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Free Buddhist Audio

The Five Aspects of Dharma Life - The Higher Context

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sat, 1 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
First talk of a series of 8 talks and one session of Questions and Answers by Subhuti on the System of Practice retreat at Padmaloka for men who have asked for Ordination. In these talks, Subhuti delves into the fundamental principles behind Integration, Positive Emotion, Spiritual Receptivity, Spiritual Death, and Spiritual Rebirth, finding in each new and deeper significance. He invites his hearers to apply them deeply in their own lives.

1. The Higher Context: We practise the Dharma so that we can transcend our self-clinging, thereby resolving our own suffering and contributing to the resolution of suffering in the world. This is the fundamental purpose of the Triratna Community.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Kalyana Mitrata - My Relationship with Sangharakshita

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Sat, 1 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
On the occasion of Buddha Day, and in the context of Cambridge's Year of Kalyana Mitrata, Subhuti speaks candidly about his relationship with Sangharakshita; elucidating the nature of lived Kalyana Mitrata.
lokabandhu's picture

Buddhafield celebrate new event - Green Earth Awakening

From Triratna News on Fri, 31 May, 2013 - 14:31

Buddhafield celebrate new event - Green Earth Awakening

From Triratna News on Fri, 31 May, 2013 - 14:31Green Earth Awakening is a new Buddhafield event held for the first time in late May 2013. Not a retreat and not a festival, it brought together Buddhists, social change activists, craftspeople, families, children - over 140 in total - to a beautiful site in Devon, UK, for “a chance to connect with the land, re-learn forgotten skills and live communally, exploring practical and spiritual pathways towards a sustainable future”.

It was a bold vision, with...
kumarajiva's picture

NNBY group

From National Network Of Buddhist Youth - India on Fri, 31 May, 2013 - 07:35

NNBY group (group)

From National Network Of Buddhist Youth - India on Fri, 31 May, 2013 - 07:35let us connect young people
Rijupatha's picture

Buddha Day at Aryaloka

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Fri, 31 May, 2013 - 02:58

Buddha Day at Aryaloka

From Aryaloka Buddhist Center on Fri, 31 May, 2013 - 02:58
Aryaloka Buddhist Center joined our Triratna brothers and sisters all over the world for a celebration of Buddha Day on May 28th, 2013. The center was packed to the brim with sangha and good cheer!

The theme for the evening was “Making Friends with Enlightenment,” and we were fortunate to hear short talks from Order members Dayalocana, Amala, and Vidhuma, who spoke about what Liberation means to them....
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Wisdom of Letting Go Revealed In the Story of the Buddha's Enlightenment

From Buddhafield on Fri, 31 May, 2013 - 01:00
A classic Wesak talk based around sections from the Pali Canon on the story of the Buddha's Enlightenment, particularly drawing on the point about him having the courage to accept when things weren't working, and move on. The talk was recorded on Buddhafield's Green Earth Awakening event in May 2013. For more information see
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Free Buddhist Audio

Buddha Day Talk 2013

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Fri, 31 May, 2013 - 00:00
A talk from Subhuti as part of the Buddha Day celebrations in Cambridge on Saturday 25th May, 2013. Subhuti talks especially about his connection with Sangharakshita.
Andrea@Karuna's picture

Eknath Awad - one of India's most respected Dalit leaders visits Karuna

From Triratna News on Thu, 30 May, 2013 - 09:54

Eknath Awad - one of India's most respected Dalit leaders visits Karuna

From Triratna News on Thu, 30 May, 2013 - 09:54Last week at Karuna we received an important visitor from India, Eknath Awad. In a moving talk held at the North London Buddhist Centre to an audience including the Karuna team, Karuna supporters and volunteer fundraisers, Eknath described his life.

Born an ‘untouchable’ in the mang caste, Eknath started his life as a bonded labourer. He described how because of their ‘low-caste’ status his family had to perform the most menial and degrading jobs such as removing...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Sistema De Meditacion

From Centro Budista de Valencia on Thu, 30 May, 2013 - 01:00
Sistema de meditacion: una exploracion de la ensenanza de Sangarakshita

sobre como la meditacion transforma. Exploraremos que es integración, que

es karma habil, y el aspecto de muerte y renacimiento espiritual, asi como la

importancia de la receptividad.
