UK and the recently ordained Varadhi, in Melbourne, Australia!
Akasajoti and Varadhi explore their favourite mind-training slogans – ‘of the two witnesses, hold the principal one’ and ‘liberate yourself by examining and analysing’ – looking at how empowering it can be to bring greater honesty and self-awareness into their lives.
Article by Sanghaketu (uploaded for him by Vimokshadaka)
Touching the Sky
‘How’s the next manager of the warehouse?’, called out Ratnaketu our then leader. Assuming he was talking to someone else, I turned to see who it was. Only gradually did it dawn on me that I was the one in question. This was back in 1998. I’d done nine years on the vans as a driver/salesman, then a year or more working in the Windhorse warehouse. I don’t think I...
The big questions keep coming as we move deep into our week of shared practice around the seven point mind-training. What are we “bonded” to? How do we see our ethical path? How do we envision making commitments to ourselves and the promises we make? Yashobodhi offers some lojong (“teaching slogans”) that can help us clarify what it is, exactly, we are up to!