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Free Buddhist Audio

Welsh Bats, A Vajrasattva Drugs Mule and Spanish Insight

From Bristol Buddhist Centre on Fri, 30 Sep, 2011 - 00:00
In a wonderfully entertaining talk on Perfect Vision, Vajrin tells a story of a wide ranging journey, including his early days at the Bristol Buddhist Centre in Long Ashton; his time as a junior doctor working in Africa; travels through India and Tibet; a visit to an Everest base camp and finally to ordination at a retreat centre high in the Spanish sierras. Along the way he manages to acquire a splendid Vajrasattva rupa and overcoming considerable obstacles, brings it home, thereby establishing a life-long association with this powerful bodhisattva of purification.
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Karuna's annual Newsletter now out, theme of

From Triratna News on Thu, 29 Sep, 2011 - 06:02

Karuna's annual Newsletter now out, theme of

From Triratna News on Thu, 29 Sep, 2011 - 06:02Andrea writes from Triratna’s Karuna Trust with news of their annual Supporters Newsletter, just out. She says -

“Each year Karuna produces a newsletter to keep our many supporters informed about our work in India. This year’s newsletter feels especially poignant as it was co-written by our dear friend Manjusvara who died suddenly in June. It was probably one of his last pieces of writing which he crafted with his usual care and perceptiveness.

India was...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Buddhism, Sexuality and Identity

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Thu, 29 Sep, 2011 - 00:00
From Pride to Enlightenment! How does your sexuality relate to your sense of self?

It's important to cultivate a positive attitude to ourselves, but how might identity stop us achieving our greatest potential in life? And how does all this relate to a great but little-known peaceful revolution taking place in India today?

A talk given by Munisha at Manchester Buddhist Centre on 27th August 2011 in the series Buddhism and the Big Questions.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Pagan Shaman Buddha - A Spiritual Path For Our Time

From Manchester Buddhist Centre on Thu, 29 Sep, 2011 - 00:00
Why Pagan Shaman Buddha?

On the Buddha's farewell tour he spoke everywhere of ethics, meditation and wisdom:

Ethics: natural morality, our harmonious relationship to the earth - hence paganism

Meditation: the exploration and transformation of conciousness - hence shamanism

Wisdom: Insight into the true nature of reality, things as they really are - hence the Buddha, the One who is Awake

A talk by Lokabandhu in the series Buddhism and the Big Questions at Manchester Buddhist Centre on 24th September 2011.
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Talks from the Triratna Women’s Order's Convention

From Triratna News on Tue, 27 Sep, 2011 - 15:10

Talks from the Triratna Women’s Order's Convention

From Triratna News on Tue, 27 Sep, 2011 - 15:10Viriyalila writes from Free Buddhist Audio with news that the three central talks from the recent Triratna International Women’s Convention are now available on-line. She says:

“The theme for the Convention was the whole of the Tirantavandana, the Three Jewels – The Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Launching the convention, Parami, our International Order Convener, invited us to reflect on our experience of the Sangha Vandana. She offers us an inspiring window into the practice...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Magandiya and the Higher Hedonism

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 27 Sep, 2011 - 01:00
What does the Buddha think about what we call pleasure?

What pleasure and happiness does he suggest for a human being?

Drawing from two remarkable Suttas in the Pali Canon in which the Buddha is shockingly direct and graphic- making himself very unpopular.

Eventually Magandiya sees that the Buddha's hedonism is better than his own but the Buddha then wonders if it is wise to teach him.

Talk given during Padmaloka's Summer Retreat, July 2011.
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Celebrating Bhante's Birthday

From Triratna News on Mon, 26 Sep, 2011 - 06:14

Celebrating Bhante's Birthday

From Triratna News on Mon, 26 Sep, 2011 - 06:14Urgyen Sangharakshita’s 86th birthday was on August 26th this year, and it was marked in the middle of the Triratna Order Convention. We’ve recently received these photographs of the rather lovely card that was created for the occasion, plus a report from Viriyalila, who tells us all about it. She says:

“Bhante (‘Teacher’) Sangharakshita’s Birthday was celebrated on the Triratna International Order Convention a few days before his birthday on Sunday 21 August. Amitajyoti, a practicing artist...
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From the Archives - ‘On Glastonbury Tor’

From Triratna News on Sun, 25 Sep, 2011 - 06:22

From the Archives - ‘On Glastonbury Tor’

From Triratna News on Sun, 25 Sep, 2011 - 06:22Recently discovered in the archives of Triratna’s Order Library, at Madhyamaloka in Birmingham, are a number of copies of Sangharakshita’s long poem, ‘On Glastonbury Tor’. This is a long and vivid poem by the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Order, describing a visit he made to the Tor one night, with friends, in 1970, soon after his founding of the FWBO (Friends of the Western Buddhist Order) – and the unusual events that then transpired.

