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Free Buddhist Audio

The Buddha's Enlightenment

From London Buddhist Centre on Thu, 6 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
Talk given at the LBC's Women's Night Class May 23rd 2013
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DharmaJiva project builds bridges between East and West

From Triratna News on Wed, 5 Jun, 2013 - 06:00

DharmaJiva project builds bridges between East and West

From Triratna News on Wed, 5 Jun, 2013 - 06:00Viradhamma writes from North America with news of the DharmaJiva project - an exciting project looking to build bridges between American Buddhist Sanghas and the Buddhist revival in India. He says -

“I would like to let you know a bit about what is happening with the Buddhist revival in India and the work we are doing with the DharmaJiva project. Most people in Triratna are aware of how the Dharma has returned to India in the...
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Ordinations at Akashavana

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 Jun, 2013 - 09:41

Ordinations at Akashavana

From Triratna News on Tue, 4 Jun, 2013 - 09:41We’re delighted to report the first of several batches of ordinations into the Triratna Buddhist Order. Parami writes from Spain saying - “On behalf of the Public Preceptors, I’m delighted to inform you that the ten women on the Akashavana course were privately ordained over two days: 29th & 30th May. The public Ordinations took place on Monday 3rd June at 11am local time”.

Bernadette Gee becomes Sraddhadharani (acute accent over ‘s’, long second and third ‘a’s, dot...
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Five Aspects of Dharma Life - Integration

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Tue, 4 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
Third talk of a series of 8 talks and one session of Questions and Answers by Subhuti on the System of Practice retreat at Padmaloka for men who have asked for Ordination. In these talks, Subhuti delves into the fundamental principles behind Integration, Positive Emotion, Spiritual Receptivity, Spiritual Death, and Spiritual Rebirth, finding in each new and deeper significance. He invites his hearers to apply them deeply in their own lives.

3. Integration: We begin by taking fully responsibility for our karmic agency.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Kalyana Mitrata - Talks to the Cambridge Sangha

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Tue, 4 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
Subhuti talks to the Cambridge Sangha about Kalyana Mitrata, in the context of Buddha Day and the Cambridge Buddhist Centre Year of Kalyana Mitrata.
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Dublin Buddhist Centre expand and launch fundraising appeal

From Triratna News on Mon, 3 Jun, 2013 - 06:03

Dublin Buddhist Centre expand and launch fundraising appeal

From Triratna News on Mon, 3 Jun, 2013 - 06:03Prajnagita writes from Triratna’s Dublin Buddhist Centre with news of their recent expansion - and a fundraising appeal to help them sustain it! She says -

“The Spiritual Community at the Dublin Buddhist Centre is especially spiritually vital at the moment. There are many of us involved, from a diverse range of backgrounds, inspired by the vision of existence that the Buddha offers and engaging with his teachings in the company of others.

The vibrancy and...
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Free Buddhist Audio

Tillflyktstraedet - Hur Många Symboler Ryms I En Symbol

From Stockholms buddhistcenter on Mon, 3 Jun, 2013 - 01:00
Under rubriken: Tillflyktsträdet - hur många symboler ryms i en symbol? talade Fredrik Broman, Fredrik Busk och Roger Orwén om tre olika aspekter på trädet. Ja, det första är en översikt och introduktion. I det andra spårar Fredrik en kanske svårtillgänglig lära och i det tredje och sista talar Roger personligt om vad den gula buddhan Ratnasambhava kommit att betyda för honom.
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Free Buddhist Audio

Kalyana Mitrata - Talks to the Cambridge Order

From Cambridge Buddhist Centre on Mon, 3 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
Three informal talks as part of Subhuti's visit to the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, on the day after Buddha Day 2013.
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Free Buddhist Audio

The Five Aspects of Dharma Life - The Motive Force of Dharma Life

From Padmaloka Retreat Centre on Sun, 2 Jun, 2013 - 00:00
Second talk of a series of 8 talks and one session of Questions and Answers by Subhuti on the System of Practice retreat at Padmaloka for men who have asked for Ordination. In these talks, Subhuti delves into the fundamental principles behind Integration, Positive Emotion, Spiritual Receptivity, Spiritual Death, and Spiritual Rebirth, finding in each new and deeper significance. He invites his hearers to apply them deeply in their own lives.

2. The motive force of Dharma life: We achieve this transcendence of self-clinging by means of the karma and dharma niyama kinds of conditionality.
