The birds sing at dawn for you And, after winter, Earth puts out bright flowers The stars adorn your hair And oceans lie like crumpled silk Beneath your feet. Your eyes shine with pure love. Clouds melt in your hands Dropping moisture to plants and streams.
Bestowing confidence, unwavering Tara you are the perfect friend Delighting in turning sorrow to joy Your sole desire to heal all pain. ...
Today on the Women’s Convention we have been with the Buddha of Infinite Light, Amitabha. This morning we celebrated Bhante’s birthday, and passed on gifts and cards to Suvajra, singing Happy Birthday in three languages- Dutch, English and Hindi! Then Satyajyoti and Padmabodhini invoked Amitabha’s presence with two very personal, and tender talks about their bonds with him and Maitrimala led us in the Amitabha Sadhana. We heard a reading of Bhante’s vision of Amitabha holding up...
Dharmamayi and Karunadhi talk with Akasajoti about their highlights from a day dedicated to Green Tara, and rejoice in Padmasuri for her heroic contribution to the women’s wing of the Order in the years she has spent leading ordination retreats at Akashavana.
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The Karaniya Metta Sutta chanted by Jnanasakhi, from India, during a puja dedicated to Green Tara, the compassionate goddess, on the Women’s International Order Convention 2016.
Today has been dedicated to Green Tara on the Women’s International Order Convention, and this morning, after two wonderful talks from Taravandana and Suvarnachandra which will be available soon, Padmasuri introduced and led us in the full Green Tara Sadhana.
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“’A world-class event!’ declared an Order member reporting out. Looking round the cluster of comrades gathered in the home-made dome, in a slightly boggy Devon field, it was easy to underestimate the extraordinariness of this event.
‘Total immersion’ doesn’t just refer to the intensity of meditation, but also to immersion in the elements....
If you’ve come along to our meditation sits a number of times you’ll almost certainly have heard me urge you to keep the aspiration to meditate alive. Consistent meditation practice is the key and the good news is you don’t have to do long sits to get the benefits.
If one can meditate daily or even every few days and do it on a consistent basis you will begin to feel your mind transform. There will be more spaciousness in...
Today on the women’s Order convention we have had a full day, listening to the sound of the gentle-voiced one and dwelling in his amber realm. Sanghadevi gave a evocative talk this morning, and led us through the Manjughosa Stuti Sadhana. Then this afternoon amongst other fringe activities and sitting in the sun in the beautiful Adhisthana grounds, we listened to part of the original taped lecture on ‘The System of Meditation’ given by Bhante, which you can also listen to here. Our...