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Centre Team

Areas where we're looking for developers

From The Coding Kula! on Fri, 25 May, 2012 - 17:00

Areas where we're looking for developers

From The Coding Kula! on Fri, 25 May, 2012 - 17:00We’re a Drupal 7 platform and we’ll be developing within that context for at least another 18 months. If you see anything you like and might help with on this shopping list of ideas - or have any ideas of your own - let us know! We’ll start private Groups for each area of work as and when that seems helpful to those wanting to focus on them.

  • Mobile apps (iOS, Android, Facebook Apps, Windows 8)
  • eCommerce
  • Solr search
  • Events and event planning (Make Meeting)
  • Timelines
  • Community wikis
lokabandhu's picture

Mindfulmess: music for mindful meditators

From Triratna News on Fri, 25 May, 2012 - 16:50

Mindfulmess: music for mindful meditators

From Triratna News on Fri, 25 May, 2012 - 16:50Jnanarakshita writes from Triratna’s Birmingham Buddhist Centre with news of an unusual opportunity for people at Triratna’s UK centres - and elsewhere. It’s a tour by Rich Batsford, a mitra training for ordination into the Triratna Buddhist Order, but also a very talented pianist and singer-songwriter, on which he’ll be promoting his latest album, Mindfulmess.

Jnanarakshita writes - “This will be an excellent opportunity for people in the UK to hear Rich play live. He...
lokabandhu's picture

Program details

From The 2012 Triratna International Retreat on Fri, 25 May, 2012 - 09:55

Program details

From The 2012 Triratna International Retreat on Fri, 25 May, 2012 - 09:55Here’s some details of the draft programme for the 2012 International Retreat, all revolving around the theme of ‘Imagining the Buddha’. There’ll be plenty else going on of course: meditation, shrines, food, story-telling, the Kids Area, and more. Amongst all that, the main Dharma input will be -

Ratnaguna: The Voice of the Buddha - often we might imagine what the Buddha looked like, or we reflect on what he taught. But in his talk Ratnaguna will try...
rijusiddha's picture

Developing Sangha

From East Anglian Mens Group on Thu, 24 May, 2012 - 13:23
Talk given at the East Anglia Mens Event by Harshaprabha
April 2011, Padmaloka.
lokabandhu's picture

Imagining the Buddha - by Subhuti

In his fifth in a series of talks on the theme of Imagination Subhuti comes to the Buddha and how we relate to him. In what is possibly the most interesting material of the series he explores what it would mean to engage with the Buddha from our cultural context; while taking great inspiration from the Buddhist cultures of the East - asking; ‘what does the Buddha look like for me?’
lokabandhu's picture

Imagining Gautama - by Vishvapani

The second in a new series of talks by Vishvapani to mark the launch of his new book: ‘Gautama Buddha: The Life and Teachings of the Awakened One’
lokabandhu's picture

Imagining the Buddha - by Ratnaguna

A talk given by Ratnaguna at the LBC’s Wesak Festival day in May 2010.
