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Free Buddhist Audio

Radical Kindness In a Violent World

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 May, 2020 - 00:00
Part of our Sangha Night series on Compassion for a Modern World. The Buddha represents the spiritual ideal of Buddhism and through his life and teaching he exemplified a path of increasing selflessness, loving-kindness and a deep desire to help people achieve liberation. So how do we follow the example of the Buddha in our own time? In this age of modernity, what would the total, radical response of a Buddha to the world look like? And is it still possible to be liberated from the world while choosing to work for its good? These are some of the key questions we'll be exploring in this six week Sangha Night theme. In this second week, Viryajyoti talks on the theme close to her heart: radical kindness in a violent world.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Radical Kindness In a Violent World

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Wed, 20 May, 2020 - 00:00
Part of our Sangha Night series on Compassion for a Modern World. The Buddha represents the spiritual ideal of Buddhism and through his life and teaching he exemplified a path of increasing selflessness, loving-kindness and a deep desire to help people achieve liberation. So how do we follow the example of the Buddha in our own time? In this age of modernity, what would the total, radical response of a Buddha to the world look like? And is it still possible to be liberated from the world while choosing to work for its good? These are some of the key questions we'll be exploring in this six week Sangha Night theme. In this second week, Viryajyoti talks on the theme close to her heart: radical kindness in a violent world.
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Free the Dharma eBook this week

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 20:26

Free the Dharma eBook this week

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 20:26

I’ve been thinking for a while about this week’s Free the Dharma eBook; There’s more to dying than death by Lama Shenpen Hookham. You can download it here until June 1. If you prefer, you can buy a printed copy here.

I can feel my resistance. Yet all around us is talk of daily deaths, sickness, and this quiet unseen virus that can pass between us. Some of us are worried about getting sick. Some of us are taking risks,...

Karmavajra's picture

Death of Dhammachari Kshantijit

From Order Connection on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 12:42

Death of Dhammachari Kshantijit

From Order Connection on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 12:42

Dear Order Members,

It is sad to inform you that Dhammachari Kshantijit from Amaravati passed away.  He died in hospital today around 2.00pm. He was 76 years old. Yesterday he was hospitalised after a heart attack and had operation this morning but because of heart failure he passed away today.  

He was ordained on 25th May 2003 at Saddhamma Pradip Retreat centre, Bhaja. Jutindhara was his private preceptor and public ordination was given by Dhammachari Chandrashil. For the last few years he was contributing as a chapter convener as well...

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Prajnahridaya's Reflections on the slogan “All Dharma agrees at one point” - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 5

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 11:28

Prajnahridaya's Reflections on the slogan “All Dharma agrees at one point” - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 5

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 11:28

Prajnahridaya, living at Padmaloka retreat centre in Norfolk, UK, shares his reflections around this slogan, reflecting on the essence of the Mind Training teachings - a release from Ego Clinging.

⁣⁣⁣He reflects on the dangers of trying to get rid of something and focuses instead on the freedom, inspiration and beauty that can arise when we let go of clinging.

Visit the Turning Arrows into Flowers Home retreat page

See all posts on Turning Arrows into Flowers

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How do we know this is working? Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 5

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 08:20

How do we know this is working? Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 5

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Tue, 19 May, 2020 - 08:20

Day 5 revolves around evaluating the mind-training practice we’ve been engaged in all week. This is essential on any spiritual path, with any kind of method or doctrine, and Yashobodhi provides a clear set of questions to ask ourselves in checking out that the things we’re doing are actually helping! The sense of agency and confidence we can gain from owning the practice in this way is a strong alternative for the routine, everyday kind of ego-clinging that can so...

Mahabodhi's picture

Compassionate response to Covid-19 with Mahabodhi

From Shabda Articles on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 21:29

Compassionate response to Covid-19 with Mahabodhi

From Shabda Articles on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 21:29

Over the last two plus months I have taught over 60 hours of classes on Facebook Live, in morning sessions commencing at 7.30 UK time. In these sessions I have managed to communicate the vast proportion of my thinking on the Dharma developed over sixteen years of working on my book ‘Mindfulness: the undiscovered foundations,’ including topics such as ‘Buddhism and Science’ and ‘Secular Mindfulness.’ With help from Sangharadhara this work is now uploaded to YouTube in seven series....

Sadayasihi's picture

Refuges and Precepts - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 4

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 17:01

Refuges and Precepts - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 4

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 17:01

Today you could try and do more meditation – perhaps an extra sit (even if for a few minutes) – but also focus on bringing your practice off the cushions. This could involve chanting the Refuges and Precepts at the beginning of your day and being more conscious to behave ethically throughout your day, introducing a mindfulness bell (a random bell you set on your phone that you use to remind yourself to come back to your intention for the week), be more...

Sadayasihi's picture

Dharmabyte: An Intuition In Us

From Free Buddhist Audio on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 14:00

Vajradevi explores aspects of faith, including faith and receptivity, the relationship of confidence and doubt in our own practice. She goes on to look at how faith and wisdom relate, including right view and how ‘faith is wisdom, but not fully realised.’

From the talk Recap On Sati (mindfulness) & Exploring the Faculty of Faith as part of the series Pathways to the Beautiful Mind: Bristol Rains Retreat.

Bristol Buddhist Centre, 2019.

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Dhammakumara in conversation with Prajnaketu - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 4

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 11:11

Dhammakumara in conversation with Prajnaketu - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 4

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 11:11

Dhammakumara, from the UK, but currently based in Sydney, Australia, in conversation with Prajnaketu, talks about how he’s been making his life a life of practice during the lockdown. Touching on responding to fear and overwhelm and coming back to the practice of just being with his current experience, whether that’s drinking coffee or reading the news…

Visit the Turning Arrows into Flowers home retreat page

See all posts on Turning Arrows into Flowers
