Kamalashila is the President of Buddhafield, a pioneering project which in the last twenty years has offered a radical revisiting of the Buddha’s life and practice for modern times, rooting their vision of that firmly in the elements out of doors.
Here he talks about his own history with Buddhafield since the mid ’90s, evoking the spirit of its great experiment and the people who have been undertaking it together as an extended community. He also...
From Online Meditators on Wed, 22 May, 2013 - 19:45Our online meditation session this week will be at the usual time of 11.30am EST / 4.30pm UK / 9pm Maharashtra, and we’ll try both Skype and Google Hangout options again. Connect on Skype with user thebuddhistcentre.com and IM (Instant Message) to be added to the call. If you’re not sure about finding us on Skype, see here for more details!
We’ll be online 15 mins before the meditation, which will be...
Today on Buddhafield Week we want to start focussing on the community and the land. Coming up over the next few days we have a new interview with Kamalashila as President, and we’re hoping to have some interviews and reports from the field too. But as you’ll hear the mobile coverage there is very poor indeed, so some of that might not come in till next week. In which case, it may well turn into a Buddhafield Two...
From Community Highlights on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 17:44Does ritual have a place in 21st Century Buddhism? Akasati explores tradition and innovation in Buddhist ritual and looks into the area of creating our own rituals.
From Community Highlights on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 17:32“What does it mean to be generous? Is there enough of everything to go around? Why should we share anyway? Maybe the golden Buddha Ratnasambhava has the answers…”
One of the themes that came up is how to practise Buddhism when conditions are not ideal. In fact, with some effort and a little creativity we can practise in any situation. Here are some tips from the chapter on Taking the Teachings to Work in...
From Community Highlights on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 17:09Our second Buddhafield eBook talk from Lokabandhu’s lovely series is by the man himself! A paean to nature as a source of wisdom…
From Community Highlights on Tue, 21 May, 2013 - 16:35An appropriately mythic start to affairs and to this series of Buddhafield eBooks beautifully produced by the textually heroic Lokabandhu…