lokabandhu's picture

Buddhafield's blog

From Buddhafield on Mon, 6 May, 2013 - 08:13

Buddhafield's blog

From Buddhafield on Mon, 6 May, 2013 - 08:13Ever wondered what happens behind the scenes at Buddhafield? A lot of hard work - and spiritual practice! Check out the Buddhafield Blog, lovingly written by Lou and others from Buddhafield’s core team… They’ve called it ‘The Secret Life of Buddhafield: a window into what goes on behind the scenes’ and recent posts include a series of updates on their big new ‘Green Earth Awakening’ event - coming soon at the end of May…More on this...
The Abhayaratna Trust's picture
The Abhayaratna...

When is the next funding round?

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 3 May, 2013 - 10:54

When is the next funding round?

From Abhayaratna Trust on Fri, 3 May, 2013 - 10:54Taradakini, Abhayaratna Trust secretary, writes: “You might not know that Order members experiencing financial hardship and wanting to apply to the Trust for financial support, for example to attend a retreat or order event, can now do so four times a year. The next deadline for applications is 1 September 2013. Of course if it’s an emergency or more urgent, applications are accepted at any time of year. We know it’s not so easy to ask for funds but you’ll...
Candradasa's picture

Mindfulness of Breathing for Meditation Thursdays Online

From Online Meditators on Wed, 1 May, 2013 - 18:39

Mindfulness of Breathing for Meditation Thursdays Online

From Online Meditators on Wed, 1 May, 2013 - 18:39Many thanks to Animisha for stepping in as ever to cover our online ‘Meditation Thursdays’ this past couple of weeks! Our session this week will be at the usual time of 11.30amEST/4.30pm UK/ 9pm Maharashtra, and we’ll have both Skype and Google Hangout options. Connect on Skype with user thebuddhistcentre.com and IM (Instant Message) to be added to the call. If you’re not sure about finding us on Skype, see here for more details!
Candradasa's picture

Practical Buddhism - Meditations To Help You Live Better

Here’s a Soundcloud set of recordings to accompany the book, Practical Buddhism: Mindfulness and Skilful Living in the Modern Era by Dr. Paramabandhu Groves. These meditations are designed to help you live more mindfully and more skilfully…

Join the Group to contribute your own thoughts, and download more resources.

Get the mp3 versions of these meditations

viriyalila's picture

The Heart Sutra - Retreat for Women

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 30 Apr, 2013 - 18:35

The Heart Sutra - Retreat for Women

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 30 Apr, 2013 - 18:35Every few months we invite women in the sangha, as well as those new to exploring Buddhism, to come together for a retreat-like practice morning. This is an opportunity to explore a Buddhist text or practice together, ask questions, and share of ourselve.

All women are welcome to join Viriyalila on Saturday May 11th, 9 am - 12:30 pm. On this practice morning we will be meditating together and then exploring the Heart Sutra as chanted in the Triratna...
viriyalila's picture

Introduction to Meditation - May 18th

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 30 Apr, 2013 - 17:49

Introduction to Meditation - May 18th

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Tue, 30 Apr, 2013 - 17:49Our next Introductory Meditation workshop will be held on Saturday, May 18th, led by Narottama. In our introductory workshops we teach two traditional Buddhist meditations - the Mindfulness of Breathing and the Metta Bhavana, or Cultivation of Loving Kindness. Both practices provide a foundation in how to work effectively with your mind, teaching you how to concentrate, become less distracted, calmer and more emotionally positive. Suitable for everyone, you do not need to be a Buddhist to benefit greatly from...
Paramabandhu's picture

Sample Chapter - Online Reading Version!

Sample Chapter - Online Reading Version!

From Practical Buddhism: Mindfulness and Skilful Living in the Modern Era on Tue, 30 Apr, 2013 - 17:38Here’s an easy online reading version of Chapter 2, which is an introduction to mindfulness. As well as explaining what mindfulness is, the chapter discussed common patterns of the mind that we meet in meditation and some misconceptions about meditation…
lokabandhu's picture

Level II material - introducing Triratna's System of Practice

From Triratna Anywhere on Mon, 29 Apr, 2013 - 16:43
Here’s some ‘level II’ material for the ‘Triratna Anywhere’ project. They are a series of eight talks by Maitreyabandhu, an experienced teacher from the London Budhdist Centre, in which he introduces Triratna’s System of Practice to a packed audience. The talks are very ‘live’, personal, slightly off-the-cuff - and brilliant…!

Taken together they cover the five stages in Triratna’s system of practice - integration, positive emotion, spiritual death, ...
viriyalila's picture

Work, Work, Work! But is that all it is?

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Mon, 29 Apr, 2013 - 16:20

Work, Work, Work! But is that all it is?

From Portsmouth Buddhist Center on Mon, 29 Apr, 2013 - 16:20For our Sangha Night this Wednesday we will be looking through the lens of the Buddha’s teaching concerning right livelihood.

We will explore our potential to shape society through our work and through those other volunteer, social and political activities in which we participate.

Correspondingly, we will look how our engagement with our work and other activities within the greater community support, or not, our efforts to develop positive mental states and mature our spiritual practice.
