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Free Buddhist Audio

Two Conversations About Kalyanamitrata

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
Two pairs of spiritual friends talk about their experience of kalyanamitrata, at the June 2013 UK and Ireland Area Order Weekend for Women, at Taraloka.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Appeal For the Maitrijala Fundraising Campaign

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
At the June 2013 UK and Ireland Area Order Weekend for Women, at Taraloka, Padmachandra gives an appeal for the Maitrijala campaign to raise money for the Order Office.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Book Launch

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
Varasahaya talks about Ratnasuri's extraordinary life and launches her new book of poetry, Shoes Full of Butterflies. With readings by Dassini, Subhadramati, Kulajalini, Maitreyi, Sagarasri and Padmasara. June 2013 UK and Ireland Area Order Weekend for Women, at Taraloka.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Report From the Second International Triratna Council Meeting, 2013

From Taraloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 18 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
Sucimani reports back on the proceedings at the second International Triratna Council meeting in Bodhgaya, India, February 2013. UK and Ireland Area Order Weekend for Women, at Taraloka, June 2013.
Viryabodhi's picture

Midsommar 2013 - program

From Dharmagiri Retreatcenter on Mon, 17 Jun, 2013 - 19:23

Midsommar 2013 - program

From Dharmagiri Retreatcenter on Mon, 17 Jun, 2013 - 19:23Midsommar på Dharmagiri 2013
Välkommen till det traditionella midsommarfirandet på Dharmagiri för vuxna och barn. Man kan anlända redan på torsdagen. Meddela Viryabodhi när ni kommer och hur länge ni tänker stanna: viryabodhi @

(programmet kan modifieras lite under helgen.)

Midsommarafton 21/6
07:00 Meditation 1
08:00 Meditation 2
09:00 Frukost
10:30 Tillverkning av midsommarstång
12:15 Förberedelse för lunch
12:30 Qi-gong
13:00 Lätt lunch
14:00 Lekar
viveka's picture

Triratna America - Total Immersion in California

From Community Highlights on Mon, 17 Jun, 2013 - 16:02

Triratna America - Total Immersion in California

From Community Highlights on Mon, 17 Jun, 2013 - 16:02One week from today, I’ll be packing my car and driving with Tejananda 1.5 hours south to the Santa Cruz Mountains to lead a one-month Total Immersion silent meditation retreat. 35 Order members and Mitras are ‘going forth’ from their daily lives in the US, Mexico, UK, Spain, Japan. For one month we will live as a close-knit community of the Buddha’s disciples. Our abode will be among redwood trees, mountain ridges with glimpses...
rodashruti's picture

Dimensions of Refuge: Side B Revealed

From Dharma Tape History Detectives on Sat, 15 Jun, 2013 - 16:19
We’re making some progress on Dhammadinna’s 1993 talk Dimensions of Refuge. I’ve got about 15 minutes of side A cleaned up to deliver to Danamaya today for transcription. I’ve already begun transcribing the rest of side A, with the understanding that Danamaya or someone else will check my transcription alongside the audio. We think it will make sense to provide the full transcript when we’re done, but only the audio parts that are really listenable.

Side B is mostly...
File NameSize
sideBSnippet.mp31.32 MB
lokabandhu's picture

Buddha Day round-up

From Festivals on Fri, 14 Jun, 2013 - 10:11

Buddha Day round-up

From Festivals on Fri, 14 Jun, 2013 - 10:11Buddha Day 2013 has come and gone, with celebrations of the Buddha’s Enlightenment around the Triratna Buddhist Community - many of them recorded in one form or another on The Buddhist Centre Online. Click here for a round-up of what we know about!

The next Festival in Triratna’s calendar will be Dharma Day, celebrating the Buddha’s Turning of the Wheel of the Dharma - traditionally two full moons after his Enlightenment and therefore on the...
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Dhammachari Abhayabhadra: 1993-2013

From Triratna News on Fri, 14 Jun, 2013 - 06:24

Dhammachari Abhayabhadra: 1993-2013

From Triratna News on Fri, 14 Jun, 2013 - 06:24Karmavajra writes from India with the sad news of the death of Dhammachari Abhayabhadra, saying - “Dhammachari Abhayabhadra (from Pune, India) passed away on 3rd June 2013 at around 10.30 PM. He was 51 at the time of his death. His Kalyanamitras Amrutdeep and Maitreyanath were both around him at the time of his death.
He was sick for more than two months, He had gall bladder surgery in March but since then he did not recover fully. He...
