Sadayasihi's picture

Making Our Whole Life a Life of Practice - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 4

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 08:02

Making Our Whole Life a Life of Practice - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 4

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Mon, 18 May, 2020 - 08:02

Day 4, point 4 of our home retreat looks at what it means to integrate this kind of mind training work into every area of our lives using reflection on 5 forces (or “powers”). Yashobodhi also movingly evokes the relevance of such deep Dharma activity to the process of our own (and other people’s) death…

“You might think about like, the strength of or the power of a hammer hitting a nail…But you could also think about power, force as...

samachitta's picture

New Chair wanted for Sydney OM

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 21:11

New Chair wanted for Sydney OM

From Jobs, Volunteering & Communities on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 21:11

Samacitta will be stepping down as Chair by September 2020. Sydney has weathered the effects of the pandemic remarkably well. We have made a smooth transition to online activities and there has been generous financial support from the sangha in response to our fundraising appeal. The Centre has a solid base from which to launch new initiatives. There is an effective Management Committee and strong Order engagement with classes. There is a friendly team of 2 part-time Centre Managers. The...

kusaladevi's picture

Threefold puja - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 3

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 14:18

Threefold puja - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 3

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 14:18

The third day on any retreat is often when difficulties or distractions start to arise! This is a good point to tune in again with the resolution you made at the beginning of the week and recommit yourself to the vision you have for the week. You may wish to mark your resolve by doing a puja (devotional ritual). One of the practices in our Community is the Threefold puja.

Listen to a talk by Bodhilila describing ritual in Buddhism...

kusaladevi's picture

Garavavati's Reflections on the slogan “Drive all Blame into one” - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 3

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 10:54

Garavavati's Reflections on the slogan “Drive all Blame into one” - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 3

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 10:54

Garavavati, living in a women’s residential Buddhist community in London, UK, shares her reflections around this slogan, particularly the choice we have between the limiting restrictions of experiencing blame and the freedom in choosing to take responsibility for our own minds.

⁣⁣⁣Reflecting that our actions have consequences, Garavavati concludes that the potential of reflecting on this slogan could lead to the ultimate freedom and protection of Awakening.

Visit the Turning Arrows into Flowers Home retreat page

See all posts on Turning...

kusaladevi's picture

Transforming adversity into awakening - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 3

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 09:08

Transforming adversity into awakening - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 3

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sun, 17 May, 2020 - 09:08

Day 3 and point 3 on our home retreat brings us to the great challenge of what to do when things go wrong in life: how to respond in a way that supports greater peace of heart and mind; how to overcome suffering and use its energy for transformative good, particularly by moving away from a strategy of blaming ourselves or others that always fails to set us free.

Yashobodhi explores all of these points, especially in the context of us living...

Liz_Bassett's picture

FutureDharma launch Thrive Online Appeal

From Future Dharma on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 11:00

FutureDharma launch Thrive Online Appeal

From Future Dharma on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 11:00

FutureDharma Fund and India Dhamma Trust are launching Triratna’s Thrive Online Appeal, and we need you to join us. 

Our world is in lockdown. COVID-19 is changing everything: nobody knows what our world will look like in a year’s time. For some, the challenge of lockdown is overwhelming, causing a tragic surge in depression, addictions, and domestic violence.

This distanced, suffering world needs the Three Jewels more than ever.

The problem is that our centres are closed. The core of what Triratna has offered the...

Vijayasri's picture

Celebration of the Life of Aryashila

From Order Connection on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 18:22

Celebration of the Life of Aryashila

From Order Connection on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 18:22

Dear Order members,

You are warmly invited to these celebration of Aryashila’s richly lived life. While we cannot be physically together, we can be together in hearts and minds in sharing our love for and memories of her.

26th May at 3.30 pm - for invited family and friends - live streamed from South Shields Crematorium.

27th May at 10.30 am - on Zoom for all.

Please have a candle ready to light at the start of the Zoom event which will begin with the simple online ritual...

Sadayasihi's picture

FBA Podcast: Brahmaviharas and the Awakening of the Bodhi Mind

From Free Buddhist Audio on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 14:00

Concise and essential, Satyaraja draws out practical and profound aspects of the four Brahmaviharas, considering them as both meditation practices and as realms that we can occupy. This is the second talk in a series of four talks on the topic of karuna, compassion.

From the series Brahmaviharas and the Awakening of the Bodhi Mind given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre Winter Retreat, 2016.

Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-sized inspiration three times every...

vajratara's picture

Update and Request from Tiratanaloka

From Tiratanaloka on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 11:54

Update and Request from Tiratanaloka

From Tiratanaloka on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 11:54

At present we are not able to run our residential retreats, but we have been providing online study weeks, Prostration Practice in the afternoons, as well as continuing personal communication with people.

We are doing all of this on a dana basis, at the same as loosing much of our regular income from retreat payments. We still have our overheads to cover and a full team to support.

What we ask from you is to make a donation to support us. We...

Sadayasihi's picture

Simharava's Reflections on the Bodhicitta - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 2

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 11:17

Simharava's Reflections on the Bodhicitta - Turning Arrows into Flowers: Day 2

From The Community Toolkit for Uncertain Times on Sat, 16 May, 2020 - 11:17

Simharava, living in the women’s residential Buddhist community in Berlin, Germany, talks about how she is trying to help alleviate suffering at the moment and, in particular, shares her thoughts on the Buddhist figure of the Avalokiteshvara - associated with Great Compassion - who holds the wish-fulfilling jewel to his heart.

Noting how Avalokiteshvara listens to the suffering in the world but at the same time radiates rainbow light and compassion, Simharava explores how that myth might play out in her own life.

